Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 97: joint promotion

After initially determining the release date of Fury, Europa Films contacted Paramount Pictures, which owns the North American channel distribution rights of the film and a part of the investment share, to jointly start the pre-screening promotion of the film.

That is, the day after the communication between the two parties, on September 27, Paramount Pictures took the lead in announcing this news to the media.

On November 22, Fury will officially hit theaters in every state and region of North America.

At the same time, a number of stills or bragging advertisments were also released in the media and newspapers in France and the United States.

Nicholas Cage in a tank suit on the Fury, he and Heath Ledger smoking a cigarette and talking about the war, Allied commanders shaking hands with German commanders, and more; and more behind-the-scenes footage , was also released, what crew invited the only tiger tank in the world that can still be activated, all the firearms were tried to restore, and the costumes were all characteristic of that era...

In short, as long as there is a topical degree and a positive effect on the promotion of the film, it will be reprinted by major media or magazines, and then told to the audience.

Of course, all of this requires money, not only money, but sometimes human favors.

The fans of Nicolas Cage or the fans accumulated by Lehman himself were very excited when they got the news.

This shows that this new work can be seen on Thanksgiving this year, and there are still some expectations.

Looking at the tough image of Cage in the stills, this part of the audience is undoubtedly interested.

But there are also some people who have doubts, especially those die-hard fans of Nicolas Cage or the fans that Lehman attracted by making a Bollywood riot with three idiots.

Judging from the official news, Fury is undoubtedly a movie about World War II. Will it really be a good movie?

They all know that Lehmann is from a literary film. As for Nicolas Cage, he failed a similar film some time ago and was ridiculed by film critics.

Can it really work? A genre suitable for shooting literature and art to engage in business, this span is too large.

This doubt is really open to question.

But there are doubts, isn\'t it also a performance of topicality, it shows that this movie is someone who really pays attention, which is a good thing.

It\'s better than the constant shouting from the crew and no one answering. Ignoring is the most terrifying question.

Now what Paramount is thinking about is how to turn the audience\'s attention into the motivation that will make them go to the cinema to support the film when the time comes.

This undoubtedly requires more intensive follow-up publicity work to impress.

The furious publicity plan, Europa Pictures and Paramount Pictures have long reached a consensus.

After the editing of Lehman here, the trailer was also announced.

The hard propaganda means of the movie can also be launched: the poster boards of the bus station, the propaganda boards of the theaters and other advertising spaces of urban facilities are all covered with movie posters. One month before the release, the TV station and the media should be contacted. Stop accepting special interviews. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

Nicolas Cage also teamed up with Heath Ledger and other main creative teams to keep running around, or attending charity events, or participating in magazine promotions, or running between radio stations in various regions...even on the Internet. Meng Pictures also consulted Lehman\'s opinion and opened an official website for Fury to regularly update news about the crew or the movie.

But these are obviously just the beginning for Paramount Pictures.

As the Christmas season is getting closer and closer, the publicity effect will be increased, and more efforts will be made to build momentum for the film.

"Hi, Kleiman, are you free? Let\'s have a cup of coffee together, how about that? Okay, let\'s meet at three o\'clock in the afternoon." In Paramount Pictures\' office, Shirley Lansing put down The mobile phone winked at the assistant next to him, who immediately went to prepare for the appointment schedule in the afternoon. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

As the CEO of Paramount Pictures, Shirley Lansing had just made the call to speak with Kleiman, the most senior columnist in the entertainment department of the Los Angeles Times, for nothing more than a furious publicity effort.

Coupled with the recording of the Tonight Show scheduled for next week and next week, the interviews with major newspapers and the entertainment headlines of the Los Angeles Times, it should bring more topics and attention to the film.

She thought so, and called Christie, the executive of the marketing department.

"For the premiere, what are the plans from Europa Pictures?"

Christie, who was called, replied in a deep voice: "They plan to hold the premiere of the film in Paris, France, and Los Angeles, the United States, and the two places will be held simultaneously."

Shirley Lansing thought for a while, then said to Christie, "That\'s it." Then, she asked the next topic, "What about the company\'s publicity budget? Judging from these publicity efforts, it can last until the film is released. that day?"

