Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 916: First week weight

For the next two days, the "Inception" crew has been preparing for the role.

Nolan first recruited direct-line actors, such as Scarecrow Murphy and Butler Kane, both of which were supporting roles, adding up to a total of 5.5 million.

In fact, the salary ratio of the actors in this play is quite high. Apart from the special effects CG requirements, the expenditure is not cheap, and the salary problem of Leo is not young or old.

Of course, people are worth this price. From the series of films he has acted in in the past, excluding the "Titanic" that made him popular all over the world, even the Austrian film can bring investors at least 50 million results - no matter what you shoot The rate of return has always remained above 125 percent.

His personal charm, as well as his gradually mature performance and broad play path, make him loved by audiences of all ages.

When his economic team replied that they could talk, Nolan also visited in person.

The two of them are a handful of people who have become famous in their respective fields. The atmosphere of the chat is very good, and the discussion is lively. How is the design of a certain scene, how do you play the role of Barabara, and it is easy to move Leo. Heart, after the signing of a salary plan of about 37 million yuan, the two parties reached a cooperation.

When the main characters settled in, Heath Ledger also specially returned to Hollywood from the "Lovely Bones" crew to sign an actor contract with a salary of 5.4 million.

It can be summed up in a few simple words: look for the character\'s feeling before starting the game.

"Inception" does not challenge the actors very high, but it requires a lot of directors\' abilities. It is not easy to play the concept of dreams and give people a feeling of suspense and brain-burning but not brain-burning.

Nolan carefully conceived the connection points between each clip, pondering how to use the narrative method to shoot.


On the morning of July 13, Rust Manor.

In the study, Lehman swiped Yahoo, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB and other websites to pay attention to the audience\'s word-of-mouth trend of "Thor".

By this weekend, "Thor", which has been released for 3 days, has as always received more negative reviews than positive reviews from the media, but for fans, it is tantamount to a dose of spiritual opium——

"It\'s funny and cool, it\'s not boring to watch, and the soundtrack always connects the plot appropriately."

"Loki\'s pride and cunning, Thor\'s honesty and bravery, the roles between these two brothers are very interesting. Loki is also a villain that I can\'t hate. I always feel that he is very arrogant."

"The plot is cliché, but it is definitely a work that is qualified and excellent in commercial films, and it is recommended to watch it."

Contrary to the general trend of positive audience reviews, Rotten Tomatoes maintained its freshness at 91% after the large-scale release of Thor, the audience score collected on the website also reached A, and the imdb score was 7.2, better than 100%. 75 out of 75 movies of the same type.

Such a result is actually not difficult to achieve under the fan base of Marvel\'s level. With the bonus of fans\' feelings, and not lack of exposure, it is easy to promote, in fact, it is not easy to rot the word of mouth.

So when the midnight show gathered momentum, "Thor" earned 36.22 million on the first day (plus the midnight show), 24.87 million on Saturday, and 21.36 million on Sunday, making it the biggest winner last week with a weekend score of 82.45 million.

Such a market share is also far higher than other films on the list. It can be said that it accounts for almost 52% of the audience of all theaters, and even diverts the audience of last week\'s champion "Ice Age 3".

Affected by this, "Ice Age 3" dropped one place this week, a drop of 42%. It "jumped" to 38.2 million from the box office of last week\'s champion, which was close to 68 million US dollars. This is still a young market. The impact is like this, it can be said that I have experienced what is exciting.

Even "Transformers 2" directly dropped another 53%, falling to fourth, with 23 million US dollars, and the new film "Bruno" ranked third with 28.57 million.

However, if you analyze it in detail, it is not difficult to see that because many Marvel fans have been looking forward to it for a long time, the audience of "Thor" directly contributed to the highest single-day box office in the first week on Friday.

Due to the influx of enthusiastic fans, the box office trend of "Thor" also showed a screening curve of "Friday > Saturday > Sunday", and Friday accounted for 42% of the three-day premiere. "The American version of The Grudge 2", "Black Friday", "The Matrix 2, 3", "Harry Potter 3, 4, 5" and other films are similar.

——It is worth pondering that most of the above-mentioned films are sequels, which vividly reflect the current situation of American film distribution: that is, the proportion of the first weekend is getting bigger and bigger, the average weekly decline is getting higher and higher, and the topicality is getting higher and higher. Strong works are more likely to consume market potential, rising and falling rapidly, just like bungee jumping.

Previously, North American films had mostly linear or sinusoidal sales trends (and even bounced from time to time), but now they often experience huge logarithmic decays.

By the way, Thor was down about 32 percent from Saturday to Friday, which is one of the most high-traffic movies.

Because under normal circumstances ~www.novelhall.com~ the first day of a movie\'s release is a multiple-choice question for the audience to know how the quality is and whether to watch it, so the harvest on Saturday and Sunday is higher than that on Friday. It is a common thing, otherwise it proves that the staying power of this movie is not credible, and the rhythm to be stretched, such as the projection curve of "Golden Compass", "Ink Heart", etc. is quite smooth, ups and downs, and then disappears.

However, with more and more traffic adaptations, less investment in original projects, and more perfect sequel structure in the era of big ip, combined with the current market situation, it will be found that a project has consumed a large number of fans just after warming up. It has also become very common. The so-called long-term screening has been shortened from the previous operation cycle of more than 2 months to basically 4 or 5 weeks without follow-up momentum.

Constantly breaking single-day box office records, constantly refreshing first-week box office records, and attracting more fans to buy tickets for the first day of the show has become a fact that is not so easy to do in the market, but it is often done by blockbusters with online quality. .

If it was a movie that could reach 80 million in the first week, the forecasting agency could directly judge the North American landing spot of 400 million, but now even if it is 150 million in the first week, it may not exceed 400 million. Once fans leave the show, the passion is no longer, That trend is no different from a crash.

Therefore, "Thor" can achieve such results, coupled with better audience feedback than "Captain America", it is optimistic to look forward to it.

Because high-traffic movies accumulate at the box office very quickly, even if they are not long-lasting, it is the best way to make theater operators happy: that is, to vigorously promote them for a few weeks, and to make room for new films to be shown without delay.

No, listen to Liam, "Thor" will rise to 4,100 theaters in the second week...


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