Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 935: unwilling to be lonely

In the next few days, "I Am Legend" still maintains a good competitiveness in the North American film market. After two consecutive championships, under the unwilling to run around, the work of "Iron Man 2" is ready to start. is also orderly.

Among them, naturally can not miss the cake of the apparel market.

The benefits of deploying labor assets to the mainland as envisaged by Lehman, and the actions and financial resources will soon become apparent. From fabric cutting to OEM, the foundry network established in sequence is very consistent in terms of technology and cost. Marvel\'s current needs.

Anyway, with the scale of textiles in Zhejiang, Anhui and other places, it is very convenient for Marvel to export these quantities.

Like the apparel industry in the United States, it basically invests energy in the two links of design and sales, and production orders are also sent to areas where labor is relatively cheap overseas.

Moreover, Marvel\'s positioning is to focus on students and target the low-end leisure category market. Lehmann never thought about doing it from the very beginning.

According to the development plan formulated according to the purchasing potential of the Marvel brand consumer groups, these casual styles are designed with superhero elements to distinguish the same market, the audience\'s consumption level is limited, and it is impossible to take the road of volume and high-end, reduce costs, and price is reasonable. There is a certain profit space, which can expand the consumption needs of fans and satisfy their daily vanity.

In other words, selling a brand is similar to Colombia\'s choice to expand the source of interest for the little spider - is the brand premium? Many industries are using it, and the process is much easier than building a system from the bottom up.

After the first batch of OEM samples arrived in the United States, the management of the apparel department dug up by Marvel Entertainment also felt that they could gain a foothold in the lower-middle market-the fabric grade was the same as that of various casual clothes on the market, but The use of superhero elements such as Q version and avatar version designed by Marvel is the core selling point.

Does Marvel\'s clothes buy just the clothes themselves? No, this is a "gift" for fans outside the box office market - not expensive, comfortable, not to mention printing your favorite characters.

In this regard, Lehmann also lamented that the large IP entertainment market, chain-like marketing, and various benefits are incomparable to many independent films. No wonder the degree of attention has gradually been lowered - as far as Marvel is concerned, the upper limit is far from being reached. And it\'s not the top case in the IP list. Pokemon is the most profitable now.

Throughout the end of October, Marvel\'s up and down even took more effort than "I Am Legend". It is related to the overall situation, and it is the end of the first stage. For them, it is not a project that can be relaxed— —

It is necessary to contact partners everywhere, consider all aspects of promotion, communicate with theaters, and build a distribution system with Warner. The workload is indeed not small.

During the period, on Firefly\'s side, Jason Reitman, who had worked with him once, also came to visit - this guy made him very comfortable because of the shooting of "Juno" and the sharing of accounts after the release, and it was also his studio that excavated a It\'s a good project. You can try to release it in theaters, but you can\'t bet all your financial resources. You need to retain a certain ability to resist risks - bring a director here, and the people are still Egyptian.

After the approval of the project, the content of the film is a thriller drama. The script depicts a neurotic female doctor who suspects that her husband is having an affair, and then hires a beautiful woman to test her husband\'s loyalty. The story of the increasingly tense family relationship is that I haven\'t heard much about the title "Chloe".

However, seeing that the budget is not high, the director Atom Egoyan himself has enough experience on the set, so he agreed to vote, and it will be counted as one of the film sources for next year.

Anyway, an increase in the number of projects is also a good thing for the distribution department, at least the operation is more comfortable.

For Atom Egoyan, Jason Reitman is the producer of the project, and his close relationship with Firefly is also overjoyed-

"With their help, there is no need to worry about production and distribution." Jason said happily, because the film has a total budget of 9.5 million, and his studio is responsible for 3 million of them and is the second investor.


After Red Dragonfly Capital became Riot\'s first shareholder, the Internet giant Penguin on the Pacific side quickly got the news.

However, because this game has not shown the results it should have, it is like being picked peaches during the training stage.

After a period of time, with the improvement of the investigation, Penguin\'s game department analyzed and analyzed, and neither understood why a film company would start with "League of Legends", nor could they make up their minds on how much capital to compete with.

After all, in the MOBA game field at this time, the overlord that has attracted a lot of attention is DOTA, and the orthodox sequel to DOTA is also being developed. Works just like CF.

However, although Penguin doesn\'t know why a film company would like their products~www.novelhall.com~ and the investment seems so confident, they still plan to test the attitude of Red Dragonfly and see what the other party intends.

In a way, they thought so, but they fell into Lehmann\'s trap, because he really needed the Penguin\'s channels and investment efforts.

Moreover, even if the Penguins don\'t come to him, he will let Virgenio Reynolds take the initiative to visit and talk about the competition area and the competition system. He hopes that the first S competition will be at least four in China, South Korea, Europe and the United States. There can be competition between regions, otherwise it will be too playful, and it will not be easy to create momentum and stir up the atmosphere.

Therefore, when he received the Penguin\'s request to meet, Lehman stopped going around in circles, and directly asked Virginio to set a date, called all the agents who had been notified, and counted them together.

It can be said that if this game wants to reach the height of the previous life, or even surpass it, it depends to a large extent on these powerful agents. Otherwise, a team of less than 70 people will be responsible for the game content and version heroes. There are many things they can\'t do.

Promotion, resources, energy, and financial resources all have to be invested in order to produce output, not to mention that it is a cross-regional multiplayer online tactical game.

Let’s just talk about Chineseization. It also takes time and you have to understand Chinese culture. If you let American manufacturers do it, it is impossible.

"Boss, are you going to the party tomorrow?"

Just as Lehman was thinking about the plan, Virginio first returned to Los Angeles to report the results of the action-everyone was very respectful, mainly because there were many people who were optimistic about the future of this game.

"Of course. Mace, help me arrange the trip."


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