Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 846: russell brothers

Lehmann always thinks it is necessary to argue at work, because everyone has a time when their cognition is unclear, but when internal conflicts lead to the inability to distinguish between powers and responsibilities, he rejects them very much.

In the end, it was the old man from the former Rodrian Films, watching Garcia being told, although Blake thought to himself: still too young.

Because he knew at a glance that even if Ball was selected, he would definitely not be the last to win. Without him, the qualifications in the circle are too high.

But when looking at Lehman, he still said, "It\'s just a recommendation. You can put forward any better candidates. Isn\'t today\'s meeting just to discuss this? Does it mean that you have failed all the time?"

This time, it was the turn of the person who spoke up before, because he had no director recommendations that he was familiar with or knew about the style.

Lehman coughed dryly in time, and pulled the topic aside and said: "To brainstorm, we need to talk more, but the budget of both projects will be controlled below 200 million, preferably around 150 million." - Special effects must account for a large part. , which implies that too expensive creators are not suitable.

In the final summary, there are more than 9 candidates in total, including New Zealand director Taika Waititi, who has filmed "Two Cars, One Night" and "Maori Boy", "The Sopranos", "Prison" and "Stupid Thief". Alan Taylor of The Trio and Joseph Russell of LA Detective and Obsessed...

"I think we can send film appointments to all of them, get in touch with them, talk about shooting ideas, and then choose from them."

Kevin Feige has spoken, he is the chief producer of the Marvel series, and of course he has to join it.

On the other side, Ryan was leisurely watching these people work hard for the project, and he didn\'t pay much attention to it, but he could know from some of the words that Layman occasionally revealed that Layman seemed to be waiting for an opportunity.

Although I don\'t know the more specific information, it seems that the company has made a big move recently to adjust funds.

Lehmann didn\'t know what everyone was thinking. He just smiled lightly and set a standard: "If you are willing to cooperate, let them write a shooting plan."

After the meeting, Lehmann left the company and went to the digital field. Because the special effects work for "District 9" was all completed, he went to see the finished film and see if there was anything to polish.


After Kevin returned to the office, he called a few confidants and asked them to send invitations one by one.

Then, the news that Marvel was going to prepare two new films was gradually known by some people in the circle. Although it was not reported in the newspapers and on the Internet, the fans who had been calling for the matter were completely unaware of it, but they could not hide it from the major brokerage companies. and trade union executives.

Suddenly, countless people took action.

In this life, although the results of "The Incredible Hulk" are not dazzling, it definitely passed. Hollywood practitioners are all staring at what Marvel or Lyman will do next, to see if they can get a share of the pie.

Two Marvel protagonists like Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo have already reaped too many benefits, which also makes the agency behind them happy. Who doesn\'t want to hold the next Marvel protagonist?

CAA\'s phone call, WMA\'s invitation, ICM\'s reception... In short, Lehman\'s cell phone kept ringing. After picking up a few more important calls, he simply turned it off, otherwise he wouldn\'t be able to work.

This is indeed the case, because even Cage euphemistically expressed whether he could play, but was rejected by Lehman, which shows the great temptation.


"Director Russell."

A white man around 27 or 8 happily rushed into a house and found the owner of the house.

"What\'s the matter?"

Joseph Russell just got up from the bed and murmured to pour a glass of water for his agent.

After a glass of water, Joel, who came all the way after hearing the news from the company, took a few breaths and said excitedly, "It\'s a great thing."

Joel pulled Russell and sat on the sofa with a happy tone, "Do you know Marvel? They are going to open a new movie recently, and the Captain America adaptation project in it wants to invite you. I got accurate information from the company."

Russell immediately woke up, and his eyes burst with anticipation, "Really?" He stood up after speaking, obviously excited.

Joel was afraid of his bad things, so he quickly said, "The invitation is true, but you still have competitors in this project."

Russell looked down at him, waiting for the agent to continue.

"This time, Marvel has also invited a lot of directors, and we must choose the best shooting plan. I think whoever knows more about Captain America and has a clearer plan will be able to get the directorship."

"But I haven\'t read Captain America\'s comics."

"Hey, movies are movies, and comics are comics. There should always be a formula for how to shoot. You just need to have your own ideas."

Also, do you have to have a good understanding of theoretical knowledge to shoot science fiction? It\'s not nonsense.

With some confidence, Joseph immediately called his brother Anthony Russell. The two usually co-direct the filming.

After the people came, the three sat together and thought about how to impress the capital.

Joel said first: "I think "The Incredible Hulk" and "Iron Man" are relatively popular, so there is definitely no need to focus on depth."

"Is Kevin still the producer of this project?" Anthony asked.

"Probably, he is the chairman of Marvel Studios appointed by Lehman, how could he not pay attention to project development."

"Then the first thing we need to do is to make the filming plan impress him. What kind of person is he?" Anthony asked again.

"Mark commented that his work is very rigorous."

"That\'s very practical. Since it\'s a Marvel\'s work and an adaptation of Captain America, it must contain personal heroism ~www.novelhall.com~ to portray tallness.

"Buy a few comics and come back to study and try." Joseph finally said.


Kevin Feige is a very assertive person, so he excluded director Danny Ball from the beginning because he didn\'t think he could convince a man who had made the classic film "Trainspotting" and let him go. He can listen to himself on some shooting differences.

A few days passed.

Some plans were presented to Kevin\'s table one after another, picking and choosing, and after a few were removed, they began to meet and chat with the remaining ones. Joseph Russell was one of them.

July 23, an ordinary day.

Joseph Russell followed the lady at the front desk into the interior of Marvel Studios, only to feel that the personnel were in a hurry and were very motivated.

Outside the office, Russell suppressed his heart, which was almost jumping out of his chest, and slowly moved in.

Before that, he never thought that he would have the opportunity to participate in the filming of a first-line masterpiece. After entering the industry for so many years, he was one of those who had not yet made his mark.

Speaking of which, it\'s also a little uncomfortable. He first fought in the film industry and then switched to the TV field under pressure. Not to mention first-line film projects, no one even looked for him for low-cost screen works.



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