Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 869: Very philistine director

With the arrival of December, 2008 is coming to an end.

Burbank, in the Firefly Building, the office employees are in a wonderful and busy mood, and the whole company is full of anger, completely unaffected by the downturn in the financial market.

After all, this year, the company\'s earnings have risen like a blowout, and the bonus at the end of the year will definitely not be less.

Although there is still a month to harvest the market, in fact, most of the works released in December are Olympic films, and the scale of the screening is not large. For example, the recently discussed millionaire in the slum has broken 30,000 in a single hall. But that\'s because they only have 23 theaters for screening, and the audience can only watch it in advance if they go to grab tickets.

So if nothing else, according to the annual data list summarized by the film market, a total of two films produced by Firefly ranked in the top ten. Among them, Iron Man also locked the ranking of the North American champion, and the box office single film exceeded 100 million. It has reached 4, not to mention overwhelming second-tier studios, including the top five, Firefly\'s performance is outstanding, but the output is still not high.

Not only that, in terms of TV series, relying on Hell\'s Kitchen, Prison Break 5, The Walking Dead 4, Stranger Things 2, Breaking Bad 3, and the slightly profitable Roaring Squadron and the Diaosi Men with more surprising ratings, apart from the size of the TV station, the film supply side Really did it first.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

This report card not only unites the hearts of the company, including Marvel Entertainment, which has slowly changed after the acquisition, but also makes Lionsgate and Fox, who had the lowest performance in the five major battles this year, a little envious.

With such an efficient production level, who doesn\'t take a second look?

I just don\'t know if Firefly can continue to survive.


After this week, on December 8, the global cumulative number of the ninth district after four weeks of screening came to 454 million, of which North America contributed 203 million.

Now, no one is worried that the movie will not make money, and it has even been named by the media as the 610 million Passion of the Christ that is most likely to break the R-rated movie record.

The reason why everyone is so optimistic is that the trend of the ninth district is very stable, which is in line with the usual expectations of popular works with high reputation.

"The decline of overseas screenings seems to be coming sooner than expected, Mr. Feilemay."

On a new day, Lehman took over the recent performance report of the film, made a phone call, and contacted the chairman of Lionsgate. Judging from the current situation, the potential of North America is almost there, and the rest of the time is basically to keep shrinking the theater chain. Waiting for the next painting, so whether the ninth district can get a higher box office, break a record or something, it depends more on overseas regions.

"Of course we want to do better, but the ninth district is an original project after all, you can\'t make its publicity as simple as twilight, and even the topic of speculation is not easy to find, and I personally think it can be credited overseas. So much, not much cultural exclusion, it is already very good, at least there is no difficulty in the world\'s 500 million."

Jon Feilermei said relaxedly: "Don\'t worry, director. We will have a very good end of the year."

"Then it\'s hard work for you."

After the routine "urging", Lehmann couldn\'t manage overseas business after all, so he could only hope that Lionsgate\'s operating methods would be stronger.

It doesn\'t matter if the record is broken or not. The box office is higher and the copyright value is higher. It is about interests. It is better to be higher or higher.

After a while, Lyman, who was sitting happily in the boss chair, was stopped by the sound of assistant Mace knocking on the door to continue to fish.

"Is there a problem?"

"Someone is looking for you, it\'s a director, do you want to meet?" After receiving the call from the front desk, Mays immediately registered the information and asked.

"who is it?"

"Todd Phillips, a director with some success."

"Let him come up, right in my office." Lyman waved.

As the company\'s strength has become stronger, its foundation has become more profound, and its capital chain has become more and more stable, it has been able to attract the attention of many filmmakers.

This can also be seen from the fact that Blue Butterfly Pictures can receive more project releases.

In other words, in addition to the independent business, the cooperative business is also rising rapidly, which is a more reasonable composition of a studio.

It\'s just that most of the bottom-level filmmakers basically fail in the review stage. It\'s not that easy to get the investment from Firefly.

"What\'s up with him?"

"I heard from the front desk that he seems to have brought a script. It should be seeking funding and distribution." Mays pouted.


Todd came to the Firefly Building and had been sitting on the sofa beside the front desk for half an hour.

It\'s not easy to meet Lehman, or well-known producers of Firefly such as Garcia and Brian. Of course, you can take the opportunity to sell at the reception, but these people have been busy recently, and they have reduced the banquet, which forced Todd to be so formal. .

He is not a newcomer. He has been in Hollywood for almost 13 years. At the age of 38, he belongs to the younger group in the director circle. Can\'t compare to ~www.novelhall.com~ but it\'s not without foundation.

In fact, although he is not a direct descendant of the top five, he has a good relationship with Warner. He has cooperated three times, which is the most frequent among the studios he has cooperated with, and he is more familiar with it. After reaching an agreement, after several consideration, I thought of going to Firefly to try it.

The reason? Naturally, he felt that Firefly\'s production environment attached great importance to the director, and Firefly was no bigger than the Warners family, with more project creativity, so he might be able to strive for better conditions.

The young lady in charge of reception seriously entered his information, then conveyed it upwards, and then let him sit for a while with a smile.

This sitting lasted for half an hour. It was not that Firefly was deliberately neglecting it, but since last year, many people have come to Firefly to try their luck and fish with the script. Lehmann stipulated that he must first inquire about the information of the visitors and comment on their actions. Only the reliability of the director can be invited to discuss in detail. Genius one second to remember 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

There is no way, if anyone who comes here can meet Lehman or the company\'s top management, it will undoubtedly increase the workload a lot, and it is impossible to handle it. This also indirectly shows the difficulty of rookie directors in Hollywood, because such people have no qualifications at all. , it is difficult to be trusted, and there may be no hope of entering the studio to pull investment.

Fortunately, Todd is not a newcomer. He has made 6 films, 2 of them lost money, 1 of them broke down, and 1 of them made profits from the operation of the film festival. The only ones who really proved the commercial potential are the gimmick king who cooperated with Billy Bob and the gimmick with Bens. The success rate of the police duo who Tiller cooperated with is still guaranteed.