Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 926: layout game

Just like what Timo Bekmanbetov said, the theater dealers at this time are very grateful for the screening of "Twilight 2: New Moon".

Originally, September has always been a battle between small fish and small shrimps. It may be a good time for the film market to exceed 100 million yuan. Under normal circumstances, the attendance rate is generally lower than 40%, and the revenue is barely equal to the expenditure.

Let\'s put it this way, if there is no "New Moon" this year, this weekend of September 13th, only by virtue of the market appeal of the car accident level of other films, then everyone does not need to think about making any money——

Last week\'s champion "Reaper 4" dropped 54% again this week, only accounting for 5.5 million, ranking fifth, and the only contribution may be to vacate market share;

For the new film "Terrorist Friendship" produced by Summit Entertainment, 2,665 theaters earned 5.27 million in the first week, and the many negative reviews are also correct for this work.

The rest of "Machine No. 7", "All About Steve", and "Snow Blind" are also quite satisfactory, and are very inconspicuous in every aspect.

That is to say, in the current North American film market, only "Twilight 2: New Moon" produced by Firefly can bring high profits, and the total accumulation of the TOP12 market has been raised to 183 million by itself, and the series will be very sluggish. weekend market.

What\'s more, the overseas box office of "Twilight Saga 2" also has 118 million, plus the income of 140 million in North America, the global box office totals 258 million in the first week, surpassing 90% of the films on the market in an instant.

After entering the second week, even if "Twilight 2: New Moon" fell by 63%, and only recorded 43.66 million (excluding the box office of 22 million at midnight), its volume is still not comparable to other films. Yes, it is easy to continue the position of the weekly champion.


In the conference room, a conference on business expansion development is going on.

"Next, without delaying the input of the production and distribution departments, we need to spend energy to develop animation and game fields..."

"According to the survey, whether it is Little Spider or DC, its game revenue accounts for more than 10% of the brand\'s surrounding area, and there is still room for revenue growth."

"According to the plan, we will contact some manufacturers that can start as soon as possible, and quickly set up a framework. We can\'t watch other IP profits remain indifferent."

Lyman sat at the top, flanked by Kevin Feige, Joseph, and the executives of Marvel Entertainment.

Under the proposal, due to the timely and smooth shooting of various productions, the brand value continues to grow, and everyone has a strong enterprising spirit. Anyway, a luxury ship that can continuously generate cash is about to ride the wind and waves into other media and entertainment fields. A healthy capital chain is the most stable background.

After a few days, animation is easy to say. With the cooperation experience of lighting entertainment, Mann Media once again acquired 2 small studios in the industry, and then recruited painters to form Marvel Animation, a sub-brand of Marvel Pictures. As you can see from the name, the main focus of this studio is to create animations of Marvel characters and continue to cultivate audiences.

However, this part only plays a supplementary role to the existing layout. The production concept is also to control the budget, and mainly invest in 3D short animations.

One day, Johnson came over to the balcony on the second floor of Rust Manor.

"How\'s it going? Any news?"

"caa\'s information channel is still reliable, but you said that the game studio seems to have been favored."

"It\'s okay, I don\'t necessarily want a controlling stake. The game is really out of our scope, and few people in the company understand programming."

"That\'s fine."

Johnson, in a suit, opened his briefcase and took out the details," Riot Studio was founded in 2006 by Brandon Baker and Mark Merrill.

At E3 2008, Riot successfully raised 8 million US dollars through the demo of its internal beta game "League of Legends", and introduced a Tencent and two small investment banks - Benchmark Capital and Capital One as investors, among which Tencent accounted for 100% of the shares. 22 out of 22, has obtained the agency rights of "League of Legends" in mainland China. "

"Oh, is there a possibility for those two investment banks to trade?"

"I have investigated, those two companies only invested in the first round, and they did not interfere in Riot\'s management and R&D. As long as we raise the price to acquire it, they will definitely let go. Such investment banks are everywhere on Wall Street, and they can\'t bring Riot any more. More development capital, both parties can understand.”

Like the trajectory of later generations, Tencent did not get on the train after the results of "League of Legends". As early as the internal testing stage, Riot Games had been so miserable that they had no money to continue. Money back to tech talent.

"Looking at it this way, Tencent is not so confident, but it is still betting."

"They are now actively expanding the game business. For them, as long as they can achieve results, they will increase investment immediately. Tencent\'s size is enough to support them to bet everywhere like this."

Johnson tactfully reminded him that, in his opinion, a film-based company like Mann Media can\'t compete completely with real-time communication, and is rooted in the giants of the Internet industry~www.novelhall.com~ even if its The roots are on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Lehman wanted to laugh a little, but he didn\'t plan to kick Penguin. In other words, the success of this game was inseparable from Penguin\'s powerful promotion ability.

"I have my senses. You go to those two investment banks first and get the investment shares in their hands at a suitable price." Lehman didn\'t explain much, and gave a direct command.

He understands very well that although games also belong to the entertainment field, the threshold for playing games in industries such as movies, TV series, and animation requires more professionals.

Moreover, many Internet products that affect the world cannot even be grown simply by relying on technology. You can see the opportunity in advance to become an angel investor, and use the experience of developing games from a professional team like Riot to acquire other small studios. , it can also help Marvel characters ported to the handheld field.

To be honest, he just wants to make a difference in the field of handheld consoles, just like the old owner Sony of Little Spider, not to say that he is a game overlord.

Besides, cf and cs are two FPS games, one is represented by Tencent and has become a dream of 300 million gunfights, and the other is popular in Europe and America, but it has never been able to take off in the mainland. It has also made people clearly aware of the agents in the Chinese market. , who is the real talker.

As for the benefits of investing in "League of Legends" other than cash?

Let\'s put it this way, it can bring audience traffic to Marvel. The age group of players of this game is the core audience that Marvel wants to win, and it can more quickly increase Marvel\'s influence among Asian youth groups, although After Lehman took over, Marvel has taken special care of the Asian market. The investment level is not low, but the promotion level can be increased. It kills two birds with one stone, why should you miss it...


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