Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 974: keep spending

Before I knew it, two weeks had passed since Lionsgate and Firefly sent people to negotiate.

During this period, "The Tuner" was completed, and "Alice in Wonderland" was brilliant in the film market. Disney immediately held a press conference to announce the project of a sequel.

But in the days when there was no news and waiting, the shareholders of Pinnacle Entertainment could not sit still. Maybe they felt that they were so procrastinating, and they did not pay so much attention to the so-called acquisition. After all, the value of Pinnacle\'s assets has not been very favorable.

But in fact, after the completion of "The Tuner", even if Lehmann devoted most of his energy to editing, he was also remotely commanding the expansion of the film library——

Although there is no rush to promote the top entertainment side, but the money is not less, and a lot of old film copyrights have been bought from several studios in the United Kingdom and Germany, and the number of film sources has risen to more than 800. of more than $87 million.

In addition, it was a matter of communicating with Lionsgate and reaching a tacit agreement in advance.

It\'s not that the two of them didn\'t see the value of Summit Entertainment, but they didn\'t want to compete with each other to be bid up.

March 22, near noon.

Layman and Ryan, who had changed into formal clothes, came to a restaurant specializing in Italian dishes, and waited for the arrival of Lionsgate boss Gusta in a private room.

"Lehmann, will they agree to our conditions? Actually, if we offer some price, Summit Entertainment will not disagree with the transfer of the film library." Ryan asked.

"There\'s no need to make others cheaper."

"But now we also need to develop overseas markets, Lionsgate..."

Lehman raised his hand to interrupt Ryan, he knew what his friend wanted to say, and replied with some feeling: "Business is business, we can\'t just give up food because of choking and not develop overseas channels just because they used to be friends. Besides, everyone is in the same circle, and there is no way to avoid competition. This is just a common thing, and it can\'t be done based on emotions. "

"Then why do we have to do this? It\'s an enemy not a friend. If you don\'t do it, you can directly compete with the price, and the copyrights of those film libraries don\'t need to be divided."

Lehman shook his head and said softly: "I can\'t say that, Lionsgate has developed to this day and it is also a force that cannot be ignored among manufacturers. In today\'s Hollywood, apart from the big five and the animation overlord Disney, they only talk about distribution and promotion. They are more than us. With experience, more channels for delivery, not to mention, in this world, can you distinguish between friends and enemies?

Today\'s opponent may be tomorrow\'s friend and businessman. Yesterday, they cooperated closely. Today, they may tear their face because of their interests. Therefore, there must be room for everything. Is Pinnacle Entertainment a major event? No, our purpose is to hoard copyright, and the purpose of Lionsgate is only a small conflict. Even if we suffer a little loss, it is to maintain our friendship. It is good to show Lionsgate our attitude.

Maybe there will be opportunities for us to cooperate in the future. "

After coming here for so many years, Lehman\'s biggest insight is that you can\'t achieve anything by fighting alone. One less enemy means one more friend.

Think about it, if you didn\'t do this, with no cinema resources and no publicity resources, Lehmann would not be able to shoot mid-level or first-tier projects in the early stage. He could only play low-cost horror movies like Lionsgate or New Line in the early stage, and save his strength. , then he can\'t quickly become famous and attract the attention of major studios;

If you hadn\'t done this, Oscar wouldn\'t even be able to touch the threshold, so why compete for the Olympics?

If it didn\'t do this, Firefly\'s first thing to fear is the squeeze of the original circle, but because the profit of the project cooperation is enough to move people\'s hearts, Warner and Sony are the default attitudes.

In other words, when dealing with upstream and downstream forces in film and television, who is unwilling to share profits and take risks, who will take care of him? Can fireflies grow so fast?

What matches his production ability has always been his means of gathering resources for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Lionsgate is, Sony is, and so is China Film.

There are no permanent friends, but there are permanent interests.

Furthermore, in the past few years of cooperation, Lionsgate executives have shown very good abilities and excellent means. It is a good choice to maintain a relationship with such a manufacturer. Including Fei Lemei and Gusta, they are all people who can make things happen, but this time and space is a little bit of luck.

And just as Lehman was thinking, outside the private room, the on-duty manager\'s clear greeting sounded, and then he saw Mr. Gusta walk in with President Feiremeier with a kind expression on his face.

To be honest, Lehmann is quite fond of this film company, which relies on bloody, rough, and torn rules to establish itself in Hollywood, but has not yet become a toy in the hands of capital.

If it weren\'t for the overlapping of development directions, it would definitely not have reached this stage.

The two sides were already familiar with each other. After sitting down with each other and eating and drinking, Gusta first congratulated: "Your vision is still as good as ever. "Avatar" has passed 2.6 billion, it\'s really amazing."

The news of the film market has always been grasped by insiders keenly. Even if some overseas regions, including China, have been drawn down at this time, there is still room for growth in the box office performance of "Avatar". The screening process is a part that cannot be ignored, not dispensable, presumably those theater owners are also very grateful to you for not letting them contribute in vain."

Lehmann couldn\'t help laughing when he heard these words, "I have always admired director Cameron~www.novelhall.com~ He also transferred the shares in the digital domain to me."

"At that time, the digital field was already a mess for him. You took the initiative to take over, and he also got rid of the burden..."

Aside, Fei Lemei deliberately waited for the atmosphere of the conversation before introducing the topic appropriately, "In retrospect, the success of "Twilight" is like yesterday, but these days, the two of us have become more and more estranged." , with a sigh.

This pointed sigh caused Lehmann to smile slightly, and he added wine for the two of them, "How could it be. We both have to work together to develop the "Twilight" series."

"That is, I hope we will have many opportunities to sit together in the future." Gusta didn\'t want to say more about this matter, and finally brought the topic to the main business, "At Summit Entertainment, we have the plan you proposed. I think it is feasible, but we also want the copyright of works such as "Dancing My Life" and "The Hurt Locker"."

Gusta didn\'t hide it, "If you agree to this, then the remaining copyrights of the film library and overseas copy factories will be your choice."

Lionsgate did not realize the importance of these assets. nice.

"Then how much do we pay?" Ryan asked appropriately.

"165 million, we will trade it to you after we acquire it."


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