Legends in Chu and Han


Chu Army and the Allies were confronting each other, the atmosphere was tense, the swords drawn, eyes fierce and full of killing intent.

If they met head on, the alliance would be mixed. The soldiers of the other five nations would be weak and timid, and their attacks would not be ruthless enough. They would definitely be unable to stop the overflowing killing intent of the Chu Army.

However, the hundred thousand men and women of the alliance, using Dragon Army elite as their trump card, and the combined strength of all the allied armies as their backup force, had actually turned into a magical, decaying the enemy's oncoming murderous intent into nothingness. Their combat power and resistance were also not to be underestimated.

Both armies stood there, staring at each other, the drums still beating rhythmically.

"Dong, dong, dong …"

Therefore, the psychological pressure was not too great. Chu Army was located in the middle of the army between the Qin Army and the other Allies, and was being attacked from all sides. They did not expect that before the two of them could come to an agreement, they would not dare to act rashly.

Annihilate the allied forces first, or attack the Xianyang first? For a moment it was difficult to decide.

To launch an attack on the allied forces in front of them, they did not have complete confidence in breaking the formation. In the end, both sides were injured, but they were instead taken advantage of by the Xianyang, Zhao Gao. If they attacked the Xianyang first and used the main force of the Chu Army, the allied forces would be able to attack from behind.

Fan Zeng pondered over and over again. He could only observe the situation slowly to see if anything was happening, and at the same time investigate what the enemy was up to, before making any plans.

Dusk was approaching, and night was falling.

Xiang Yu thought of the Yu Mei in his hibiscus tent and became a little impatient. She asked: "If we don't attack or retreat, what will we do? We can't even see Long Tianyu around. What kind of battle are we fighting?"

Fan Zeng climbed onto the platform of the carriage, and looked at the structure of the enemy camp, it had been arranged in an ingenious manner, there was a hidden array formation inside, it seemed that the allied forces were planning to continue their attack, planning to waste time with Chu Fang, comparing patience, fighting spirit, and food, and could not help but sigh: "The arrangement of the camp is very strange, it seems like Pure feather Wan'er is not a simple person, when we measure her strength with the gods and gods themselves, we have to think of a method to break the array, it would be extremely undesirable, and destroy the Alliance's array feet while reducing the number of casualties!"

Chen Ping thought to himself: At first glance, what he said makes a lot of sense, but it sounds like nonsense. The key point is how to think of a way to break this formation;

He had always thought that Han Xin was a rare talent, as for losing in the Hangu Pass, it must have been because he underestimated his opponent too much during his first battle. After the previous lesson, Han Xin would definitely grow.

Xiang Yu held onto the sharp Overlord's Saber, and coldly snorted: "It will be hard to tell when it's dark, if I lead 25,000 elite riders with me at lightning speed and cut into the enemy's formation, as long as this Eight Trigrams Formation does not work, the Allied soldiers will be like flies, weak from a single blow!"

Long Qie and Ji Bu, the two tiger generals thought that it was reasonable, and immediately cupped their fists and said: "I am willing to follow General Xiang until my death, charge into battle, and destroy the alliance!"

Fan Zeng stared at the Eight Trigrams Formation, and gradually had an idea. The Eight Trigrams Formation was known as the Nine Palaces Eight Trigrams Formation, it was known as the Nine Palaces Eight Trigrams Formation, which was an extremely large number. There are also the so-called taiji born two, two four phase, four phase, gossip, gossip into 64, since the cycle of endless change.

It was said long ago that there were eight hundred thousand troops being deployed here, and there were records of wars in the Spring and Autumn Warring States, there were many military generals who had used them, and after being handed down, they became familiar with the formation, so it could not be considered a mysterious formation, but Chunyu played around by connecting the snakes, crouching dragons, and eagles, following the Nine Palaces' eight directions of the Eight Trigrams and the Five Elements of Life, once the enemy troops entered the formation, they would be encircled by different formations according to different commands, which was where the talented woman was located.

Fan Zeng thought for a while: "Eight Gate of the Eight Trigrams, dense and unable to crack, their formation layout is revolving, unable to make a move, if we go from one to several gates, no matter how brave we are, we will be pulled down and be drowned in the enemy's attacks, thus our attacks cannot mess up our plans, although there are eight empty gates in the array, allowing the enemy to enter as they please, these eight gates are all dead gates. Once we enter from all sides, we will be surrounded by layers upon layers of iron shields, making it difficult for the cavalry to break out, so we must go the opposite!"

Xiang Yu was puzzled, "How?"

Fan Zeng explained: "Simply put, we do not need to go through the route designed by the enemy troops, it is easy for them to set up eight gates, it is easy for us to send troops in according to our general thinking, but it is hard for us to get into those eight gates, if we want to defeat the allied forces, we cannot fall for them, it would be easy for us to enter the gates of death, thus the outer layers of thick shield armor looks like steel walls, but in reality, it is the weakest link, we can consider assaulting from the outside, break through the defensive lines, and attack the allied forces until they are caught off guard!"

Zhang Han nodded at the side: "Mr. Fan is a good strategy, but surprisingly, it is the best strategy for the families of the troops. Once the formation of the allied forces is in chaos, we can attack from the right path and use the speed of lightning to attack.

Fan Zeng laughed: "Let's fight it out with that little girl Wan'er to see who's the better!"

"The desert has a tool that can deal with wild boars that have skin as thick as iron. It's very simple, we call it rolling stinger, it's like a mace's head is covered with barbs, it's connected with a rope, and it's popular on horses. It's powerful, and it's very effective in dealing with the defense of this type of shield."

Fan Zeng raised his eyebrows, his eyes staring at the formation. He nodded his head slightly, and made a plan, "Our troops will extinguish the torches in front of the formation, cause the light to dim, and then we will send out our archers to hide within the range of our troops. First, we will break through the enemy's crossbow formation, and then we will send out our elite soldiers to attack the outer layer of the Iron Shield Defense Formation, and then we will cut into the surrounding two gates.

"Good, this plan is satisfying!" Xiang Yu's heart was in turmoil, her right hand took the ancient halberd from the saddle, and she shouted, "Who wants to fight with me and kill the enemy?"

"This lowly general is willing to go!" The twenty or thirty generals said in unison that they wanted to fight.

Xiang Yu nodded and said: "Long Qie, Ying Bu, Chen Ping, Teng Yuan and Yan Jing listen to my orders and immediately mount thirty thousand elite soldiers, prepare to attack the enemy ranks in the night in one hour. Ying Bu and Zhang Han, with their army at the back, are ready to attack and support them at any time.

After the generals received their orders, they each rode their horses to the side to count their men.

Xiang Yu's gaze turned to Fan Zeng and said: "We'll leave this place to Ya Fu to control the entire situation. I hope that we can completely defeat the allied forces this time.

Fan Zeng's lips held a smile, and nodded: "Yu'er, you have ambition, tonight's battle is extremely important, if we were to succeed in our night raid, the world's situation will be turned around, Chu Army will be like the sun in the sky, and you, Xiang Yu, will definitely become a ruler!"

If he had not met an opponent like Long Tianyu, he might have already become the overlord of a region. Unfortunately at this moment, he was still suppressed by Long Tianyu's name, and Overlord of West Chu, in tonight's battle, he would have to throw away all of his resources to fight.