Legends in Chu and Han


Long Tianyu smiled slightly, and continued to speak with the tone of an ink user: "Zhao Gao weighs the heavens and the earth, killing loyalty and raiding the masses to bewitch II, he alone can shake the foundations of Great Qin, these actions, our Mo family calls it 'evil government', and it is more so than 'tyrannical', following the Mo family's' exterminating evil, loving non-attack 'moral code of conduct, Zhao Gao's actions have already reached a point that the heavens and earth cannot tolerate, the Mo family does not only care about power, but this time when he enters the Xianyang, he also has a heavy responsibility, saving tens of people from fire and water. Zhao Gao will never settle down, it is difficult for him.

When these words came out, Qinwangzi baby had no choice but to believe that the strange person in front of him was definitely a profound character in the Mormon. Even Yi Yi, Zhang Yun and the others secretly admired their master's eloquence and wisdom.

Zi Ying nodded his head, and asked again: "I wonder which Mo Clan's disciple Mr. Rain is?"

Ordinary schools or swordsman schools had strict seniority, and the relationships between teachers and disciples were arranged according to their blood relation or the order in which they entered the sect. For example, the seniors, masters, and disciples of several generations, and the members of the same school's branch family called themselves' uncle-master 'or' uncle-master '.

Among all the Mo family members, only Mo Zhai was called a teacher. The seniority of the students was divided into four levels according to the rank of teachers, namely, "Zi", "Zi", "Zi", "Yin", and "Ming", "Ming", and "Ming", which were called the four levels according to the order in which they entered the Mo family, not according to the sequence in which they entered the family, but according to the specialization of the students and their duties.

There were very few disciples in the [Yin] sect, and they were all senior disciples who had very high attainments in the three aspects of literary and martial arts. [Choumen] disciples mainly focused on cultivation and identification, and all of them had very unique talents with wonderful ideas. [Yin] disciples mainly focused on military science, which was the main strength of the Mo family to carry out non-offensive defense and exterminate tyranny. [Ming] disciples were all teenagers who trained and trained, and when they grew up, they were classified according to their specialties.

Long Tianyu had previously heard Yi Yi mention the general rules of the Mormon before answering: "I am a disciple of the Yin sect who is in charge of mobilizing the rangers outside of Swallow Land. Since I will have over a hundred Mo Swordsmen participating in this trip to the Xianyang, Your Majesty need not worry about the problem of the Mo family's manpower.

Zi Ying said excitedly: "What a great method to eradicate such a calamity. To deal with people like Zhao Gao, we should eradicate the roots and bring all nine families together! It was a pity that his father was a wise man, yet he had left such an ambitious eunuch to cause trouble in the imperial court. Was this heaven's will? Mr. Rain, Qin Mo's saws have some relationship with me, so when this matter is over, I will introduce you all. "

Long Tianyu broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that if he had met a real Mo, he and his group of brothers would have already been exposed on the spot. That would not be fun, luckily he could drag things out until he had control of the Xianyang.

When Zi Ying was still a noble king, he had already spent a large amount of money to be hired as a customer and brought over to the palace as a personal guard swordsman. This time, he had brought it in handy, to be used by Long Tianyu as he wished, and with the addition of Wang Ling Manor's Qiu Luo, Qin Tang, and Gu Songtao, the six of them were first-rate swordsmen, Long Tianyu and Ge Li were also close to the first-rate swordsmen. With the rest standing between and Guo Ya, their current strength was sufficient to contend against the eight shadow swordsmen by Zhao Gao's side.

Fighting was one thing, but if they were to fight evenly in terms of strength, it would be very difficult to eliminate them in an instant. They were afraid that the eight shadow swordsmen would engage in a beastly battle, with six of them being able to hold off the others, while the other two brought Zhao Gao and rushed out. There were Zhao Gao's personal guards outside, which would be troublesome, thus they still needed to coordinate their battle strategy and the addition of Xiahou Ying, Yu Ziqi and the other new disciples to help them with confidence.

The Qinwangzi baby was a little strange and asked: "Mr. Rain, didn't you say that you would bring in a hundred Rangers tonight? Where did everyone else go? "

Long Tianyu smiled and said, "They will be here soon, and they will be appearing in the rear palace directly as to prevent their identities from being revealed. Don't worry about that. Our top priority right now is to find the place to ambush us, we have to plan this in advance so that Zhao Gao and the guards won't escape. Once the assassination is successful, it will be more important to find a way to kill Zhao Gao and take off his weapon talisman.

Zi Ying nodded his head: "Naturally, General Wang, all the people outside have been prepared. After receiving the signal, we will immediately attack Prime Minister's Estate together, not a single one will be left alive! Yan Le and Zhao Cheng must be captured and executed on the spot. If there are any unexpected circumstances, they can be dealt with first and then! "

Wang Ling knelt to receive the decree, his attitude was much more respectful than Long Tianyu. After all, he was a Qin general, so his etiquette could not be lacking.

In order to prevent Zhao Gao from having any suspicions, Wang Ling led the twelve imperial guards and more than twenty personal guards to leave the Qin Palace and return to his residence to prepare for the upcoming war.

In addition, there were tens of thousands of soldiers of the imperial forest army who were sent out to quickly occupy the exits of each Qin palace. It was strictly forbidden for news to spread, and no one knew what any of the soldiers were going to do, since none of the palace eunuchs and concubines were aware of this.

Long Tianyu selected the location of the ambush at the main hall., Ge Li and the others started to lay down the ropes and hidden arrow tools, with the help of Chi Dong, Xia Yan Hong and Qin Tang, and the others, as well as familiarizing themselves with the usage of the waist buckle and the short crossbow, prepared to ambush from the sides of the pillar and the main hall.

Under the guidance of the two guards, Long Tianyu, Yi Yi, Guo Ya, and Xiao Jing arrived at the heavily guarded Inner Academy. The courtyard was surrounded by Zi Ying's trusted guards who were in charge of protecting the safety of the King of Qin's chambers and the rear palace.

Long Tianyu had prepared the bright lantern beforehand, and lit it before placing it in the air. As a signal, dozens of black figures descended from the sky in a moment. Yu Ziqi and Xiahou Ying were the two strongest among them, and over a hundred of the black clothed men immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Long Tianyu.

A nearby centurion of the imperial guards was dumbstruck. He raised his head and looked into the night sky. It was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Could it be that these people were heavenly soldiers that had descended from the heavens? It's all because of the Mo's strange movements, countless capable people, it's really true!

Long Tianyu laughed and said softly: "It's good that you came. We will split into five groups and enter the hall with me to meet the King of Qin and prepare to kill Zhao Gao's family."

Yu Ziqi, Xiahou Ying and the rest's eyes lit up. This Zhao Gao was an extremely vicious person, no one in the world would not want to kill him.

As for the King of Qin, for these people who were once under the rule of the Qin Dynasty, they were all filled with hatred and curiosity towards the King of Qin. They all wanted to see for themselves what kind of son the First Emperor of Qin had. How big was the palace? How many maids were there? These were all places that they were curious about.

The Qinwangzi baby was stupefied on the spot, he could not figure out how these people had sneaked into the harem. Cold sweat seeped out of his back, he thought that if these people came to kill him, they might die without anyone knowing, and their defense would increase even more in the future.

After seeing the King of Qin, Long Tianyu instructed Yu Ziqi and the others to familiarize themselves with the environment. With ten first-rate swordsmen, twenty odd second-rate swordsman, and Long Tianyu, the top swordsman, with the coordination of the special forces to ambush Zhao Gao, it should be easy.