Legends in Chu and Han


As for the other matters, they would be decided upon by Xiao He and Zhang Liang. As for the rest, he would quickly head to the bathing pool to change and get ready to have a good night's sleep.

Li Yueyao accompanied her husband into the bath. The two of them had a common enemy on the battlefield, so they worked together to defeat the enemy.

Hot air permeated the entire bathroom. The two of them were lying naked in the water, hugging each other. While bathing in the water, their lust flared up, causing the most primitive physical reaction.

Long Tianyu moved closer to his lips and kissed the talented girl's forehead, cheeks, and neck …

Not long later, the talented girl was already gasping for breath, her entire body was trembling, her arms were tightly wrapped around his thick neck, and she gasped: "Long Lang, I … I can't take it anymore... "You want to …"

Long Tianyu had restrained his lust during the great war for a long time, but now that the enemy had been defeated, his body and mind relaxed. Facing such a bewitching beauty, how could he not be mesmerized?

Li Yueyao threw herself in as much as she could, and kissed back repeatedly. These past few days, she had been fighting alongside her companion, and was completely convinced by Long Tianyu's heroic spirit.

After a while, Long Tianyu's Spiritual Altar was bright, and he forgot about the differences of the times and the cruelty of war.

The night wind was chilly. All the soldiers outside the city were clearing the battlefield and repairing the fortifications. The war was not over, but the victory greatly boosted the morale. The prestige of the Dragon Army grew once again.

His family's parents, little sisters, and Jing Wen were all gathered around him, seeking for his short and extremely warm life. However, without the war, he always felt that his life was missing something, that there was no longer the wild song of the fierce horses on the battlefield, that he did not have a wife and concubine gathering around him in groups, as if he had lost the passion of the past.

Long Tianyu woke up and bent over to take a look. The talented girl in her arms was fast asleep, her expression was tranquil, her delicate and white body seemed to be shrouded in a pure white jade light, like a person from the Immortal World.

He was still alive in the ancient times, and the lovely wife in his arms was the best proof. He must cherish the people he loved and the power he had, and walk with all his might. No matter what his fate was in the future, he would never regret it.

Li Yueyao slowly woke up and saw that her husband was in a daze. She frowned as if she had thought of something, and could not help but call out: "Long Lang, what are you thinking about?"

Long Tianyu recovered from shock and sighed: "Your husband just dreamed of his hometown, and when he woke up, he suddenly started to think about it. If he could travel back and forth in time, Sister Yao, do you want to go back two thousand years and see how the future generations live?"

Li Yueyao asked: "Ah? What do you mean by traveling through time? How can you go two thousand years later? This … This is impossible! "

Long Tianyu smiled slightly: "The future should be a new era, and will change Radix Cyperi's life greatly today. Hehe, stop thinking about it, it's all just nonsense."

He was afraid that if he was careless and let the bottom of his heart slip out, he would be in trouble. He was not intentionally deceiving him, after all, to the people of the Chuhan Dynasty, this secret was simply too extraordinary, who could believe that he was younger than anyone by more than 2,000 years?

Li Yueyao frowned and said: "Husband, you should think about how to attack Qin more. Yueyao is really worried … … I was worried that the Chu Army would take the lead and attack the Hangu Pass, killing into the Xianyang. "

Long Tianyu thought that since these were all your father's troops, then Chu Tianjiao should be happy to be the first to defeat Qin. Suddenly, he thought of the key point, and shouted, "Aiya, this is bad, your esteemed self sent a message to the dukes, and the first to enter is the king of the four sides, and he allowed you to become his wife. Right now, all of the dukes are rushing to the head of Hangu Pass, especially with him as the vanguard, and our army being surrounded by the Qin Army for a long time, is the last to make a move!"

His eyes turned red as he said in a sad voice: "I would rather be Tian Yu's concubine than to give myself to another person's wife. Now that Yueyao is already my husband, and even dead Long Family's ghost, I definitely won't work together with second husband!"

Long Tianyu's heart soured when he heard this, and said resolutely: "Don't worry, there is no impossible path, so your husband will definitely not give you up to anyone else. The Sister Yao is mine, even if we meet from the very start, it's fated to belong to Tian Yu. Chu Army, Qi Jun, Zhao Jun, Han Jun, Wei Jun … All of them must be destroyed. "

Li Yueyao's heart was moved, but she saw that Long Tianyu's eyes were filled with an overbearing aura. After being in the battlefield for a long time and experiencing the vicissitudes of life, he was no longer the unrestrained and unrestrained swordsman she was before, but the overlord who could affect the entire world.

The talented girl, after all, hoped that her husband could dominate the world, she did not want him to make too many mortal enemies, turning the situation of the allied army into a dangerous situation. She consoled him, "Unless it is absolutely impossible, you can't go against the allied army and be accused of being unrighteous.

Long Tianyu calmed down and sighed: "Sister Yao is right, it is very difficult for us to unite as one, but to rule the world, to unify the entire Great Qin, there must always be a day when we have to face all sorts of dukes and dukes on the battlefield.

Li Yueyao chanted in an intoxicated tone, "Great affairs of the world, we will meet no matter how long it takes. Isn't that what my husband always said? Sigh, thinking of the day when I will be fighting with the Chu Army, I really don't know how I will be able to face off against the Jiangdong's elders. "

Long Tianyu was extremely embarrassed, he knew that he had stolen all those famous words. After hearing the talented girl's words that were in a dilemma, he did not want to disturb her mind and changed the topic: "Sister Yao, the sky is already bright, how about you get out of bed early and see how the situation outside the city is faring?"

After the two of them changed into their clothes and washed up, they walked out of the bedroom. The first rays of the morning sun shined and the mist dissipated, and at this time, it was the third month of the year, the willows and willows were weeping and the warblers were flying in the green. The courtyard was filled with the sceneries of spring, which were like the difference between winter and snow.

Long Tianyu had not been able to meditate on the sword for a few days, and upon seeing the scene, was moved, but because he was concerned about the situation of the Pengcheng after the battle, he led the talented girl straight to the main hall.

Xiao He, Zhang Liang,, Guan Ying, Guan Ying, Zhou Bo, Zhou Bo, Zhou Bo, Ji Chengji, Wang Li, Zhou Ke and other important generals had all gathered here, preparing to report the results of their respective missions.

Seeing Long Tianyu and Yue Shan entering the main hall, everyone stood up and bowed, their attitudes respectful and cautious.

The blood in Long Tianyu's body surged, he looked at the people and thought: All these historical figures were separated for more than two thousand years, which one of the later generations did not remember them, and thought that I, Long Tianyu, can call for them all to be taken under my command, is it history that has succeeded in me, or did I create history?

He suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart, looked around at the people and said: "I have something to discuss with everyone, and you all are all here, that would be even better! The armies of the various dukes have already made an agreement [the first to enter the stage is the king], and now that we are all heading to Hangu Pass, our army cannot lose our fighter aircraft!