Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 899: Balance ", ticket)

A new round of competition for manufacturers in various fields that cooperate with Marvel has arrived.

Because it can be seen that "Captain America" ​​is still profitable and has traffic, it is inevitable that more smart people will come to contact.

In this case, those giant manufacturers are of course more "arrogant".

Basically, the brand publicity department will file a case, and then come to the brand department of Marvel Entertainment to discuss the conditions. It is the manufacturer who puts forward the conditions, which generally will not last long. It is nothing more than taking money and borrowing the current popularity elements to increase the popularity of their products. For example, for the Captain America meal launched by Burger King, Pepsi only changed a little bit of packaged Coke.

What Marvel can earn from it is only some licensing fees, and there is no profit sharing from the sales of the same model.

Of course, although Lehmann attaches great importance to long-term interests and is a businessman with complementary resources and win-win cooperation, giant manufacturers do not treat them differently. They also have similar conditions to cooperate with studios such as Warner and Universal.

Soon, the third week of the US team\'s screening passed, and the box office fell by 46% again. It recorded 16.06 million in the weekend. When it fell from the second to the third, the global box office of the film has accumulated to 100 million.

At the same time, the marketing department of PepsiCo also made a slightly polite call to David Messo, the brand department of Marvel. Although he did not reveal much, the sales of the new package of Coke that month was even more vague. , but still expressed his willingness to continue cooperation with actions, and immediately sent a sum of money over and won the authorization of Thor.

Just as the balance theory is very common in the market, when one party\'s comprehensive strength is continuously increasing and it is indeed profitable, the other party is not so high.

In fact, I know my own affairs well, and if Team America can help Pepsi open up a situation, that is a valuable cooperation.

Under the wave of business negotiations, the US team conservatively estimates that it will bring no less than 130 million income to Marvel. After all, Marvel can treat those small manufacturers with greater demand very harsh conditions.

This is the case with the original factory that produced wall lamps and lamps. Their products had no special selling point, and they could not take advantage of other manufacturers in the same field on the market, and only managed to take some share.

However, after the launch of the Iron Man series, the market share and sales performance increased rapidly, and the sales in the first quarter directly increased by 174%, so it is even more necessary to win the brand authorization of Marvel.

It’s just that Marvel’s executives are not stupid. Some products have a wide customer base, and the production quality and distribution channels are very strong. Naturally, Marvel is at a disadvantage in the field of cooperation, and those manufacturers with general market prospects do not need it. Lehman suggested that the cooperation plans must be biased towards Marvel.

So if you want to maintain the uniqueness of Feiss Lighting Factory in the field of Marvel lighting, use Marvel elements to enhance product competitiveness, and incidentally prevent competitors from entering the market, the price will of course not be cheap, and it will certainly not be solved by a licensing fee. .

When it comes to killing Marvel, it is not relentless. The whole plan includes product entry fees, advertising fees, and even sales rebates.

In fact, it is still humanized, but compared with some manufacturers, it is like a long-term blood-sucking, but Feiss\'s boss has not much room to refuse. If the market share does not increase, even if no one is lying on his stomach, he will still be the same. I can\'t make any money, it can only be said that everyone\'s measurement and strength are not equal.


"Angels and Demons, which is recognized as a novel more suitable for adaptation than "The Da Vinci Code", narrowly beat "Star Trek" by 5 million in its opening week, and only 3,527 theaters harvested its premiere of $48 million The revenue is not only far behind the $77.07 million ($20,635 for a single hall) set by her sister\'s predecessor "The Da Vinci Code", but even lower than the industry\'s conservative estimate of $55 million.

It is also a commercial giant system that costs about 150 million. "Angels and Demons" can be said to be the worst of the three masterpieces that have been unveiled in the summer. The Rotten Tomatoes website has a freshness of 38%: 73 votes in favor: 117 votes against. It has been judged very harshly, and was even shortlisted for various awards by the organizers of Golden Raspberry.

By the way, this is also the second time that Tom Hanks has been selected as the worst actor in the series, and the indelible stain on the screen continues. With such word of mouth, it is conceivable that the subsequent loss of audience will be more serious..."

On the morning of May 19, Lehmann put down the newspaper, feeling that the report was too subjective.

The combination of Ron Howard + Tom Hanks did not continue the good results of the first film, but in a movie that is partial to solving puzzles, the camera focuses on the details of the scene, which must lead to the actor\'s performance limit is not high, just like You can\'t ask Michael Bay to insert some interesting literary drama into a commercial work. This is unrealistic, and it is quite difficult for a strongman.

After all, Tom Hanks was only acting in this series to make money, and he didn\'t pursue fame so much...

Lehmann shook his head, and he wasn\'t too happy when he saw that one of his rivals had fallen during the schedule.

Since the US team\'s performance has become "normal", his focus has been on the production of clothing in the affordable market~www.novelhall.com~ He also talked with Joseph not long ago, and the manpower he dispatched has already negotiated business OEM in the mainland. .

Eva came downstairs while eating breakfast, "New Moon" is about to be finished, do you have any plans?"


Lehman thought about what he was going to do in the future, and quickly replied: "Forget it, I won\'t go. You and Ryan discuss this matter with a banquet."

This drama, because the director Chris Weitz has the idea of ​​"taking guilt and meritorious deeds", he usually works very hard and does not procrastinate at all. From the start to the present, it took 2 months to get 90% of the scenes. very high.

As for the quality of the finished film, the sequel has made some progress in the fluency of the plot compared to the first one, but the female director has a little less subtlety. However, the audience of the "Twilight" series is also relatively single. Still pretty good.

Estimated the time, the schedule is still very abundant, and it will be enough in the later stage.

Thinking of this, Lehmann called Lionsgate executive Jon Fleming again, so that their company could plan in advance a plan for overseas publicity and contact with brands and theaters.

Thinking about the profitability of the first part, the second part has to actively generate income.

Of course, in addition to this matter, the second part of "Iron Man" will also be put on the preparatory schedule, and the project will be established first.

Undoubtedly, this is the last piece of the puzzle before assembly.

In this regard, Warner\'s distribution department, major guilds, and CAAA are of course very cooperative, especially Warner, which has not performed well this year and is lacking projects with low risk and high profit...

