Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 840: The situation is picking up

"The Incredible Hulk is a lot better than the previous one, and it\'s fantastic in some ways. It\'s a powerful film with a rather unexpected ending." - The Wall Street Journal

"It\'s smoother and more entertaining than the 2003 one." - The Seattle Times

"The Incredible Hulk ditched the real appeal, no depth." - The New York Daily

"Simpler story, more action, and beautiful graphics make for a satisfying but perhaps less fantastic superhero." - Los Angeles Daily News


Critics are harsher and more vocal than audiences, but that doesn\'t make a difference.

At most, it provides a less positive reference for some viewers who want to see more content.

And just as everyone expected, the screening situation of "The Incredible Hulk" on the next day was much better, and the theater owners finally didn\'t have to worry about the average attendance rate, and felt a little lost.

The streets of Los Angeles.

The TV station\'s news van and recording preparations are ready.

This is something that Blue Butterfly Pictures communicated and confirmed with Universal. They resolutely increased the publicity and guidance in this area after finding that the audience had a good evaluation.

Following the camera, the audience watching the program at this time saw the beautiful interviewing lady come to a theater and randomly grab a fan who walked out of the theater.

"Sir, why did you choose to watch "The Incredible Hulk" and how do you feel after watching it?"

"I heard from my friend that it was very good, so I came here. If you feel it, the ticket money is not wasted." A white man in his twenties adjusted his glasses and said rationally: "It\'s not amazing, but it\'s definitely not perfunctory. , the fight scene doesn\'t make people feel like children fighting, but two real monsters."

"I saw on the Internet that everyone highly praised this movie. Look, what else did I buy?" A seventeen or eighteen-year-old man raised the Hulk figure and said excitedly: "When I came out, all It\'s almost sold out, and it\'s hard to grab one."

"A few of my buddies wanted to watch it, so I followed. It\'s wonderful, but a little less interesting than "Iron Man"."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." The young lady summed up the camera with emotion: "We can see that there is a long queue at the ticket window of the theater at this moment. Obviously, the quality of "The Incredible Hulk" is correct. Recognized by the audience..."


With the audience\'s personal statement and stable online reputation, Blue Butterfly Pictures\' publicity can finally be less troublesome.

The influence of TVB is also no worse than that of other media channels. After the live interview is broadcast, it will more or less affect other audiences, making the film more popular.

Attendance is increasing, and the box office will certainly not be worse.

After June 14, the box office was released.

"The Incredible Hulk" earned 20.25 million US dollars, an increase of 35%. While Universal was relieved, the surrounding area also began to exert force with the influx of fans.

Slightly interesting is that, driven by the rising box office of "The Incredible Hulk" the next day, today\'s North American film market rose again by 2 percentage points, becoming the highest record for the same period in history.

Similarly, due to the fact that the screenings of "Kung Fu Panda" and "The Incredible Hulk" have increased with few intervals, the total sales of US$4.193 billion in the North American market so far have exaggeratedly surpassed the cumulative total in 2004 - yes, it only passed in 2008 By half, it is already higher than the entire 2004 film market.

"What is the current reaction from all parties?"

In the Marvel Entertainment Building, Lehman asked David Messo, the brand image operation officer and senior man of Marvel who is in charge of communication with Universal.

"Hasbro has specific sales data. The Hulk is not as good as Iron Man. According to their estimates, it is very likely that it will not even reach half of the sales."

"The other thing is that many brands have also reduced their investment, but in general, the copyright value of Hulk is not as high as that of Iron Man, and there is still room for development."

Lyman nodded, not surprised.

You don’t need to guess to know that the purpose of these authorized brands is to find that the Hulk is not so profitable, and quickly make relevant adjustments according to market conditions.

"By the way, Universal has also started to prepare for overseas distribution, and I also asked about your current situation."

"How much are they going to spend on publicity?"

"30 million, not too low."

"Okay, I understand, continue to keep in touch with those sellers and pay more attention to the situation."

David stepped back, and Lyman called global director Nassim Ellison. "Hey Nassim, what\'s up with you?"

"The Hulk\'s performance is not very good, but we are still ready to promote things, more specific, will send a fax later."

"There\'s still a future for the film market, isn\'t it?"

"Of course, otherwise we may not be in a hurry to promote overseas." Nasim joked.

If it is really too bad, the two parties should redistribute the benefits for the accounting standard, and the one with the biggest loss will never go global.

"Okay, my company\'s team will communicate well with you, remember our cooperation."

Lyman chatted with him a few more words about the film situation and hung up the phone.

In the past life, "The Incredible Hulk" really set foot overseas, and it was only half a month later. With the idea of ​​​​returning to the original point, the announcement was very perfunctory, but the current market situation obviously did not let Universal give up .

Later, Lehman went to Marvel Studios to ask Kevin to start the project of "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​as soon as possible. These two works will be released next year, and it is almost time to put them on the agenda.

Similarly, he does not intend to take over these two films. Anyway, the difficulty of directing is not high, and Kevin is in charge, and he takes time to find directors and actors. It can be started from August to October, and the production cycle is still sufficient.

Just thinking about it, assistant Mays brought a market report from Hasbro.

The price of the Hulk figure is not much different from that of "Iron Man". It has been distributed since the early stage, and it has sold more than 6,200 sets in more than 40 hours, which is about 60% less than the Iron Man of the same period. The sales amounted to more than 1.1 million.

If the market for brand authorization is not amazing, the development value of Hulk is not necessarily half of Iron Man, but the comic book is selling well. In this regard, it is a little surprise, and this part of the income is what Marvel takes. Big head, other aspects remove retailers and channel parties and Universal, which holds the copyright, and there is really not much left for Marvel.

Of course, according to the development strategy formulated by Lehman, the role of the Hulk is to provide popularity and expand market confidence for the entire plan of Marvel IP, and it will not take it seriously if it does not make too much profit.

Right now, the number of fans who have watched Marvel movies and then become fans of Marvel is increasing day by day. This is what Ryman values ​​most.

With these fan bases, are you afraid that you won\'t be able to make money in the future?

This year, audience traffic is king.

Continued accumulation of gold-absorbing heritage ~www.novelhall.com~ and a good passerby conversion rate is what has made the net worth already more than 8.5 billion - as soon as "Iron Man" came out, Marvel instantly doubled, directly 4 billion, Firefly\'s copyright library The value is 3 billion, the technology patents in the digital field have accumulated 600 million, and Blue Butterfly Pictures is 200 million, all of which are channel value;

Lighting and entertainment...well, it is still losing money, and it has not been recognized. Instead, it has thrown in a lot, more than 10 million yuan;

Others like shooting equipment, new line studio, editing equipment, etc. are almost 300 million, and Lehman, who has accumulated more than 400 million US dollars in working capital, is looking forward to it.

Moreover, Marvel\'s speed of making money is so **** fast, it\'s even more powerful than stealing money. It\'s all cash that is quickly withdrawn. Although paying taxes makes Lehman feel pain, "Iron Man" has at least more than 100 million. Take it to the government - the authorized brand side also counts.

But unlike other works, nothing was sold around, and fans didn\'t buy it.

And the overseas market also has a lot to do. This is a prospect that the company\'s management can see. There is such a market in North America alone. Even if people in other regions do not have such spending power, they are not much worse when they add up. As long as it can... Yes, coverage is available, and regional capital is willing to cooperate, the value will come up immediately.