Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 799: Bush's Chill

The casting work of "The Incredible Hulk" is almost complete, but the crew still did not shoot immediately. Mark Ruffage needs a period of time to build muscle and adapt to the motion capture equipment. He will serve as a face model for the transformed Hulk to enrich his expressions.

Generally speaking, the facial expressions of the latter should be more exaggerated, otherwise they cannot be captured. This is not very similar to the usual subtle facial performances of actors, and past experience cannot help.


At this time, the U.S. financial market has been booming one after another, but the stock market is still stable. Experts or professionals from the Federal Reserve have jumped out and repeatedly emphasized that this is only a small problem, and it is a normal market fluctuation.

In fact, the reason why the 2008 financial turmoil was brewing and the subprime mortgage crisis swept the world, the government must have taken the blame, and it has gone too far.

Why is the housing market soaring?

In 2001, a plane crashed into a building, and a fast-growing economy was unexpectedly halted by a terrorist attack.

Under the blow of 9/11 and the bursting of the IT bubble, the U.S. economy actually declined!

Back then, the new US imperial commander was George W. Bush, who was nicknamed Zhiduoxing. In line with the principle of grasping with both hands and being tough with both hands, Bush Jr. launched the Taliban anti-terrorism war and the Iraq war in succession to divert domestic conflicts. Maintaining one\'s own regime and Mingma\'s prestige - this trick has something to do with India. Immediately publicize the war against several surrounding countries, and then just jump on the border, it\'s all a routine.

Because the U.S. has a wartime policy, Bush Jr. has a very high level of authority once it goes to war abroad.

Internally, this guy and a group of economic experts have launched a package of economic boosting plans. A very important part of this plan is the implementation of the "home ownership" policy.

In line with Zhiduoxing\'s economic boost plan, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates slowly, and by 2003, the federal funds rate had fallen to 1% - the lowest level in 45 years.

However, the problem is that the United States is different from China. People are not very enthusiastic about buying a house. Most people like to rent a house, because buying a house does not mean that it is completely yours. You have to pay extra taxes every year (the policies vary from state to state), and rich people Those who should buy a house have already bought it, and those who have no money do not think about it.

In order to encourage these groups who could not afford to buy houses to become house slaves, Bush persuaded Congress to successively pass relevant bills to stimulate people to buy houses and stimulate commercial banks to provide loans to low-credit groups - these loans for low-credit groups are secondary grade loan.

In the end, Congress even allocated funds to subsidize first-time homebuyers to make a down payment. Stimulated by these policies, the American people felt the warmth of the country, and they actively bought homes—and then the GDP really rose rapidly! Bush said: Real estate, the **** who will always drive the economy, don\'t stop - referring to housing prices.

There are more people buying houses and the demand is rising, and the house price will naturally change day by day. However, with the care of the government, the masses welcome the rise in house prices. This kind of real estate speculation is not only the Chinese people. The United States can make such a big thunder, isn\'t it all the elites of Wall Street cooperated?

Bush just wanted to boost the economy, but he didn\'t want to be in a stable position during his tenure, so something happened. The boost plan he implemented is not bad. It did play a big role, but good policies are implemented. , and sometimes stale.

The United States was a federal constitutional system at the beginning of its founding. How could the uncles in the White House always manage other state governments, and coupled with the problems left over after the Civil War, there are contradictions between the southern states and the northern states.

Blindly staring at inflation, the stock market, and demanding economic development must be a proper result orientation, and the process has been ignored by many people.

Real estate speculation has turned into securities for real estate speculation, and even sub-prime mortgages can be used as financial products, desperately pulling people’s heads and making a beautiful KPI report...

What kind of operation is to take out one set of loans and then mortgage them out and then lend another set of loans. The American people are also playing very smoothly. The elites on Wall Street have also encouraged this kind of operation, specifically serving these people to provide business value preservation.

It took off like this for several years, and finally found that it is possible, seems, is not right?

