Legends in Chu and Han


Han Xin stood at the top of the city gate tower and looked at the alliance camp from afar, sighing with emotion: "Long Tianyu is really good at using troops to arrange formations, and is good at scheming others. Originally, the allied army's main force was the farmers' allied army, with simple equipment, inadequate training, and lazy marching, in the past, they had no fighting strength against the enemy, but now, under Long Tianyu's leadership, they became an orderly army, and became a regular army. We can see his miraculous methods!"

After Zhongli Mei bandaged the wound, waves of pain came from his shoulder. Hearing Han Xin's praise of his mortal enemy, he said indignantly: "Humph, although Long Tianyu is strong, to pass through the mountain pass in three days is just wishful thinking, our fifty thousand elites guard the heaven's danger zone, the enemy's hundred and fifty thousand is just a mob. Once they fight, the chuantal apoplexy will be one against ten, and they will be able to destroy the alliance!"

Pu Jie added from the side: "That's right, no matter how strong Long Tianyu is, how could he possibly be able to jump over this Mysterious Mountain? The reason why the Chu Army was successful in her night assault is because Qin Army was careless. Never would I have thought that there would be a spermatophore in our army that is an expert in climbing, and could launch a sneak attack in one go.

Han Xin shook his head: "I underestimated Long Tianyu in advance, he had just suffered a hidden loss and lost the bet, which boosted the morale of the enemy, causing him to become famous beyond belief. With this lesson, I can't underestimate him anymore, and since he dares to boast, he probably has some tricks and tricks up his sleeves, we have to think carefully, just where is the weak link, and how is it easy for the alliance to sneak attack us, thus we set up an ambush on these places, waiting for the alliance's sneak attack."

After he fought in front of the arena, after thinking about it again and again, he felt that he had lost to Long Tianyu in terms of strategy.

The two tigers looked at you and I looked at you and fell into deep thought.

Zhongli Mei suddenly said: "Almost all of the mountaintop fortresses that can be attacked have hundreds of elite guards. Other than the southern and southern cliffs, as well as the northern and southern abyss, it's simply impossible to cross them."

Han Xin asked again, "Do you have enough elite soldiers to deal with any sudden situations?"

Zhongli Mei replied, "Don't worry, these elites are extremely nimble, and one out of a hundred in the Xiang Army. The battle strength of a few hundred of them can defend against over a thousand people, enough to deal with small-scale battles.

Han Xin was still a little worried, and said: "I have a bad premonition, as though I'm being stared at by a ferocious beast, as though it's possible that it can pounce at us at any time, Long Tianyu definitely has a plan to kill us!"

When he said this, the Second Tiger General began to shiver all over. It looked left and right, as if there really were ferocious beasts in the surrounding night, and it became vigilant.

Han Xin's eyes lit up, as though he had thought of a crucial point, he suddenly said: "Right, Dragon Army elite has never appeared, this batch of elite soldiers is following Long Tianyu in battle, they are extremely brave and fierce, and are his only bargaining chip in killing Qin Po Chu. We have to be on guard, the two of you send people to monitor the movements around the alliance day and night, once the enemy reinforcements arrive, there will definitely be movement!"

Zhongli Mei said, "Ever since the death of the Pengcheng and Zhang Han's army, the casualties of the Dragon Army's elites are not small. According to the General Xiang, these elites are not inferior to the Xiang Family's elites at all.

Pu Jie said: "It is also possible that they are fighting against the Qin Army right now, if Zhang Han takes away the troops that are fighting with General Xiang Liang, then I am afraid the army of the Luoyang is not enough to stop the Dragon Cavalry!"

Han Xin heaved a long sigh: "I am worried about that, if the Qin Army is not able to defeat or surrender, then the journey of the Dragon Army from the Luoyang to the Hangu Pass will only be a two-day journey, and it is possible that they will arrive within three days. At that time, not only will the Hangu Pass be in danger, even the Chu Army who is about to enter the will be stopped by the Dragon Army!"

Zhongli Mei said: That's only if, and it might not happen. Firstly, the dragon army will not attack the Luoyang that quickly, and secondly, the Qin Army is still not at the end of the road, so they might not give up on the Luoyang. As long as we hold the fort, we can wait for General Xiang Yu to rush back and destroy the Allied and Dragon Cavalry!

