Legends in Chu and Han


Chu Army relied on the advantage of the heaven and earth being on their side as they looked down from above. Their casualties were relatively light, as eighty thousand troops had come to attack the city, and in less than two hours, more than thirty thousand of them had died, with heavy losses.

Xiahou Ying sat on his horse and watched the battle taking place on the city wall. The originally quiet and empty fortress was like hell on earth, wantonly killing the enemy, the lives of the warriors in the battle were like grass.

The sounds of shouting, screaming, drumming, and weapons clashing intertwined together, forming a unique symphony of thousands of souls marching on the battlefield.

Some people often say that the soldiers' souls are not in the Six Daos cycle. Their roars would wander around the battlefield where they were slaughtered, and cultivators that are proficient in immortal dao would head there. I wonder if that is true?

In the main camp that was five miles away, Zhang Yun and a few elite captains reported to Long Tianyu about the situation of the Chu Army and the high mountains in the surroundings that they had scouted last night.

After Long Tianyu heard this, he fell into deep thought and said to the boat, "The Chu Army has indeed been prepared for a long time, all the places that people can reach are guarded by the elite warriors of the Chu Bing, if our army does not use the sneak attack on the Qin Army like how we did back then, if the Allies do not fight with 150,000 people, they will definitely not be able to take down the gates of the Hangu Pass, how can we think of a way to attack?"

The few elite captains all turned to look at Zhang Yun, since he was the only one among them who had the power to speak.

Feeling their gazes on him, Zhang Yun pondered for a while, then sighed: It's really hard to climb the cliffs around Hangu Pass, and every peak is guarded by the elite warriors of Chu Bing, if we make any movements at the foot of the mountain, we will definitely not be able to escape their sentries. Last night, we were only able to gaze into the distance from the foot of the mountain, we can't even get close, we need to climb the mountain to sneak an attack, it seems very difficult.

Long Tianyu's head also grew bigger as he sighed and said: I will send a few of my men to attack the city, but we will only let the Chu Army and the Allies fight a while longer, to let the Chu Army fight a fierce battle, to not stop, to give our troops a chance to sneak attack, and secondly, before we will attack the Hangu Pass, we will have to weaken the scattered troops, thus, our army will be able to unify the world in the future, and now that the battle has almost been fought for two hours, I estimate the number of casualties on both sides is already over thirty thousand, and the number of casualties on the Chu Army will be at least five thousand.

Zhang Yun suddenly said: "Master, it is not entirely impossible. There are two mountains that are too high and are rather far away from Hangu Pass, Chu Army would never believe that our army can climb so high, and even if we were to climb it would be useless. After all, the mountain is too far away from the Hangu Pass, and iron crossbow can't be shot.

Long Tianyu's expression changed, he stared at the direction of the mountain on the map and asked anxiously: How's the wind these few days?

Zhang Yun replied: "Southwest wind!"

Long Tianyu nodded, his eyebrows knitted tightly, and said: "I only have a sliver of hope."

Zhang Yun asked: "Where is my 'hope'?"

Long Tianyu shook his head without speaking a word, as he silently thought about the height of the mountain and the distance between the two peaks.

Just at this time, the flying horses reported from outside the camp and were brought to the main commander's tent by an elite soldier. The soldier who sent the information entered the tent and upon seeing the main commander, he kneeled down and kowtowed: "Greetings Lord, General Cheng and the elite cavalry led by General Fan have all passed away. We will arrive outside of Hangu Pass to meet up with the general tonight!"

After Long Tianyu heard the news, his eyebrows relaxed and he said: "'Hope' is here, go back and report to General Guan Ying, tell him that they must be here tonight. When the night comes, extinguish all the torches, wrap the horses' hooves with cloth, and don't let the enemy troops discover the arrival of our elites, understand?"

"Yes sir!" The intelligence man kowtowed to give his orders, got up and left the tent, mounted his horse, and then quickly ran back to deliver the message to General Guan Ying.

