Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 948: Absurd, dark humor

In a well-decorated library.

The sun shines through the glass of the window and spills into the house, leaving shadows and shadows.

At this moment, David Finch, wearing a plaid shirt, is sitting beside the desk, his head bowed, but he is imagining.

Literary works and documents are piled on the table, but the most conspicuous is the spread out, "Gone Lover" on the cover, a story that slowly depresses like an evening fog.

If it is an ordinary person, seeing such a script, it is likely that the plot design revolves around marriage with a revenge nature. There is nothing surprising, but David Fincher has already heated his heart.

He loves the dark element of fatal misunderstandings between people—the blurring of the boundaries between good and evil (a hallmark of David\'s films, and a recurring theme of his noir scars films).

These black elements are also cleverly designed in "Gone Lover":

First, the kind-hearted masses deduced the accusation caused by the man\'s derailment and murder of his pregnant wife from the self-righteous clues before the facts were proved;

Second, the misunderstanding and disgust of the relationship and each other between a pair of lovers.

Containing the shell of the scenes that make people think about good and evil in these camps, a wonderful dark story has been achieved - a high-IQ wife fakes murder and frames her husband; when the husband, with the help of his lawyer and sister, is about to save himself Success, breaking through public opinion, the wife returned to the public eye by killing another person, and gained sympathy by pretending to be pitiful, and again led the public opinion to lock her husband at home...

At the end of the story, when the husband and wife are forced to continue to live in the same room in the name of husband and wife and raise children, the ending is the finishing touch. It is helpless and absurd, and the dramatic effect is full.

Vagina is like a spring, which may be what is happening to David now.

After he absolutely looked at the script, he was already thinking about the narrative structure and the effect of the finished film.

As a director, he is also a director whose personal style is so strong that it forms an imprint - he likes the ones he likes very much, and dismisses the ones he doesn\'t like. Of course, he has the ability to review scripts.

Furthermore, his directing career has not been smooth sailing - this guy is also an advertising director. Before entering the film industry, he has done business for many singers and luxury brands, and then, although the "Fight Club" that made him famous The word of mouth is good, but from a business point of view, there is no profit...

"No wonder he invited me." David Fincher leaned back in his chair and said to himself, "I really like this script, Lehmann said that he is not only a good director, but also has a good vision, as expected. ."


A few days after the script was handed out, David Fincher\'s management team was active, as expected.

Inside the Firefly Building.

Lyman was handling some official business, but it didn\'t take long for assistant Mace to come in and report the negotiation work to an end.

"Boss, Ya\'an is outside."

"Well, invite him in."

After a while, a short white man of thirty-five or six stood respectfully by the side.

"sit down."

Lyman looked at him, he was calm. Lyman thought to himself: This task should be handed over to him, and there should be no problem.

Come to think of it, this new producer who has joined the company for less than half a year has also supervised many projects in the previous studio. He has a lot of experience, but if he wants to integrate into the production team of Firefly, he will definitely need some opportunities to prove it.

"You are Yaan-Robert?"

"I am, boss." Ya\'an said.

"It\'s been more than 5 months since you joined the company, are you still used to it?"

"It\'s very customary." Ya\'an said calmly, "But if possible, I would like to be more involved in the production business."

Lehman picked up a resume: "What do you think of the project "Gone Girl"? You were just discussing salary with David\'s agent, right?"

"Well. If it is to analyze the audience of the film, according to the plan at the beginning of the project, David Fincher was invited to direct. The company\'s intention must be to take a long-term operation and attach great importance to the quality of the film. The main audience should like the story. , the audience who are not special effects control, the age group will be more mature, mostly around 30 years old."

While speaking, Ya\'an took out the first version of the director\'s contract and sent it to Lehmann, "Also, his agent is very strong. After all, the Curious Case of Benjamin Button directed by David was a huge success a few days ago. Inviting at such a tuyere, they have a strong bargaining chip to raise the price, so they are always bitten to participate in the box office split."

Lehman took over the contract and skipped the previous template to see the composition of the director\'s salary: in addition to the basic salary of 14 million, he also proposed a 10% global profit sharing.

"What\'s his salary composition in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?" Lehmann asked as he put down his contract.

"It\'s one-third less than this, mainly because the global 10% account is a bit too much."

"Can we go on talking?"

"I try my best. But depending on what they mean, the share of accounts may be reduced, but there won\'t be much room for concessions."

"He has the capital to participate in the sharing of accounts~www.novelhall.com~ But you can talk about it according to the terms of the ladder. The maximum ratio is 8%, and the world is 500 million."

"Yes, boss." Ya\'an thought, this price space can still be negotiated.

"Then arrange it like this, you will be the first producer of this project. By the way, the preliminary schedule of the project is divided into early September next year, with a budget of 60 million, and the shooting cycle is still very loose."

"Yes, boss." Ya\'an rejoiced. In Firefly, the income composition of the management of the production department is linked to the performance of specific projects. As long as "Gone Girl" is profitable, he can also receive a considerable bonus.

"But you have to remember your scope of responsibilities. There is no problem. Don\'t interfere with how the crew is filming. Your main task is to control expenses, logistics management, and arranging accommodation and food."

"I see."

After Ya\'an joined Firefly, he discovered that Firefly\'s production system is director-centered. Although he felt that giving most of the power to the director, a group that is prone to perceptual and impulsive, would cause unnecessary waste and loss, but the big boss I am a director, and when something happens, the producer also has the account of the crew, so it is not easy to meet irrational people.

The tone is set, and "Gone Lover" is a medium-investment project, and the director\'s expenses are the bulk of it, so naturally you can\'t afford first-line actors.

In fact, David Fincher got an accurate answer from his agent. Knowing that the matter was done, he immediately started the storytelling and the preparation of the behind-the-scenes team. He had long forgotten that Pitt had abused several times. Said he was targeted by fireflies.

After all, targeting itself is a non-existent thing...


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