Han Xin looked into the starry sky and sighed: "I hope so, but don't forget, the dragon army is as powerful as clouds, I heard that Cao Can, Guan Ying, Fan Kuai, Zhou Bo are all not kind-hearted people, if the outcome of the battle is unpredictable, then we will have to take the initiative to defend the city, and take the initiative, and take advantage of this situation, and use the advantage of the terrain to fight Long Tianyu to the end!"

Zhongli Mei and Pu Jie both nodded, they were both injured, but facing Long Tianyu, even if they had the courage of the Five Tigers General, they felt that they could not do anything, and their confidence and aura were much weaker than the enemy!

The three generals were discussing their strategy for dealing with the enemy when the light sounds of horse hooves could be heard from below the city walls.

guard suddenly shouted: "Who are you, quickly tell us your name. If you don't stop, we will have to shoot."

Under the night sky, an old man in his seventies was riding on a single horse outside the city. He shouted, "I am Li Shiqi, an envoy from the allied forces.

Pu Jie shouted angrily: "What emissary, are you here to deliver the surrender letter? If that's not the case, then scram! "

Li Shiqi's face slightly changed, and snorted: "I didn't think that the Chu Army Generals who is so powerful in the Great Qin would actually be so magnanimous, it seems that he is far from being my master's match!"

Pu Jie said angrily: "You, you old fool, you must be tired of living, I will f * cking shoot you to death!"

He extended his hand out and retrieved an arrow from the body of the guard beside him, nocked it and nocked it into the bow, then aimed at the old monk below the city and prepared to shoot him dead on the spot.

Li Shiqi remained unafraid, and looked at Han Xin, and shouted: "Two nations fighting, if we do not behead them, hmph, who would have thought that the Chu Army would lead a group of four or six generals who do not understand, breaking their promise to the world, how can we talk about traversing the battlefield, and building an immortal career?"

Pu Jie saw that the old man was still ridiculing him, his eyes were filled with killing intent and shouted: "You're courting death!"

Just as he was about to release his hand and shoot out, he was suddenly stopped by Han Xin's arm and shouted loudly: "I would like to see what kind of scheme Long Tianyu has in mind by sending an envoy over late at night. Someone, open the gate! "

Li Shiqi nodded his head: "This is what I should do!" He thought that as long as he could open the city gate to meet, no matter how strong the person was, with this old man's sharp tongue, if a living person could say that he was dead, and a dead person could say that he was alive, how could he not convince you, Han Xin, to move against him!

The city gate opened, and a pair of patrolling guards walked out of the city gate and Li Shiqi entered.

Han Xin spoke softly: "The two of you should see this Li Shiqi for now. Let's see what kind of information he can bring to Long Tianyu."

After instructing Teng Yan and Jing Lei to protect the city strictly, they brought Zhongli Mei and Jing Lei back to the interim general's mansion to meet the envoys from the alliance.

Li Shiqi was led into the general's residence by the patrolling guards, in the main hall, Han Xin sat on the tiger-patterned chair, the two great generals sat on the couch on his right side, waiting for his arrival. Li Shiqi swept his gaze across them, causing his eyes to become filled with anger.

Han Xin, on the other hand, remained calm and collected, and said: "Mr. Lai, please take a seat!"

Li Shiqi nodded, and sat on the bed chair at the bottom left of him, looking at Han Xin up and down, he was slightly shocked, thinking that this person's face was strange, with dense eyebrows, giving off a mysterious feeling, he was not someone from the pond!

Not only was he a talkative debater, he was also good at reading people's faces. They were just small paths on the surface, but right now, he respectfully took out the message that Long Tianyu had written for him and passed it to the guards.

Han Xin took the silk letter and unfolded it. He did not speak for a long time with an unsettled expression.

Zhongli Mei and Pu Jie looked at each other, looking at each other, both of them had a faint guess that the letter was most likely written by Long Tianyu to persuade Han Xin to surrender to him, the two of them were Xiang Yu's trusted generals, but they were unlike Han Xin who had just been activated, they were unfathomable, and if he nodded in agreement, they would immediately draw their swords to surround Han Xin, and capture him first.

Li Shiqi also noticed the change in the expressions of the two great tiger generals, thinking, could it be that they want to disobey their master's orders and kill him?