Long Tianyu thought for a while, he had no better way, so he could only give up, and said: "When Lady Wan'er and Mr Zhang come, I will consult the two of them, and lead the troops to battle, and kill the enemy on the battlefield, I am barely able to do it, but talk about planning, planning, planning, formation, and sky array. I do not want the two of them to be like this anymore, now that the army is blocked, within three days, the enemy's forces will have to break, so we can only rely on Heavenly Energy and the scheming party to do something, we can discuss it after Xiahou Ying returns."

Zhang Yun silently nodded his head. Towards the two strange people, Zhang Liang and Pure Yu Wan'er, he and the rest of the generals were filled with admiration. As they chatted and laughed, they pointed out the fatal flaws of their opponents and set up a maze to fend off the hundred thousand strong army.

"Go and invite Tian Rong, Wu Rui, Cang Cha and the other leaders of the allied armies to discuss about the military situation!"

A few of the elite group leaders led their troops out of the tent and rode towards the different campgrounds to pass down orders, inviting the few leaders to discuss matters at the headquarters tent. Tian Rong and the others were also worrying about the war in front of them.

As long as they waited for another month to attack again, it could be said that they would be like a hot knife through butter. Since they did not sustain much damage, wasn't that the best of the best? But Long Tianyu had spoken out fiercely in front of the two armies, and within three days, he had captured the Hangu Pass.

All the generals were puzzled as they discussed in private.

The first to enter the trial was the king, and all the leaders of the allied armies knew that their strength could not be compared to the Chu Army's and the Dragon Army's, so they did not dare to claim the title of king first. Instead, they planned to depend on one of the strong warriors, and in the future, after overthrowing the Qin Dynasty, they would be able to split the land and be conferred the title of Marquis, Marquis, or even restore their country.

After a while, a few generals from the allied army were gathered in the pavilion, staring at each other, waiting for Long Tianyu to speak. However, Long Tianyu did not say a word, his expression serious as he held on to the hot tea.

Not even a moment later, the thundering sound of the iron hooves and the noise of the troops could be heard. It sounded like the soldiers on the front lines had retreated back to the camp. Just from the sounds of the soldiers and horses, it was obvious that the allied forces had been heavily injured and had been forced to retreat.

After a while, Xiahou Ying led Zhao Xie, Zhang Er, Peng Yue, Han Bo and a few high-ranking officers into the tent.

Upon seeing their commander, everyone immediately bowed, "Senior General, this lowly general has done nothing to win the city. His crimes are unforgivable!"

Long Tianyu put down the teacup and sighed: "Everything was within my expectations. All the generals charged into the fray, their battle robes were dyed with blood, and all of them displayed to our Allies the determination and heroic spirit of a man. Get up and sit down. Let's discuss our plan to break through this level! "

Xiahou Ying and the rest were relieved after hearing the Commander's encouragement. They got up and sat in order, not bothering to change their robes and wait for the General to analyze the situation and give out his orders.

Long Tianyu asked Xiahou Ying: "How's the battle situation today, and how many casualties are there for all of us?"

Xiahou Ying reported, "Chu Army has the advantage of facing heaven, defending the metal soup firmly, causing relatively light casualties. With just a few thousand people, our army has forcefully attacked the fortress and in our eyes, we have lost at least twenty thousand people, have received heavy injuries, and have sustained light injuries of over ten thousand. In comparison, our army is at an absolute disadvantage!"

Long Tianyu nodded his head: "Although the Chu Army only has fifty thousand people, they are all elites who can block all ten matches in one go. It's just that there is no heavenly danger, the eighty thousand vanguard troops are still not enough to defeat them, even if our army of one hundred and fifty thousand were to go all out to fight the elites of the Chu Army, on average, it would be three against one, and the odds of victory would be hard to say! However, everyone, don't be discouraged, we must continue to attack and let the Chu Army become tired of it. When our reinforcements arrive, we will attack the Hangu Pass like a hot knife through butter! "