Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 957: the night before departure

Befriending China Film is Lehmann\'s move to the Asian region in the global market.

Although there is actually a relationship between Firefly and China Film, after all, there will definitely be contact between the two parties about the introduction of films, but this relationship is not much different from other Hollywood manufacturers, and what Lehmann wants is "equal treatment" Additional benefits after.

It\'s just that this special status is not so easy to get.

Even if China Film\'s sense of fireflies is not bad, and it has repeatedly cooperated with propaganda and paid for itself, it still needs a real in-depth opportunity to continuously strengthen this impression in order to achieve long-term interest partners above short-term interest allies.

Whether it is the actual interests of Marvel or considering the rising film market in the future, this trip to China is necessary, and Lehmann will also go with the "Avatar" crew.

Of course, there is no other reason for the latter, just the way.

After all, Colombia has long decided to go to the two regional platforms where the screenings are delayed in China and Japan, but they initially set the route first, but at the suggestion of Lehman, they will fly to China first.

Inside the study.

That is, on the evening of January 2, Lehmann was thinking about some things that China needs to prepare.

He is not worried about the announcement of "Avatar". After all, "Avatar" has exceeded 1 billion US dollars worldwide in 17 days. The audience in China and Japan has long been expecting to be full, and there will be no problem with the agency of China Film, so What he prepared was some more detailed material for Pacific Rim.

In the final analysis, "Pacific Rim" is the most sincere prop for his action. It is also the first special effects blockbuster with over 100 million invested by many parties since China joined the WTO. It will also abide by the rules of co-production. big.

Is it co-production? In essence, the exchange of interests and mutual benefit are not as simple as outsiders think. A proposal like Lehmann\'s neat and no traps is not a literary and artistic theme that focuses on exploring social issues. There are few, China Film has never encountered such a good thing, so after doubting for a while, they decided to invest, but they still want to know more, which is also the reason why Lehmann has passed.

As for the second point to be prepared, it is the right to use the well-known monsters in the monster universe, that is, the right to use Godzilla and its derivative monsters.

It’s not difficult to say this. As early as more than ten years ago, DC and Warner Bros. briefly rented the image of Godzilla. The copyright owner, Fang Dongbao Pictures, is also willing to actively develop Godzilla’s commercial attributes. After all, they shot it themselves. Movies about Godzilla have been shot over and over again, and the image potential in Japan is almost exhausted.

For example, in 2004, Toho Pictures released the last Godzilla movie of the same name, "Godzilla: The Ultimate Battle", with an investment of nearly 1.7 billion yen, and the result was only 1.26 billion yen at the box office. To 1 million people, it is the third-to-last among the works of all dynasties, which completely made Toho Pictures announce to the public and shelve the development of Godzilla.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this series has reached the 28th film, and there is no place to explore at all. If you continue to shoot, you can only continue to lose money.

However, it is just a simple application for image loan, and the future will also face Dongbao\'s reversal - the original time and space, after "King of the Monsters", Wanda\'s legendary film industry had to re-negotiate with Dongbao about Godzilla\'s Image use, is to eat this loss.

Therefore, after a period of consideration, Lehmann decided that in addition to giving Toho Pictures the exclusive license to distribute the project in Japan, he had to strive for them to use the right to use the image to join the investors, instead of introducing funds or expanding their share of the project. bundled.

Because Dongbao doesn\'t know Lehman\'s ambitions, it is very likely that he has the same indifferent attitude as his previous life. Furthermore, the part of China Film\'s profit sharing is that they have this value and future expectations. The Japanese market is very concerned about the firefly, which is mainly based on live-action movies. That said, it\'s still not very friendly, and there\'s no need to bet that big.

There is a saying that is true in the film industry, how much interest determines how much investment, China Film is Mann Media\'s largest and most worthwhile company in the Asian market, whether it is policy support or publicity, it is urgent. In comparison, Dongbao Films is far worse, too much ingratiating is too much damage to one\'s own interests——

Although this idea is utilitarian, it is indeed the most appropriate approach.

After thinking about this clearly, Lyman sorted out the information, took out his mobile phone and called Ryan, "The preparations for "The Tuner" will trouble you. As for the character, I talked to Ledger this morning about the blind man. He promises to take time off, but you still have to negotiate with his agent about the actor\'s contract and salary."

"I see. Are you flying to China tomorrow?"


Ryan was concerned for a few words, and then hung up the phone.

In this multi-reversal project, the male protagonist is not a flat positive angle in the traditional Hollywood style, which is just right for Heath Ledger\'s play.

When Lyman decided to make this film, he actually had this idea~www.novelhall.com~ Furthermore, Heath Ledger, who shined with the role of the clown in "The Dark Knight", also got more attention. There will naturally be bonuses for the "Tune-in" project, and if he himself changes his image and plays a villain who is not so evil, but relies on the sympathy of others to gain benefits, he will stay in the clown\'s mask than he is. It\'s better to be tired of the audience\'s eyes.

Yes, he has been embarrassed by being limited by the role recently. This is also what Lehmann discovered when he heard Ryan chatting a while ago. Maybe he has not encountered enough characters and works that have enough room to play. The result of the audience being critical of him is that He acted in several independent films, all of which were criticized by the media and audience for his backwardness.

After all, the audience doesn\'t care that it is not easy for an actor to meet a good role and play a script that is conducive to his personal performance. It is better to cover up his eye-catching scenes that are talked about by fans, give the audience a new impression, and open up the way of play. There\'s nothing more fitting than "The Tuner"—

"Blind" people, reversal, multi-line narrative, combination of reality and reality, the shaping of the protagonist in "The Tuner" is extremely complex and will not be flattened. It is used to reshape the audience\'s relationship and use the topic of acting to hype traffic, arousing fans. Curiosity really kills two birds with one stone.

As for the choice of other roles, they are basically acting. For example, the cheating police chief Ryman planned to let the hunter Josh Brolin in "No Country for Old Men" play the role, and the naive heroine considered Kat Dennings. , the second female is to kill her husband, and the beginning of the whole story is Felicity Hoffman, who was nominated for the best actress Oscar for "Crossing America".

After picking out these people from the cast list and handing them over to Johnson to inquire about the schedule, Lehman also got on the flight to Beijing...


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