Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 910: princess pandora

The play directed by Cameron is quite tempting.

She has been in the industry for a long time, followed Lehman in filming, and has been in touch with the production business. She has a long-term vision. She is not the outsider who had no human resources to take on the show before, and she felt a little nourished by Lehman\'s thoughtful words.

He is caring about me.

"Can I go?" Although he said that, there was a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Of course she likes life on the screen.

Producers are also in contact with movies, but after all, unlike actors, once the energy of figuring out the characters and understanding the script is contaminated, how can they get rid of it.

"They\'re casting roles, why can\'t you go? You have grades." Lehmann said cheerfully and jokingly.

Eva rolled his eyes at him, "I mean, will Director Cameron agree to my role?"

"Well...it\'s a little troublesome, I promised him not to interfere in the filming, I can\'t recommend it to him..." Seeing Eva choked, Lehman said again: "It\'s just that he It\'s hard to see who is going to act, focus on 3D composition, perfect the storyboard, it should be able to... But can you accept performing in front of a green screen with a helmet and a sampling equipment? Leo is just because It wasn\'t promised."

"Like Andy Serkis who played Gollum?" Eva suddenly became less interested. She also studied acting in the art school. Of course, she would think that Cameron was too "deviant" and not me. , what kind of performance?

"Isn\'t it interesting that you endow a model with a soul, just like your avatar, with your imprint in every move." As a director, Lehmann\'s thinking is consistent with Cameron\'s, after all, actors are only one It\'s just a part of the play, it can achieve the effect, it doesn\'t matter how the actors interpret it,

"I was a little worried that you couldn\'t stand the tyrant\'s bad temper and quarreled with him on the set." Lyman reminded seriously, "Directors are people with a strong desire to control, and he is even more so."

When Eva heard this, she had thought about all aspects. She was stunned for a while and hesitated, but from the feeling, she was really looking forward to working with a director like Cameron, not to mention staying at home for a long time recently. Now, the desire to perform came up again, and finally nodded in response: "I\'m willing to go, I\'m afraid it will make you embarrassed."

"Small matter, if it really doesn\'t work, I won\'t bring it up."

He has always thought about suitability while considering the people around him. The original Zoe Saldana is just a third-tier actress at this time. In terms of qualifications, it is not as good as Eva, not to mention still For a project wholly owned by Firefly, it is common sense for the crew to take care of it...

When I got on the phone with Cameron, the other party really didn\'t care about such a trivial matter, but he still said something cautiously, she came to play the princess Neytiri of the Na\'vi Omatikaya tribe on the planet Pandora, and she had to shoot according to his request, Lyman gestured to ensure that this was revealed. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

After another week, assistant Mace knocked on the door, "Columbia is ready, is the boss going?"


The competition in the summer season is fierce, and in the current market, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaur defeated Transformers 2: Comeback with a slight advantage, and captured the throne of the North American box office champion.

The former opened 4,099 theaters in the first weekend and earned 42.5 million with an average score of about $10,370 for a single venue. To be honest, it is not as prosperous as the first two films. The audience is also picky about the content, which makes the producer Lantian Studio a little disappointed. .

Of course, the budget for the series has always been well-controlled, and the third installment has only risen to $90 million, so there must be a profit. Perhaps this is one of the advantages of Blue Sky Studios over Pixar.

But after this incident, if Blue Sky doesn\'t concentrate on developing new series, it will be even less delicious.

As for a typical short-term project such as Transformers, it fell a little bit hard the next week, with a drop of 61.3%. The next week\'s account was 42.2 million, and the single hall instantly dropped to about 10,000. The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King, Spider-Man 2, Iron Man 1 and other works have overtaken the average figures for the same period.

Among them, Spider-Man 2 is the most valuable one. It is also the second part of the series that is sniping at the Independence Day schedule. It is also the second part of the series created by the original team. The decline of 2 is about 125% of Spider-Man 2, and the stamina of the two is clear at a glance.

In other words, Autobots are a big hit, and the lack of plot thickness is still a major flaw, and the audience has very few repeat customers after watching it.

It is also worth mentioning that it is the new work Public Enemy No. 1 produced by Universal, which ranks third in the weekly list. It has assembled three extremely popular movie stars, Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard and Christian Bale, but it did not let the audience. Buy it, this once again proves that the movie can easily win the high box office without stacking big names

3,334 theaters opened, with 26.17 million in the first week and less than $7,850 for a single theater, but it made everyone laugh.

Rotten Tomatoes website Freshness % votes support: 65 votes against, the media comprehensive review is 61 points, and the word of mouth is also inferior to the same genre of American gangsters, The Departed, and Taxi. According to the current starlight and high price of this cast Expenditures~www.novelhall.com~ It is estimated that if you take advantage of copyright and offline operations, you will have to lose 20 to 30 million yuan...

And I was thinking of making a small profit, becoming king at the Oscars, and improving the image of the label, but unexpectedly, the word of mouth and achievements were not earned, and the global executives were silent... Contrary to Columbia and Marvel\'s terrible staff, During the meeting, everyone is laughing at the opponent\'s stride, which is more beneficial to Thor, who is about to enter the market.

Nowadays, Captain America can\'t even keep the top ten in the weekly list, and there is almost no room for operation. It is natural for Thor to hold the banner of Super British.

The Colombian executive first introduced: "The release will be released on July 11, and the academy will deploy 3,400 theaters. Judging from the preheating market effect, the audience\'s acceptance of Thor is very high, and the popularity base is not low. ....." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

As soon as the words fell, the people in Colombia congratulated Leiman, all of them like people.

Without him, after the internal test screening, both the theater representatives and the top executives of the two companies all understood that Thor, the **** of the gods, was a test. The tone was relaxed, and the plot was mixed with some brothers\' grievances. New ideas, and in terms of special effects, it is also more macro and easier to catch people\'s attention.

In other words, Thor has a good chance of surpassing Team America, but the competitors start to lose ground during the schedule, and the risk is reduced a little bit more, how can you not be happy.

After introducing the process of all parties, Lehman concluded: "Based on Thor\'s market and Marvel\'s existing user base, we should achieve a breakthrough of 85 million in the first weekend of the movie\'s release, surpassing Team America... "