Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 966: crew

The state of being idle and busy is different, and the state of filming and daily work is also different.

In the new line studio, several buildings near the east side are being restored by the set team of "The Tuner" according to the needs of the script.

In the room, the first thing that caught the eye was an overhead light. It wasn\'t that natural light couldn\'t take pictures, but today\'s weather made the sense of light not strong enough to achieve what the director wanted -- a "blind man" under the blue sky and daylight. Witnessed a murder - the stark contrast of the sun hanging high and the loss of human life.

After all, this scene is the beginning of the whole story, and it is a section that will make the audience feel cold and deepen their sense of substitution.

"Didn\'t you film their company\'s movie? How did you feel?"

In another room outside the corridor, looking at the busy but not chaotic layout, Felicity-Hoffman looked at Josh, who had gained a little weight for the role and had a little belly.

"He doesn\'t treat actors harshly, and he\'s very good at talking, so it\'s easy to play his plays." Josh, who was in the second spring of his career because of the role of the hunter in No Country for Old Men, said happily.

"Really, then I can rest assured. This is the first time I have participated in such a big director\'s play."

Felicity can also be regarded as a representative of late bloomers among female stars. When she was young, she worked **** Broadway and achieved a lot of achievements. It is a pity that she was not successful when she found her way to Hollywood. It can even be said that she failed. Unknown actors often worry about the next performance opportunity, and later became a full-time housewife for the sake of two children.

But what makes her fateful is that at the age when she wanted to be famous the most, persistence and hard work failed to pay off. After she brought up her children in her 40s, she became popular with "Desperate Housewives", and her career rose rapidly.

In 2005, she won the Emmy Award for Best Actress in a Comedy Series, and in 2006, she won many film festival awards for her outstanding performance in "Across America", as well as the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Feature Film. The protagonist, nominated for the Film Independent Spirit Award and the Academy Award, was instantly promoted to a rare representative of the powerful actress, Xinglu Tanshun.

Therefore, the changes in the situation are really impermanent!


Thirty minutes later, the film crew opened the shot, the actors stood, and the series was very familiar.

This scene will use double close-up cameras to create the feeling of a "small" space. When Thomas adjusted the angle of the camera and made an ok gesture, the lighting team was also urging the light source to be set up. There is no way, the lighting team will always be It is the position that needs the most temporary change. Sometimes just because of the actor, they have to overthrow and start over.

Not to mention the lack of natural light outside and the need for a strong sense of light in the scene. This all requires a lot of lighting design.

When all the fine-tuning was over, Heath Ledger sat in front of the piano with sunglasses on, next to the milf-like but uncompromising Felicity.

There were smudges on the cuffs of her shirt, and the defensiveness on her expression was ready to show.


As the scene was marked, Felicity asked tentatively, "Are your eyes completely invisible, or..."

Although Heath Ledger was a little surprised and a little flustered at first, he quickly calmed down and repeated countless lies, "I was hit in the head by a cricket ball when I was 14 years old, my optic nerve was damaged, and I couldn\'t see at all. stuff..."

Two people, one is a housewife, but unwilling to be bored, has a relationship with the local sheriff, and even accidentally kills her husband after being smashed; Social favors, the unlucky person involved in a murder case after an accident at a private performance that was accidentally invited.

This setting of the two sides seems very dramatic.

In other words, what makes the story of "The Tuner" stand out is that each character has undergone unexpected changes outside the proper framework.

The housewife had an affair, but never thought of killing her husband. As a result, on the wedding anniversary, the husband deliberately said that he was going to go to another place in order to surprise his wife. In fact, he invited a pianist and prepared red wine and flowers. ......

The pianist was not blind at first, but he had to regard himself as blind. He didn\'t have bad thoughts in advance, but in the days of losing light, he encountered love, work and people\'s praise one after another, and then he discovered the blind pianist. the benefits of......

In later generations, in addition to the plot design of multiple reversals, the identity definition of the characters alone makes people stunned. Coincidences and accidents have changed the life trajectory that the characters in the play should have set.

on the field.

The two of them had a very tacit understanding of each other. Whether it was verbal temptation or behavioral temptation, they all coped well. It was not until Josh joined and the confrontation between the three that Lehman shouted "click" for the first time. .

After the crew stopped, Lehmann approached the three actors.

"No, this paragraph is not harmonious enough."

"Harmony? Isn\'t it nervous?" Josh asked suspiciously: "According to the script, in order to relieve the hostess\'s temptation, the pianist offered to go to the toilet, but the hostess followed, and the bathroom There\'s a man with a pistol hiding. It\'s supposed to be a tense scene."

"Nervousness is the feedback presented to the audience~www.novelhall.com~ I mean, your position can\'t create a sense of space, and the level of confrontation can still be raised. According to your performance just now, Heath was supported. Walking in, you are standing in the corner of the bathroom, the three people are not in line, and the sense of conflict between eyes is a little weak.

So let\'s try this later, he walks in to pee, you stand on the front right side of the toilet, aim the pistol properly between his eyebrows, you help him in, then take a small step back, land on the diagonal back of the toilet, and then you How to make eye contact with this sudden intrusion..."

Yes, no matter how like pretending to be a blind person, the first thought of a panicked person is still to silence.

"do you understand?"

Lyman looked at the three of them, and the three nodded in understanding.

"Take out your state and fight for it once."

"All departments pay attention, and do it all over again."

Lyman, who returned to the back of the monitor, directed his seat, and soon, Felicity adjusted her expression and stared coldly at Heath Ledger\'s every move.

As for Heath Ledger, he showed a kind smile and kept repeating "trouble" in his mouth. He was slowly guided to move, and then under the very interesting gaze, he shushes without panic - when the time comes There is a voiceover here, that is, the sound of continuous water flow, to show the high level of camouflage.

After all, being stared at by someone with a pistol still requires a bit of composure...

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