Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 99: propaganda war

At the beginning of the lights, Robinson O\'Leary, who had been busy all day, left the Wall Street Stock Exchange with a briefcase and walked towards the intersection of Broadway.

He was a newly recruited securities trader and, of course, the business did not go well.

In this line, qualifications and achievements are particularly important.

While waiting for the taxi to come home, Robinson Orley, who was in a distressed mood, saw the owner of a newsstand not far away packing his things and preparing to leave.

Thinking that because of his rush this morning, he forgot to buy a copy of the Los Angeles Times as usual, Robinson Oli moved quickly to the newsstand.

"Hi, boss," he greeted with a smile, and waited for the other person to stop tidying up before continuing, "Can you give me a copy of the Los Angeles Times?"

"Of course."

When there is business, it is natural to receive reception.

The newsstand owner stopped busy, turned around and took out a copy of the latest Los Angeles Times from the newspapers lined up, "Here, $2."

"It\'s another Monday. Seeing that you\'re packing up so late, today\'s business is going well, right?" Robinson O\'Leary asked casually as he took out his change.

The boss of the newsstand took it, and his smile was full of joy, and even the wrinkles on the corners of his mouth deepened, "Yeah, Christmas is coming, and my work is busy, of course, this is the best thing, you know? , I sold a total of 634 newspapers today, almost three times more than usual."

Every year\'s Christmas season is good news for newspapers, news magazines, and even the owners of newsstands that sell them.

There are endless movie promotions, noisy scandals and hype, hot box office battles... The media has no shortage of topics to write about, and the enthusiasm of the audience is gradually rising under the impetus of this momentum.

Robinson O\'Leary took over the Los Angeles Times and pretended to look down at his watch, "It\'s getting late, I\'m going home, we\'ll talk later."

After saying goodbye to the newsstand owner, Robinson O\'Leary walked quickly to an intersection on Broadway. "I wish you a good dream." A polite politeness came from behind.

After getting into a taxi, he raised his voice and said, "Riven community near Rockefeller Plaza." Robinson O\'Leary then folded the newspaper and put it in his briefcase and took a nap.

After a while, he felt that the speed of the taxi began to gradually slow down, and Robinson Oli, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes and looked out the window.

Then, he found a long line of vehicles ahead.

Although the rather bad traffic situation in Manhattan has become the norm, it is now past 8 o\'clock in the evening, which should have avoided the rush hour after get off work, but still encountered a traffic jam, which is a helpless situation.

Robinson Oli couldn\'t help complaining a few times, and his heart became more and more irritable.

The taxi driver seemed to sense Robinson O\'Leary\'s bad mood, and said with relief: "Don\'t worry, I have experience, I bet we can pass this crowded intersection in less than 10 minutes, and the road conditions behind will Much better."

"Yeah." With a simple response, Robinson Oli looked at the LED advertising pillars standing on the side of the road.


On the screen of the advertising post, a cannonball smashed to the ground with a roar, and a large crater was blown up.

Robinson O\'Leary became interested in what looked like a trailer for the movie, and he continued to focus.

The pictures on the screen continued, and countless bombers streaked across the blue sky, which was exceptionally spectacular for a while.

A lieutenant colonel in military uniform looked at this scene with binoculars, and was still delighted.

Then, the screen turned, and the words "November 22" appeared on the screen that suddenly went dark. Then, another high-altitude aerial shot of the battlefield flashed quickly, smoke filled with gunpowder and artillery fire... .. eventually converged into the words Fury.

Robinson Orley, who was sitting in the taxi, was stunned. It took a long time for him to regain his senses. There was only one thought in his heart: I\'m going to see this movie.


Hans Zimmer finally composed a suitable tune for the film, and when it was actually recorded, Lehmann finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For more than half a month, he kept adjusting the style of music, kept auditioning, and gave suggestions for improvement. At one point, Lyman\'s ability to distinguish music disappeared, and everything he listened to felt the same.

Fortunately, after this last manual adjustment, it was also on October 28 that all the post-work was completed.

The furious 117-minute theatrical version was officially announced, and the entire production cost was fixed at $52.34 million.

