Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 907: Black Widow Returns

He hurried back to the company, and the next day, Lehmann received Gareth Antoinette, the head of Columbia\'s distribution department, who followed him.

Obviously, facing this temptation, the other party couldn\'t help it.

"Is your company really ready for investment?"

The core person in the Hollywood power circle is still a little skeptical of Lehmann. 500 million is not a small number, not to mention it is a very high-risk original work.

"Colombia is worried that we will withdraw our capital midway? Don\'t worry, now that we have decided, of course we will not do it."

In this regard, Lehman\'s confidence is deeper than his apparent attitude, at least Mann Media is not subject to the board of directors like Disney, "I met with director Cameron yesterday, which strengthened my investment heart even more. Think about it, a way of filming that represents the future, the sooner you get in touch, the better, and I\'m a director myself."

Haha, for a very strong reason, Gareth laughed: "As long as the project payment can be fixed and there is a guarantee for the completion of the film, then our company will be fine. However, what you said about the joint release... I personally think that the size of Blue Butterfly Pictures is not enough. The filming budget of at least 350 million is not something you can participate in."

"Isn\'t there still you? Aren\'t you responsible for publishing?" Ryman asked rhetorically.

"No, no, simply providing theaters and pulling films is just the foundation for the Avatar project. We are definitely willing to match this, but you also lack good advertising, don\'t you?"

Lehmann spread his hands, "You mean that Colombia eats all the propaganda expenses? It\'s not realistic, sir. Let\'s just talk about domestic, according to the general situation, propaganda expenses should account for 1/3 of the total budget, which is About 130 million, 55 million, 65 million investment level belongs to Colombia, how?

You should know that you are not the only option. We Firefly took the risk first, and then talked about whether there is room for profit... Both of us should look forward. "

Hehe, Gareth pouted.

But the truth is indeed such a truth. Otherwise, it seems that no one has any channels for advertising investment. As long as it is a publishing company, who does not understand the trick of turning the left hand over the right hand, even Hasbro does not dare to easily get involved in entertainment. Between industry companies and Paramount, all kinds of contract details are strictly restricted.

Let\'s put it this way, like Warner\'s torn face and fraudulent financial reports, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix clearly had to make a financial deficit of 160 million after all. But apparently, it was clear to everyone that those dollars were not being spent on the ground.

Everyone has an account in their hearts. There is basically a standard for how much a project invests and how much it should spend. Just like the publicity investment of small-cost movies, if the market is good, it can often reach double or even several times the shooting budget, but the blockbuster is basically maintained at 1/3 or even half of the red line, and beyond it, is meaningless.

And the unspoken rule of Hollywood is to take 20% to 30% of this money. For example, for a movie with an investment of 100 million yuan, it has been agreed that the publicity cost must not be less than 30 million yuan. For the 30 million level investment, the issuer will erase 600 to 300 million yuan. 9 million is an acceptable range for producers.

Because they have TV stations, newspapers, and even advertising companies, they can make money according to the market price. Many people don\'t really care who earns the money, as long as the effect is up to standard.

Now what Lehman means is this. After he and Liam carefully considered their own body size, they were sure that they could eat 50 to 60 million levels of delivery without delaying things. Naturally, the rest can only be handed over to allies. It also reassured other people\'s hearts. As for overseas, it can\'t be leaked for the time being, so I let it go, and I don\'t participate in publicity or distribution.

Sure enough, Colombia is actually not that greedy. They just feel that the terms signed by the two parties in the Thor project do not apply to Avatar. Even if the domestic market vacates the cinema share, Blue Butterfly Pictures still cannot keep up with its investment efforts. The point of view of project interests is practically questioned.

"Alright, alright, we can find a time to talk about more specific things." Lehmann reminded: "I\'m still close to the agreement over there, you Colombia first come out with some regulations."

"No problem." Gareth readily agreed.

"By the way, I also hope that you can contribute to the reconstruction of the imax projection system and sign a projection contract with the theater chain in advance."

"It takes 800,000 to 1,000,000 yuan to renovate a movie hall. Those vampires are not very generous, so don\'t have high expectations."

"But as the ticket price has gone up, is it even more attractive for the audience to enter the venue? Do you need to discuss it a lot? Anyway, most cinema operators are willing to set aside a share to carry the 3dimax hall."

"Okay, listen to you. I just hope that the Avatar project can really achieve results, and don\'t lose everything by then."

"On the contrary, why can\'t it be a full reward? 500,000,000, 600 million investment, in exchange for a future, is the possibility of failure really high? I have always been able to win a win-win situation with my partners." Genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese mx/8/1/z/wc/o/m/

"If it weren\'t for this, we wouldn\'t agree to so many conditions." The question is questioned, Colombia still wants to make more profits.

Gareth beckoned and left in a good mood. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

After Liam also went out, Lyman lay on the boss chair and thought about it a few times.

Taking down Avatar and holding on to Cameron is just in time to pave the way for a global release.

With such intangible assets and strong qualifications, coupled with the record that you have once again set your sights on, why can\'t you impress overseas upstream and downstream distributors?

Hey, following the unreachable and breaking the French box office film history, the bet on Avatar directly broke the record of the global film list. No one can ignore such a record.

Just as he was thinking about it, assistant Mace knocked on the door.

"Is there anything wrong with the company?"

"The last time I discussed with Hasbro about investing in funds to promote Captain America, it worked. Last weekend, the decline was only 37%, and it continued to pick up, with 4.87 million in the account, ranking 8th... The total box office has already Breaking through 300 million, in addition, Mr. Feige is selecting the last round, and I want you to come and discuss it." Mays reported carefully.

"Understood, I\'ll go see the audition first. If Hasbro has any plans, let Joseph decide."

Lehman walked out of the office and went to the Marvel production department, which was only one floor away. He saw that several familiar faces had entered the final round. The interview content was still very casual.

And when he was next to Kevin, he knew a lot about the audition situation.

The role of Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Natalie Portman, Gemma Arterton and other four post-80s actresses are the best among the four post-80s actresses~www.novelhall.com~ None of them are bad. .

But because of the preconceived relationship, Lyman was optimistic about Scarlett. After all, everyone knows the stalk of bathing water, not to mention that she is still young, and her appearance and figure are at their peak.

It\'s just that it\'s okay, Lehman looks like among the last few contestants, she is the only one who has dyed her hair and dyed her reddish-brown rolls like a cartoon image. Although she is a bit deliberate, she can think of it as a bonus item. .

"Kevin, what do you mean?" Lyman asked casually after sitting down.

"I\'m not sure, boss.

Jessica\'s advantage is that it is easier to exert pressure. She has the fewest resources in the circle behind her, and she will not arbitrarily negotiate prices;

Natalie has her back in the Jewish circle, and I have received some greetings more than once, but she has already played Thor, so I stayed at the end in order to take care of her;

Gemma represents the British circle. If overseas publicity is considered, the UK is a big ticket market, but her market appeal is the lowest;

As for Scarlett, she is similar. She is related to Italians and Jews represented by Coppola, but there are not many contacts that can be borrowed, but she has been acting in independent works some time ago, and the audience is very impressed with her acting skills. It is also quite recognized, second only to Natalie. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to suppress the bargaining remuneration. "

"Don\'t think too much. Among these, I have dealt with Scarlett, and when I was filming Deadly Magic, I felt that she was a very smart, very good at evaluating the situation and no lack of professional ability. It\'s just lace news. More, but she doesn\'t care, if it doesn\'t satisfy Black Widow\'s temperament, let her be."

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