Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 875: Generous so 1 point

The Legendary Hollywood Director Chapter 875 is so generous

It makes people feel uncomfortable to watch a wealthy banquet, but if you are a member of it, it is the fastest way to gather people\'s hearts.

Many large companies have various complex job incentive schemes and year-end bonuses, which can be accomplished through salary increases, but a few tricks can mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, which involves a lot of management knowledge.

You only need to understand that it is not easy to raise wages on a large scale, but the big bosses don’t care if the part of the salary increase is distributed in other names.

Therefore, when the date can basically be seen passing and turning into the next year, Mann Media has already started to set off a fiery wealth carnival.

Colon Tanworth sat in the office with a face full of joy, and inquired about the past year-end income with the employees who joined Blue Butterfly Pictures for more than two years next to him, so as to estimate what he might get.

The two tilted their heads and talked for a while, but they were both looking forward to it.

Because Mann Media always looks at the total amount of performance to determine the total bonus, it involves different performances of different employees in different departments, and there are slight differences.

After all, the amount you get for a lower-level employee and the management seems cruel to even be right.

But it doesn\'t matter, people are always good at finding their own position, and they can stimulate competition with people of the same class.

The first one that can show off is the online publicity department of Blue Butterfly Pictures. The year-end bonus allocated by the top management headed by Sean is more than 4 months of basic salary. many.

To put it more intuitively, Lehman, who is approaching the end of the year, needs to spend 53.5 million to satisfy the more than 950 employees excluding the company\'s core management.

In the end, each person is divided into more than 56,300 US dollars. According to the average salary of Los Angeles in 2008 and the salary of employees with publishing or production experience in the entertainment industry, it is a little longer, not pure newcomers, monthly. The basic salary is $3,050. In 2008, if the per capita disposable income of Americans is $60,000, 75% of the people in the United States are strong, and the average monthly salary is $5,000.

Note that the bottom layer of the entertainment industry will definitely not earn 60,000 dollars, and probably understand the meaning of this conversion.

In other words, this money allows the most basic and hard-working employees to receive 18 months of salary. Although the account is not calculated like this, and some bosses may mean year-end bonuses, they feel like giving half a month\'s salary. I have suffered a big loss, which is why some people can\'t do much and can\'t retain talents.

Let\'s put it this way, if a company wants to hold all the benefits in its hands, the brothers who are considered as the eldest brother will leave, but if it is "willing" to share a part of the growing wealth, it may really get a large number of brothers.

"Generous" is nothing, it is very important to have a group of talents who are willing to "fight" around.

The "extra" expenditure of more than 50 million is indeed not much for the wealth created by the copyright channels of Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk, and the offline family entertainment part relying on the daily work of employees.

In other words, it can be said that Lehmann took the wealth they earned and redistributed it "reasonably".

Everyone has an account in their hearts, but how to blur the value of labor is what many people are doing. Of course, this is also relative, because most positions have competition in themselves.

After all, apart from this, the performance dividends that Joseph, Liam, Kayfe and other companies can take away may be more than the sum of these 950 employees, but everyone will only envy or motivate themselves to get better.

You see, isn\'t that so.

According to the overtime statistics of the financial department, the outflow of each pen makes people have a better mood, except for some people who were fired for one reason or another.

Excitement returns to excitement, but personnel adjustment and training competition cannot stop.

Some new entrants, including Krontenworth, finally felt the fact that Liam preached before joining the job, Mann Media is really easy to project success and accumulated traces.

There are only 7 people in their small group, but everyone has received no less than 12,000 US dollars. Because of their outstanding performance, Colantan, who received 17,000 US dollars, is even more emotional.

Most Hollywood studios are not that profitable, not to mention the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis and the surge in unemployment. Not to mention hard work and huge bonuses, even the basic salary will be a problem.

But here, most of the time, the operation of the project will not be useless, and the value of hard work in exchange is far easier than before.

This kind of surprise from the inside-out thinking, accompanied by a certain uncertainty and a brighter future, makes those employees who can still stay in Mann Media ruddy, and they happily discuss the next 10 days of vacation. Where to spend it, and take a little self-examination~www.novelhall.com~ You must not quit your job because of negligence, laziness, and sullenness.

Ryman added another fire by announcing the December 29 passion party under Joseph\'s approach to the company\'s administration.

Each department is held separately, and the party is built in a carnival group, which costs less than 5 or 6 million, but allows them to "luxury" enjoy Hollywood-style feasting.

Lyman smiled and listened to the cheers, praises, and flattery of the employees, just like a corner of life.


All kinds of sumptuous food are placed on the long table, and it is really unfamiliar for the hotel to undertake a cold meal party, especially in Hollywood, where the parties are non-stop.

Of course, the management will not end up getting along with the employees, because they can\'t do it at all, and they will only appear restrained. Lehman\'s intention is to let them relax and enjoy, have fun, and then be more attentive to their work next year, certainly not Do bad things.

And there is no boss, no company, girls dressed in cool clothes are greeted by the "service manager" and naturally join it.

Hug, cuddle, or cuddle, there is nothing irregular.

The car goes in and the car goes out, and there is privacy. When the champagne is poured on the girls, the twisting dance looks so hot.

It\'s no surprise that the security guards keep order, it\'s Hollywood.

Alcohol, wealth, without hormones, how can people be immersed in it

You think that The Wolf of Wall Street has been exaggerated, but the director is obviously very restrained. If you let go of the shooting, it may become an "art" film.

Like Xiao Lizi\'s envy of the Victoria\'s Secret Sky Group, that\'s just a corner. Let\'s deduce that he\'s just a big-name actor. He is young and handsome. How can other people with more wealth and power enjoy life?

Unfortunately, this card can\'t be played, otherwise it may be a lore.

Times have changed, but enjoyment remains the same.

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