Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 940: 《Two thousand zero twelve》

"Colombia\'s strategy of jumping out of the summer encirclement is quite effective. "2012" has won two consecutive championships. At present, it has accumulated 225 million on paper, but in fact, it is likely to be about 280 million US dollars in some countries and regions that have not yet been shown. , the profit is completely fine.

And our movie "I Am Legend" has been squeezed to the ninth place on the weekly list, but it should have exceeded 700 million in the past two days. If a publicity fee is added to this news, there is likely to be a small wave of popularity this weekend. , what do you think, boss? "

In the office of Blue Butterfly Pictures, Liam was reporting the situation of the movie market.

"Oh, no problem, you decide."

During this period of time, the whole world was shrouded in an inexplicable "doomsday" rumor. The interpretation of the Mayan prophecy was widely publicized, but the masses were just fine. The spontaneous use and the heat of the high game made Colombia smile to the brows. gone.

After all, all of this is just the established publicity plan for "2012", and it is not yet selected to be released in 2012. Without the bonus of the time, this effect can really open the eyes of the peers in the circle.

Play, or Sony will play.

Of course, when Colombia chose to withdraw during the summer vacation, many people thought it was another internal test screening, and the allocation of resources reduced the box office disaster that they did not have the confidence to compete head-to-head. At the end of the year, the topic of doomsday was hyped. Even if it received numerous approvals after its release, the media reputation and audience feedback were not good. It was also due to the excellent flow of the topic that the box office exploded.

Especially in the mainland, after the introduction of China Film - let\'s talk about why it introduced this film, in fact, China Film is not entirely based on the fact that the special effects masterpiece with a budget of 200 million US dollars must be sold well, otherwise "New Moon", "Sherlock Holmes", Movies that prove their achievements, such as "Fake the Fake", have not been introduced. The key is that Colombia is very pleased with the mainland market this time.

Anyone who has seen this film knows that the reason why China Film chose this film from a large number of masterpieces when the import amount was about to reach the standard, a big plus point was "political correctness"——

Tell the world, China\'s rise in the new international order: the Olympic Games highly concentrated human and material resources to create miracles, and the exclusive political cohesion left over from thousands of years of flood control has been transformed into the Zhuominggu plan to save the earth and all human beings; not only that, but also Let the global audience know that Xizang is an inalienable part of China\'s territory.

Compared with some American media with crooked buttocks and their smears, Colombia\'s "defection" is like a lotus flower blooming in the mud. It is conceivable why they helped to distribute it.

Therefore, even if the popularity of "2012" is based on squeezing the screening share of old films, Lehmann has never viciously touched porcelain or forced marketing. In his heart, Colombia has never been Firefly\'s number one enemy. It can only be said that it is an opponent, and it is still an opponent who may work together.

No way, the little spiders and the others were unwilling to give it, so Lyman had to make more noises to continue attracting them.


In the media reception room of the Firefly Building, Will Smith, who just arrived from home, sat on the stage with a smile on his face.

Without him, on the billboard behind him, the global number of "I Am Legend" breaking 700 million is really a good propaganda point. As the absolute protagonist of the film, his presence revealed a winning temperament. This feeling great.

In particular, there was a dark crowd of reporters who had already greeted him, which made Smith very eager to perform.

To put it bluntly, what Liam and others need is to boost their performance, but it is not a good show event.

"Hello Smith, I\'m a reporter for the Burbank Evening News. Excuse me, you have been the No. 1 actor on the list for two consecutive years, and you have made 10 consecutive starring films. How are you feeling now? How do you feel?"

"Of course I was very surprised. To be honest, I just tried my best to act in every play and do what an actor should do. I didn\'t expect this to happen at all."

"So, when a Lionsgate executive praised you as the most deserving actor to work with and the greatest actor in contemporary Hollywood, do you feel like you\'ve reached the top?"

"It\'s coming, the trap is coming." The second question after the celebration conference started, Smith had to cheer up and consider the language. Reporters, you always want to ask some topical questions, even if you say hello beforehand, it\'s just not too much.

"I never thought about it. In Hollywood, anything can happen, I\'m just a little bit lucky to meet so many great production teams."

"But the data shows that you are indeed the movie star with the highest return. Among the 10 movies you participated in, the highest profit margin was 420 percent." The reporter who dug the trap was unwilling and continued to lure a big name. Arousing his arrogance, the words "Daily News" were written on the microphone he was holding.

"It doesn\'t mean anything." Of course, it\'s okay to hold a brand of value in front of so many reporters, but if it is compared with many peers, and there is a vague meaning of stepping on it, then forget it~www.novelhall.com ~The day after the press conference, the newspapers that paid for the page were all exaggerating how popular Smith was and how popular "I Am Legend" was in overseas markets.

Why Italy has won 3 consecutive championships in the same period, and Brazil has refreshed the record of so-and-so. In short, it is necessary to try to stir up the topic and increase exposure.

And such reports, of course, the most satisfying is Smith\'s fans.

I don\'t know if I don\'t report it, but I\'m shocked when I report it. The status of my idols in the circle seems to be amazing. It can also be seen from the list of actors summarized by "Variety" towards the end of the year. With "I Am Legend" It is easy to estimate that Smith can earn more than 43 million from the box office that has not yet been painted but has already sold well, and the additional benefits such as net worth and brand endorsement are not included in the calculation.

In fact, he also deserves this reward. If anyone can go to Blue Butterfly Pictures and see the audience distribution of "I Am Legend", they should know how much black movie fans contributed to the box office. This was produced by Firefly in the past. The heights that the film is difficult to reach, if it is not because of Smith\'s appeal, it is also unreasonable.

Therefore, this victory means a lot to the interest partners of several parties, and also adds another beautiful data to Lionsgate\'s year-end performance.

And the single-handed "Mr. 700 million" name hangs on Smith, and it has become a point of interest for fans. Although it seems that Zha Dao has been ignored, but the workers behind the scenes do suffer from a loss in terms of communication. Even if everyone understands that the director has a lot of credit, the mainstream of discussion must be the stars on the screen.

In other words, the entire crew is an indispensable part, but the traffic must be borne by the natural attributes of the actors...


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