This 117-minute video is devoted to the efforts and hard work of many people. Compared with the original version, it is two completely different stories, and the focus of the overall structure is also different.

After everything was completed, Europa Pictures backed up a copy as usual, and then immediately sent the finished version of the film to mpaa in the United States for another grading review report.

After the movie was edited, it was reviewed once, so the review procedures for this time were very fast.

The entire film of Fury contains foul language, violence, blood, etc. It is impossible to get any idea of ​​G-level, and because the depiction of the battlefield scene is too naked, the frontal description of the stump and the broken arm has several paragraphs. , so, mpaa directly gave an r-level rating.

R-level: that is, the meaning of the limit level.

This means that it is recommended that children under the age of 17 be accompanied by an adult.

This kind of classification has little effect on the film Fury, because its market positioning is not aimed at the group of teenagers, but a group of adults who understand what war is and want to see similar scenes.

As early as a week ago, the first 50-second trailer landed on the advertising time of major TV stations for publicity.

Then, a week later, another edited trailer of about 30 seconds appeared on the break during a game of the ncaa championship, and it will continue to be repeated three times in the future, but at the cost of Paramount Pictures $1.5 million to pay for it.

Although a little expensive, the publicity effect of this kind of sports event has always been very good.

The national audience rating is close to 9 o\'clock. If half of the audience can watch the advertisement during the intermission of the game and leave an impression on the TV, it is also an extremely large number of groups.

And the furious rigid advertisement is not the only one, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and other important "ticket warehouse" cities all have similar promotional activities.

Buses, subway stations and other places are all affixed with movie posters. Although it has not reached the level of being completely covered, it is still close to being able to find a furious publicity poster in a public place with a lot of traffic. level. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

In this way, the high-density distribution of goods is naturally not low. The promotion of the entire hard advertising plan has already cost Paramount Pictures a budget of no less than 30 million US dollars, and this number is still rising every day.

Around November 17th, the last wave of offensive before the release also started quickly.

The starring teams such as Nicolas Cage, Heath Ledger, and Joe Bernser began to frequently contact the media.

Under the arrangement of Paramount Pictures, he may have just been interviewed by the New York Daily column, and the next moment, he will be interviewed by the Chicago Daily News.

The distribution department at Paramount Pictures is in touch every day with one goal: more interviews, more headlines.

Under this madness, talk shows with huge ratings will naturally not forget to connect.

Several creators who only participated in Saturday Night Live last week hurried to the scene of the late-night talk show.

In the well-furnished recording hall, Heath Ledger and Nicolas Cage in casual suits sat on the red sofa, and the host Conan O\'Brien behind the wooden table looked at them and suddenly asked with a smile, "Cage, How did it feel to be judged some time ago, do you have anything to say?"

The audience below exclaimed in time with the host\'s question~www.novelhall.com~Nicholas Cage sat leisurely, and did not seem to feel any temper because of this rather embarrassing question, he smiled slightly, I know very well in my heart that these talk shows are asking such questions in order to create topicality.

"I think it\'s not bad, and it\'s another serious failure in my acting career. Looking back at the beginning, it seems that I have only encountered such a situation when I first debuted. Their criticism has brought me back to the past. Memory, I am very grateful to them." Nicolas Cage said in a serious tone, as if the failure of the Wind Whisperer was really a good way to recall the past in his opinion.

His rather reversal answer also made the audience burst into laughter.

The exaggerated performance of the audience shouting for a while also made Heath Ledger on the side find it funny.

Conan O\'Brien squeezed his hands and looked at Heath Ledger with a smile on his face, "You also participated in this movie, if you were asked to comment on Nicolas Cage\'s performance during the filming, you would What would you say?" Qiqi\'s novel was first published on the Internet

"I think he\'s great, a great show that doesn\'t tend to leave Las Vegas."

Conan O\'Brien said with a serious look: "Oh, really, his performance in it can really win him a golden statue again?"

Leaving Las Vegas is the film that Nicolas Cage won for Best Actor.

Heath Ledger nodded confidently, "Of course, I think his performance is very good. When the movie is released, after you watch it, you may have the same idea as me."


After recording the show with exhaustion, I was ready to leave for Nevada for publicity...

They are running around for the movie...