Legends in Chu and Han


Chu Army's strength was like a hot knife through butter, she directly broke through the outer layer of the alliance's shield defense line. This move was the exact opposite, it was very reasonable, as it did not follow the normal rules of attack, instead, it had a strange effect. After going through the Eight Trigrams Formation again, the Zhao Jun and the Han Army immediately lost, in terms of individual combat capabilities, how could the people of the five nations and nine paths be a match to the ferocious Chu Bing!

However, just as the Chu Army was about to give chase, he quickly encountered the second layer of defense.

Yan Jin commanded the hundreds of charging Death Soldiers to charge forward. He originally wanted to use their horses and bodies to break through the defense, but who knew that the near hundred Death Soldiers and their horses would fall into the pit of the horses, turning them into real corpses.

How could this be? How could there be an ambush from a hole in the ground in the middle of a military formation?

Just when Long Qie and Yan Jing were in a daze at the front, suddenly the shields separated and revealed half a gap. The crossbow arrows shot out simultaneously, and the crossbow in Dragon Army elite's hands, without needing to shoot an arrow into the bowstring, could be shot out immediately. Twelve crossbow bolts were placed in the box under the crossbow machine, and as the slots continued to move, they were shot out like bullets and pistols, whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The cavalrymen in front of Chu Army were caught off guard, and all of the men who were shot down from their horses. Even Yan Shi's left arm was hit by the arrow.

The surprise attack of the crossbow bolts caused the Chu Army to suffer one to two thousand cavalry elites, and they were forced to use their shields to block it.

Suddenly … The Allied crossbow arrows stopped firing, and the thick shield of the second layer of defense reassembled.

"There are too many Chu Army s, let's go!" The five thousand man squad of the Dragon Army immediately retreated quietly.

Xiang Yu, Chen Ping and Teng Yuan brought their troops to attack, converging with Long Qie's group. After a short break, the troops led by Zhang Han and Ying Bu also arrived from the two wings, and fought with the Wei Jun on both sides, causing the alliance to immediately run away.

"Haha …" That's great! Let's continue chasing! " After Ying Bu and Zhang Han joined forces, they started laughing out loud, closely following the main marshal. Lu Jianli, Qin Jianying, Nie Hui, Zhang Yao and the others all had extraordinary skills, not a single one was weak when they entered the battlefield.

Xiang Yu roared: "The strength of the combined forces, frontal assault, killing into the camp, capturing Long Tianyu and Chunyu by the wrist!"

"Kill …" Roaring sounds echoed as the iron hooves trampled on the ground. The arrows threatened to rain down on the second layer of the defense line. The dragon army retreated in a hurry but didn't resist as they broke through the thick shield set up by the Allies.

"Haha … the allied forces have been utterly defeated. The Eight Trigrams Formation, what do you mean? But we still managed to break it." Xiang Yu was ambitious, treating her enemies like ants, the halberd in her hand immediately swept forward, patting the Overlord's Saber at her waist, she wanted to cut Long Tianyu's head off.

Long Qie sent people to apply medicine on Yan Jing, and said angrily: "If you don't kill the alliance, then you will only have hatred in your heart."

Hearing his words, Xiang Yu nodded his head: "Long Qie, lead the ten thousand light cavalry to clear the way. Ying Bu, Zhang Han, and the great army will follow suit.

Long Qie held his long spear, cupped his hands and received the order with high morale, he immediately ordered the personal guards to gather the ten light cavalry teams, with one thousand riders each, they quickly chased after Yan Jun and the Dragon Army who were fleeing.

Seeing the vanguard cavalry charge, Xiang Yu immediately shouted, "Brothers, today's opportunity for the Alliance to avenge the disciples of Jiangdong has arrived. Attack with me, slaughter this group of wandering warriors!"

"Kill!" Kill! Kill! " With their high morale, their fighting spirit was pushed straight to the peak.

Chen Ping frowned. He suddenly turned to Xiang Yu and said, "Is there a trick up ahead? Logically speaking, the Allies' formations are profound and won't be broken so easily. Even if they lose, the Dragon Army would have no choice but to fight and run away."

Teng Yuan disdainfully said, "It was clearly the formation that was broken by us. The allied forces had been completely defeated, and the army had been utterly defeated. In this situation, no one else could have the ability to cause such a ruckus. The General Chen is overthinking things, if they were scared by the dragon army, they can just wait here and let me lead the troops to kill them."

"You! Don't go too far, I, Chen Ping, am doing this for everyone's benefit, to fight against Long Tianyu with caution! " Chen Ping seemed to have his own thoughts as he retorted.