After Christie listened, there was a hint of worry between her eyebrows at the right time, "If you look at the constant situation of newspaper propaganda, it is estimated that the budget will be overrun."

I just arranged to be on a talk show again, which is definitely another huge expenditure. If the reporters hype up the effect of the show, it is not too difficult to burn more than 1 million US dollars after the whole event.

Although Paramount Pictures is a big company, its financial profitability is not good.

When Shirley Lansing heard Christie\'s words, she immediately ordered: "Apply for another quota with the Ministry of Finance for publicity, and our work cannot stop."

Viral Marketing? What else can be done is nothing more than throwing money at it.

The more you invest in the propaganda stage, the more likely you are to reap the fruits of a bumper harvest. Hopefully it will all be worth it then, Christie thought silently.

His slightly worried look naturally attracted Shirley Lansing\'s consolation. Like Der Spiegel, she knew what her subordinate was worried about.

"Publicity is always a money-making thing, and the more you want to be louder, the more money you need to spend. And this time we need a win that excites our shareholders, so it can only cost more money, you should Want to understand?"

Christie certainly understands that her boss\'s current situation is not very good. Since she took over Paramount Pictures, the annual performance has not shown any upward trend, but this year, it has slightly declined. The shareholders of the board of directors have long been dissatisfied with her, and they also know that she is trying to regain a city by anger and regain a bit of the management\'s confidence in her.

But will this really work? He wanted to ask if the bet was worth it, but he didn\'t say it.

Is there any other option for her than to put all her resources into Fury?

Not anymore, this year\'s Paramount Pictures is nearly absent from the most exciting Christmas period of the American Film Festival, except for the release of Fury, this one option.

Christie left politely, turned around to apply for a new promotion fund, and left Shirley Lansing alone, a strong woman in the eyes of outsiders, sitting exhausted on the boss chair, thinking about the next promotion work... ...

On the other hand, Lehman is still doing the boring and hard post-production work. The only good news is that with the stable completion of various work in the later stage of the film, the real film is getting closer and closer.

The editing of the film was already in place, followed by the narration recording and the soundtrack.

And because several people knew nothing about music, the editing room also welcomed Hans Zimmer, a well-known sound engineer for film soundtracks and the team members behind him.

In the editing room at this time, Lyman was sitting on a chair, and from the moment the majestic orchestra sounded, his attention was all on the tune of the song being played.

Let him do a simple soundtrack insertion by himself. It’s okay for the occasion, but it’s impossible to create original soundtracks for the movie. However, he still has a clear and clear judgment to hear whether the original music is suitable or not. powerful.

This song is not bad in general, but it does not match the theme of the movie. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is too tragic.

War will kill people, isn\'t the other side not dead? There is no absolute justice party, tragic or something, a bit deliberate, Lehman doesn\'t like it very much.

His eyes crossed the face of Hans Zimmer with a serious face next to him again, and he thought to himself: At this time, he did not shine as brightly as later generations, and he has not accumulated enough life experience.

"Not satisfied?" Hans Zimmer asked tentatively after noticing that Lehmann\'s eyes were looking at him.

"Almost mean." Lyman shook his head and thought for a while before saying, "I hope it\'s a calmer tune, like the kind of bystander, an indifferent spectator. Who It doesn\'t matter who wins or loses, it\'s better to just feel the sad sound of life because of the impermanence and easy disappearance."

It\'s a pity that Lehmann doesn\'t know how to compose, otherwise he could try to write a classic soundtrack himself, but his knowledge of rhythm is really not enough, so he can only sigh.

Hansday meditated for a long time, and then played another tune.

This song is much better than the previous one, but it is not particularly suitable, and I always feel that it is a little bit worse.

But no way, Hans Zimmer said there was nothing else.

Lehman was helpless, and the soundtrack could only be made up with this song. As for later, he said to see if he could make new creations and adjust it, but obviously if there were no more outstanding songs, the first version of the soundtrack at this time would undoubtedly have been is determined.

Apart from this section, the work that followed was much smoother.

The main reason is that the requirements for the next soundtrack are not too high, and Hans Zimmer specially prepared inventory, which is also very easy to complete.

When the soundtrack came to an end, that night, Lehmann, who had just had dinner, received a call from caa...