But Ray has been buried.

Those unhealthy loans in large quantities look extremely luxurious on paper, and few people care whether the poor can afford it.

So, who is responsible for this?

Everyone silently looked at the White House owner George W. Bush...

Anyway, the boost plan is up to you, and the government has to help the platform.

Bush was obviously unaware of the existence of the crisis at the moment, but many people who speculated in real estate had already tasted the consequences.

what to do?

Trembling all over, I went to drink tea with God, half my life\'s wealth was swallowed up, and my psychological endurance was almost impossible, isn\'t that so?

But Lehmann understood this, but didn\'t want to worry about it.

Even the bottom-hunting is just taking advantage of the bank\'s tightening of loans, and Marvel\'s already poor financial level has been exacerbated, and it has been quickly won with a large amount of sufficient cash.

He even thought about buying a few buildings when house prices were at their lowest, ending the embarrassment that Firefly and Blue Butterfly Pictures are now renting commercial buildings.

However, the broken places in the digital field are far away from the urban area, the land is very cheap, and there seems to be no room for comparison.

As for speculation, making waves in the U.S. financial market or something, Lehman doesn\'t want to provoke Congress inexplicably - Bush is a ruthless man, and he has to spend his life to make this money.

the other end.

Joseph successfully connected with Warner executives and discussed the splitting of the new line and the cash acquisition.

As he thought, the new line was just a not-so-important acquisition in the process of Warner\'s rapid growth. It may be that the production business of the new line was in the doldrums at that time, and the daily expenses were a little troublesome. some money.

Therefore, splitting the new line is what they have to do for Warner. In addition, the overlapping part of resources is really useless. It is too late for someone to take over Warner.

In addition to the copyright library, there is no negotiation, and it is easy to talk about small studios and photographic equipment.

After all, Firefly is a cash deal that Warner doesn’t need, and the two parties can negotiate the price.

And Joseph\'s most important thing is definitely the studio, so he first went to PricewaterhouseCoopers to hire a professional team to estimate the property value of this small studio.

The place is some distance from the city, but it only takes more than 20 minutes by car.

However, because the studio was invested and built in 1993, the structure is a bit old, and some places need to be renovated, which is another sum of money.

In other respects, it is also suitable. Although it is a little small, for Firefly, it can help the project to reduce the shooting budget. Is it a big deal to expand on this basis, after all, there are no large-scale residential communities around.

In other words, if you win this studio, you will have to build interiors for future shooting. There is absolutely no need to go to Warner Studios to waste rent. The five major studios have their own studios, but Warners has the largest and most complete area.

Although it doesn\'t seem to save a lot of money, the accumulation of assets itself still has a role.

Even bigger, like Warner Studios, selling tickets to tourists to see how movies are shot is a business.

After asset liquidation.

The studio and filming equipment also includes some printers, recorders, editing tables, etc. The price of the package sold by the president is roughly 270 million, and the refurbishment~www.novelhall.com~ is estimated to be a small investment of 300 million.

But the money was well spent.

As long as Firefly can maintain a high level of production, it is absolutely cost-effective to have a studio of its own, and this is real estate, which is easy to preserve, unlike the inflated prices of ordinary film and television copyrights.

Of course, because of different needs, valuations and actual bids are different.

These things are tasteless in Warner\'s eyes, and it\'s okay to keep prices down.

After several rounds of pulling, Warner agreed to the Firefly Billion offer.

Anyway, Warner didn\'t feel that there was any cheap sale or not when dealing with the assets of the new line. During the negotiation, the bottom line was very loose, and even easily agreed to return the copyright of the characters related to the Blade Warrior to Marvel.

The new line is not given because the management still pays attention to it. Although the third film of Blade Runner has not made any money and the audience is tired, it still has a certain value. Warner gave it because it never paid attention to it.

I didn\'t care about Marvel before, but now I think it\'s amazing?

Warner has DC...enough.