"There's no need for you two to argue. If we don't return now, we must hold onto our determination to die in order to completely defeat the allied forces. Prepare to give chase!" In this situation, he had to make a prompt decision and block the way.

Fifteen thousand cavalrymen continued to attack the Allied army camp, and Zhang Han and Ying Bu who were behind them also brought their troops over to reinforce them. With the current situation, even the four generals of the Battle Country might not be able to do anything, attacking the Allied army camp that had just been set up.

Could the Chu Army really win this battle?

The troops from the five countries and nine roads had already retreated, and only the thirty thousand elite soldiers of the Dragon Army were defending in the camp.

Yu Ziqi, Fan Kuai, Guan Ying, and Peng Yue, the four generals, immediately stayed in the military camp to fight with the Chu Army vanguard. In their first clash, they had purely clashed head-on.

The sounds of battle grew more and more intense, and in an instant, the cries of death rang out. Under the moonlight, both sides had forgotten about the fierce battle of life and death, and because the Dragon Army and Xiang Jun's cavalry were the most elite of all the allied armies, they clashed head on against each other, causing the scene to become even more intense, with blood and flesh splattering everywhere.

Fan Kuai and Long Qie fought fiercely and steadily. After a dozen or so rounds, they were evenly matched, and it was difficult to determine which was stronger. Yu Ziqi, Guan Ying and Peng Yue each led their troops to block the attack of the Chu Army, preventing the Xiang Cavalry from taking half a step forward.

Xiang Yu suddenly saw the Dragon Cavalry from a few hundred meters away and was instantly overjoyed. She shouted loudly: "With Overlord of West Chu here, who would dare to fight with me! Long Tianyu... "Get out here!"

Ying Bu, Zhang Han, Chen Ping, Teng Yuan, Lu Jianli, Qin Jianying and the rest of the soldiers rushed into the Chu Army's camp like tidewater. The battle had reached its climax, and all the soldiers' blood were boiling.

On the hillside far away, Chunyu Wan'er was quietly sitting on the chair, watching the battle from afar. She felt sorry for the soldiers, although the battle had been a victory for a while, but the price was more than ten thousand bones, the soldiers were throwing their lives away in exchange for the glory and benefits of the commander, in the end, the bones were piled up like piles of bones, who could be the real victor? They had all lost.

By her side, there were more than ten riders. These were Zhang Liang, Xiahou Ying, Zhao Xie, Zhao Xie, Wu Rui, Gong Ao, Wei Bao, Han Guang, Tian Rong, Zang Tu and the rest.

The main army commanders were all shocked as they watched the battle unfold in the distant camp. In front of them was a bloody battlefield. No matter which side's soldiers retreated, they would die in such a valiant manner.

Xiahou Ying suddenly turned to Pure Yu Wan'er and said: "Just as what the main marshal had expected, the Chu Army has already fallen into their trap, it is time to retaliate."

Chunyu nodded and said, "Pass down the order, retreat at the front line, and burn down the Chu cavalry!"

Could it be that Xuan Nü had already predicted all of this?

Xiahou Ying smiled: "Understood!" He turned around and rode out, waving his banner as he galloped. Wherever he went, the war drums would be sounded and the horn would be sounded. He had officially started his ambush.

When Yu Ziqi, Guan Ying, Peng Yue and the rest of the soldiers heard the signal from behind them, they stopped fighting and immediately ordered them to retreat out of the camp. The Dragon Soldiers, who were still battling fiercely and did not retreat even half a step earlier, immediately turned around and ran as fast as lightning.

Fan Kuai was in the middle of fighting, upon hearing the drum sound, he had no choice but to stop, and laughed out loud: "Awesome, too bad I have to go back and protect my lord, in the future I will fight with a guy like you for three hundred rounds!" Without waiting for the opponent to reply, he waved his spear and turned around to flee.

The Chu Army soldiers were even more certain that the Dragon Army elite was stalling for time, protecting the commander and the other allied troops who were retreating behind.

Suddenly …

The moment the Chu Army chased them to the railings at the back of the camp, a loud crashing sound could be heard, followed by a backlash from the ground. The Chu Cavalrymen and their horses, who were charging at the very front of the camp were all pricked into a mess of flesh and blood, and the barbed fences which had been opened before the retreat of the Dragon Army blocked the advance of the Chu Army. Soon after that, a sky full of arrows shot into the camp, lighting up the firewood and grease that were piled up along with the pure wine jars and turning the entire camp into a sea of fire.