Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 897: Dare to think 1 point

After the foreshadowing of the premiere, Captain America easily killed the suspense of who was on the weekly list as many people expected. After three days of opening, it won $71.26 million in the first weekend in 3,700 theaters.

Under this influence, the weekly market sum of the entire North American film market has increased slightly by 4.2% compared with last week after the injection of strong fresh blood, with a total cumulative total of 152 million US dollars, beating the 135 million US dollars when the leisure travel mission was established three years ago. , the highest data for the same period in history for the first weekend of May.

Of course, Captain America\'s first-week box office opening is not particularly impressive compared to the investment. It is almost certain that its box office will be around 300 million in North America, but for the super British movie, it did not fail. The value of copyright has room to play, not to mention that the works of the same period have been squeezed and have their own losses, and it is not a dispensable existence.

For example, last week\'s list champion Beyonce starring Fascinated fell 42 percent in the next week, taking in $15.42 million, taking second place.

It\'s just that most of the media\'s attention was beyond reporting these news, and soon began to predict next week\'s strong duel, and unanimously believed that Star Trek would win, and Captain America would not be able to win consecutive championships. starter

"As a sci-fi epic classic series that is older than Star Wars, Paramount\'s generous investment of 140 million production budget is the highest for the series, which is definitely expected."

"Although Spielberg has left Paramount, there is still a cooperative relationship between them. The two sides can complement each other and win together."

"Actually, Captain America is not bad, but it doesn\'t even have the same level of market dominance as the Iron Man launched by Marvel last year. If you want to continue the market for the next week, you will still be staring at other new works. The point of the market."

Again, the competition in the summer season is fierce every year, and this year is even more so. If you can continue to win consecutive championships, what level of dominance will you have?

Therefore, while reporting the summary results, many media were diverted by Paramount and boasted about Star Trek, which has not yet been shown.

Although this kind of stepping on top is actually quite common in summer, even Lehman himself thinks so.

It can only be said that he takes care of his own interests. Captain America is better than his previous life, which has already made him more satisfied. It is normal that some of the market share is taken away by the powerful enemies who are about to enter the arena.

in the office.

Ryman\'s attention was quickly shifted to the peripheral benefits of Team America. With the film attracting nearly 9.5 million viewers in its first week, the number of buyers in the Marvel derivatives market must be Sudden surge in a short period of time.

After all, the psychological defense line of impulsive consumption of teenagers is indeed more provocative than adults, especially when they just appreciate the heroic appearance of the perfect team, and the market transformation is relatively smooth.

Although in terms of data, the development share of the US team in the first week is also not as good as that of Iron Man, but because Marvel i has a base of two works compared to last year, it has really improved a lot, and the sales of first-class derivatives The amount soon reached 10.7 million and is still increasing, so the channel dealers, whether it is Hasbro or Amazon\'s executives, have a closer attitude towards this business. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Not to mention, Marvel\'s three consecutive films have shown a trend of profitability, and it is clear that there is a lot of money. Of course, the proportions are different.

Even adjusting the schedule to let Captain America rush to the front of Fox, and Columbia have their own plans, and even the major brokerage companies that are more marginalized in participating in the profit carnival are paying more and more attention to Marvel\'s star-making ability.

Needless to say, Chris Evans has relied on a few works and Human Torch to stand on the second line before, and he still follows the idol path of Tom Cruise\'s face and temperament.

It\'s just that the market appeal is not so intuitive. Although there is value, it still needs to be cultivated and depends on luck. What a popular character like Captain America Steve, who has an excellent response and a positive setting, can bring him, except for a moment after the screening. Unrivaled in the limelight, popularity and traffic soared, attracting more brand parties, wanting to take advantage of his potential, and there will be a guaranteed series for many years in the future, and the old bottom will be more solid.

The same is true for the heroine Liv Tyler, a first-line masterpiece that is expected to be profitable at the box office, which represents an all-round improvement in value, market, and popularity, and the market height will definitely increase. She has already become a first-line actress With good external conditions and good acting skills, there is no doubt that the development route is more stable.

Not to mention that Hollywood, which is superstitious and chasing the heat, soon cast aside the olive branch, and the project selection has become wider, which is undoubtedly a good cycle.

Although the sudden increase in the salary may dispel the idea of ​​​​most studios wanting to reach a cooperation.

Under a series of favorable circumstances, Ryman and Kevin Feige began to formulate the pace of Marvel\'s follow-up.

"When Iron Man 2 draws out the remaining characters, the first stage of the foreshadowing will be completed." Lyman handed over a cigar and continued:

"In terms of TV dramas, Agent Carter can also be added to the S.H.I.E.L.D. system as a significant role~www.novelhall.com~ The script style is written according to the spy war dramas on the market, and the cost is lower, let\'s see if we can Take advantage of Team America\'s current wave of dividends to increase traffic."

Kevin Feige nodded subconsciously, indicating that he understood, but quickly asked: "But Liv Tyler is not suitable for Carter\'s candidate, let\'s not say whether she is willing to temporarily leave the film industry and make a movie The extra drama is also a bit expensive, but if you don\'t do it, the effect may not be so good. The first impression is still very important. "

"It\'s okay, don\'t dc often use new faces, we don\'t have to make the series particularly successful, just expand the characters normally."

Lehman said, and took out the detailed market analysis of Team America from the drawer, "Kevin, do you think our structure is still too small?"

"Is there?" Kevin Feige feels that Marvel\'s development has been very good. Before that, they really integrated the business with the belief of breaking the boat.

"Colombia has never wanted Spider-Man to have a little bit of copyright use back to Marvel, just because our results are not enough to impress them. Don\'t look at Iron Man, Hulk, and Team America, we have all done relatively smoothly, but it\'s still not amazing enough. People are not shocked.”

Lehman shook his head and said, "So, the next most important event of the Battle of New York will have to boost Little Spider\'s box office in the first week, and let the Sony guys see, then, you will personally follow up with him. They talk."

Pull up a lot?

300 million in 3 days?

This is too daring to think.

: . : m.x