Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 933: October record

October 18 is the third day of the climax of the final chapter of the zombie trilogy.

Since "I Am Legend" opened with an excellent midnight performance - 19.8 million at the box office and 26,000 US dollars in a single hall, the hungry audience has divided the film into pieces like the zombies in the film. Eating it has brought the North American film market to a height that has not been reached in the past October - the total cumulative total of TOP12 is 153 million, an increase of 32.6% over the same period last year.

this evening.

A black woman with a good appearance and a plump figure was talking to her best friend. She tried her best to hold a bit of joy in the conversation. After a while, the flamboyant communication ended. The woman looked at the time and hurriedly asked the driver to drive to a place. In a luxury manor, on the way, I also reported the itinerary to someone.

At the door of the manor, seeing a familiar figure walk out, a smile suddenly appeared on her face...


The woman walked quickly, but the man just looked at her dress, nodded, and let her hold her naturally.

The intimacy between the two, the greetings from others, and the woman\'s attitude as a hostess, then this is naturally his wife, Jada Smith, who shares the bed with Smith.

Speaking of which, this person is also a star who has multiple roles and has developed in music and acting. Since his debut in 1990, regardless of his status in the circle, he has accumulated a lot of qualifications. Before he got acquainted with Smith, After playing a supporting role for a few years, he broke out in the TV circle with a hit drama.

At that time, Smith was not very popular. Jada formed a band of his own and met him at a performance by chance, and soon married Smith.

For the sake of marriage and family, Jada\'s acting career soon entered a semi-retirement state, and the impression to the public is only familiar to the label of Smith\'s wife.

But after being in this business for so many years, Jada\'s vision and wealth-based financial management methods are rarely mentioned - this person has been representing Smith\'s clothing brand, or the Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation The actual controller of Smith, who is in charge of Smith\'s charitable funds, is basically doing the work of a personal broker.

No, with the hot screening of "I Am Legend" recently, Smith\'s traffic has skyrocketed. With this shareholder wind, he can make a lot of profit from other aspects.

After all, this couple is one of the few representatives in the circle who has not been dazzled by the Hollywood spotlight. It is so easy to get money and actively develop side jobs. The key is not bad.

The two entered the gate of the manor, and at the celebration party in the form of a cold banquet, the executives of Lionsgate and Blue Butterfly were very close to the heroes.

When it was late at night, he sat in the car, and Jada, who had not drunk much, checked the time, and waited for Smith, who was a little drunk, to help him sort out his itinerary, while waiting for more specific news.

Although "I Am Legend" has achieved good results, it is always necessary to look at the box office and market feedback in the first week to speculate on the follow-up direction.

After all, this movie is strictly based on the light of the first two films. Because of the characters, the plot of the final chapter is not very wide. This is an easy to see shortcoming-why is it difficult for a one-man show to be outstanding, that is, there are no characters. As a foil, the scene is difficult to unfold.

She inquired about their opinions from her peers and based on the information given by the audience and rating agencies, she confirmed and analyzed in many ways that "I Am Legend" cannot play a long-term screening, and even has a steeper screening curve than "New York Row" and "I Am Hero"— - Get up high and fall fast.

That is to say, if you can\'t hit a high peak in the early stage, you don\'t have to expect the market to rebound for a while to give people a surprise. If the trouble is bad, the rate of return is not as good as the previous two, which would be embarrassing.

If this is the case, there must be a rhythm of the media, saying that Smith\'s appeal has declined and fans are disappointed with Balabala\'s strange words... Thinking about it this way, I still feel a little murmured...

"Will, your agent just called. I wrote down some arrangements for you."

Jada took out the booklet she had with her and helped Smith get up from her lap and sat down.

Smith is still very professional, even if he is a big star of a club worth 20 million, he rarely plays any temperament and does not go to the platform to publicize in violation of the contract.

However, during the screening of the movie, there are indeed many things. As it is written above, what about the FX TV station\'s 10 am program recording, 12 o\'clock to run a few road shows, and 3 o\'clock in the afternoon to fly to New York to go to one of the sponsors Omega The show... I have to go to a radio station in the evening.

"Has the schedule been coordinated?" Smith was not surprised by such a complicated arrangement, because he also participated in various activities today and basically did not take much rest.


Following Jada\'s reply, the car suddenly became quiet, but it was not long before it was broken by the vibration of the phone.

"It\'s Jason\'s call." Smith handed it to his wife, "You answer it for me, it\'s estimated that today\'s box office is out."

The time is about 50 minutes in the morning. In the Internet age, the box office does not need to be manually calculated, and the speed is indeed much faster.

"Hey... um..."

Jada is Smith\'s bedside, and Jason is not shy about anything. He talked about today\'s harvest of "I Am Legend", the first week\'s box office, market feedback, and follow-up forecasts.

One of the surprises is that the film recorded a very weak decline of 24.47 million on the third day, 19.8 million for 3 days + midnight show, and a total revenue of 98.45 million in the first week——

The average score of nearly 20,000 has once again excited the movie market.

And this kind of achievement is also very good for Smith himself, that is, it proves that he can play all types of films (science fiction "I, Robot", romantic comedy "Full Name Rival", action "Jedi Boys", drama "Art" When happiness knocks on the door", 3D animation "Shark Gang~www.novelhall.com~ plus disaster wasteland "I am a legend")......

In other words, Will Smith once again consolidated his status as a new generation of box-office kings. Following the big sale of "Superman Hancock", another anti-Ding work was born, and it was thoroughly displayed-single-player The one-man show has no other stars co-starring, which means that no one is competing with him. It doesn\'t matter if there is a lot of room to play, and there are many shots. Once it is successful, the benefits of the actor will only be enjoyed by him.

The only fly in the ointment may be that the disadvantages of not being able to maintain the long-term have initially appeared.

For example, after a large number of passers-by entered the theater, the word of mouth declined. Rotten Tomatoes only gave a freshness rating of 72%, Yahoo was B+, and the media comprehensive evaluation was only slightly higher than passing, with 64 points——

It\'s nothing more than a low level of appreciation for the plot. Even if there is a big wave in the first week, in the previous October schedule, the results ranked first, and the media and film critics are not very impressed, but fans are very supportive.

Jada knew it himself: Smith\'s skin color helped his career a lot, and the black race must have liked to see a familiar face on the big screen.

But once the black dividends are exhausted, and the fan market is almost consumed, I am afraid that with such word of mouth, it will not go very far.

But this is beyond Jada\'s expectations. A zombie movie, with nearly 100 million in the first week, is simply a miracle, comparable to the unreasonable gameplay of the "Twilight" series——

According to this momentum, 600 million should be stable, just to see if it can break the 700 million level.

After all, no matter how you analyze it, you have to take into account the strong topicality that the zombie trilogy is about to end. In addition, there is no threat during the schedule, and there is no blockbuster to grab the box office, so the audience actually doesn\'t have much choice.


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