Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 795: window paper

The development of Firefly is very fast and smooth, but one worry has always been hidden in Joseph\'s heart - once the company\'s production business is no longer bright, what will happen?

Hollywood has no shortage of studios that pop up, but they don\'t last long, either being acquired or going bankrupt and disappearing without a trace.

The reason for their failure is basically that there is no huge top-to-bottom distribution system and sufficient funds to back them up.

Not to mention the funds, the film industry cannot be started without money.

So how is the distribution system understood? Is it enough to simply do a theatrical release? Simple to get involved offline?

Of course it\'s not that simple.

The release mode has been mentioned many times, fast and slow.

Quick, all major studios are playing, find a suitable schedule to push it to the theater, get popular at the fastest speed and earn box office, while preparing for copyright development and authorizing peripherals;

Slow is the route of the film festival, which has high requirements for the quality of the film, especially the literary and artistic themes.

The entire distribution system is divided into several levels and the background of each family.

The first is naturally the theater, but it is very important to get the support from the theater. At this moment, both Firefly and Lionsgate are suffering from this. They can’t squeeze into the summer vacation and Christmas when they are released separately. Giving it to others means cutting meat;

Second, audio and video products such as DVDs and original soundtracks, among which Sony has the deepest channels and strong strength;

The third pay-on-demand is mainly based on major TV networks, several of which are relatively strong, and no one has particularly emerged;

In the fourth and second rounds of broadcast, the buyer is still a TV station, but it is used to enrich the selection of films, and the value is not high, mainly showing old films;

Fifth, it is the point-to-point screening in the form of streaming media and hotels. Netflix has taken off, accounting for the largest market share, and it is beating up against other online broadcasting platforms of the same type;

Sixth, image derivatives, Hasbro has the largest channel share.

A blockbuster movie, played layer by layer, is the full revenue of the output.

What\'s embarrassing is that most studios can\'t do such a complete development process. Even if the project itself is really liked by the audience, such as Firefly and Lionsgate, which are already the best among them, they are still trapped in the lack of background.

If you can\'t get the optimal resources directly in the first layer, you will not be able to tap the maximum value of the project in the future.

Accumulated again and again, the loss is of course huge.

Because there is no such strength to achieve in-depth development around copyright, in many cases, the five projects of the same value can earn 200 million yuan, and Firefly can earn up to 150 million yuan. reason.

In this world, Lehmann is not the only director who is very good at making movies.

Although they made money by developing excellent and box-office works, there are great hidden dangers.

Just like DreamWorks was split and acquired, you succeeded in 10 projects, as long as you fail several times in a row or lose a masterpiece, the kind of blood loss, you can empty the accumulation of 10 projects at once.

Because DreamWorks also can’t play deep development, a lot of profits are made by the five majors, but when it loses by accident, it is the responsibility of DreamWorks alone.

In other words, everyone earns money, and DreamWorks fills in the pits.

This is also why some people ridicule Michael Bay\'s "Escape from Clone Island" for putting DreamWorks into bankruptcy. Of course, DreamWorks\' funds will not be able to support a single failure. Is it a big deal to mortgage copyright loans, Marvel can take a loan 4. 500 million, could DreamWorks not be able to borrow at that time?

But some things add up, plus operating costs, and DreamWorks shareholders suddenly don\'t want to play.

And what\'s so great about Lehman\'s plan now?

Because it can really touch the shortcomings of Firefly, it can improve the distribution structure and sink the channel deeply.

Some movies don\'t have high enough copyright value, but for a company like Marvel that started out in comics, it\'s different.

Even if the derivatives are not popular, it is good to feed back to other departments of Marvel Entertainment and to heat up comics.

Furthermore, Marvel has its own toy factory and sales stores, but the number is too small, concentrated in prosperous cities such as Los Angeles and New York.

That is to say, if Lehman\'s plan is successful, it will really make the characters\' popularity superimposed and complement each other, which will definitely expand the image value, and then flow into the entire distribution system, continuously create profits, and form a deep-rooted huge financial backing.

In this way, Firefly also has its own advantages.

Even if one of these projects is unsatisfactory, these methods can reduce losses and continue to increase the value of copyright.


Without the success of later generations of Marvel, this leading-edge concept of film creation would be like a layer of window paper, which could be touched but could not be opened.

Joseph was constantly thinking about the possibility of implementing the concept in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

The two chatted for a while, and assistant Mace knocked on the door and entered after getting permission.

"Is there a problem?"

"The results of "I Am a Hero" released yesterday came out."

"Has the market data been aggregated?"


When Mace received the report, he immediately came in to notify, and also knew that the boss was concerned about the matter.

After all, this is the last film produced by Firefly this year, and it is also the sequel to "New York".

"How\'s the grade?" Lyman beckoned and asked.

"\'I Am a Hero\' opened with 3,240 theaters, and received a total of 38.32 million yesterday, with an average single-house revenue of 11,800. Because it only accounted for 34% of the film, the attendance rate remained at 92%." Mei Sri Lanka first reported the box office record.

Lyman and Joseph both smiled.

It seems that the results of the film\'s first day of release are still good, much better than the first one.

In this way, I didn\'t waste two years of foreshadowing, and even took out "The Walking Dead" to cultivate the market, and finally I can harvest a wave of fans\' wallets.

"What about the audience comments collected by a statistical survey company?" Lehmann asked again.

"Investigators scattered all over the country have collected more than 4,000 audience comments, and among them, 70% rated it as A, and only 6% were dissatisfied. The rest felt that the film was ok. "

Lehman leaned forward, "What did the theater line say?"

"President Liam has just received news that the theater operators are already preparing to increase the number of screenings. It will probably increase to 3,800 from next week, and the number of films will rise to 45%."

In the movie market at this time, there are not many good works in the schedule, and each theater chain is not happy. It is very positive to find works that sell well at the box office and can draw the audience into the theater.

Liam didn\'t take the initiative to come to the door, and the cinema dealers have come up with a suitable expansion plan.

"Help me make an appointment with Jon Feilemay. In addition, notify the online publicity department of Blue Butterfly Pictures to ask them to find more sailors, cooperate with word-of-mouth public relations, and increase the additional publicity budget by 5 million US dollars." Lehmann continued. Dao: "Now is the time to expand the influence and positive image of the film, and let them come up with a set of feasible topic marketing."

Mace responded and turned to leave.

Joseph was listening and suddenly asked, "Is Lions Gate ready for overseas?"

"I\'m going to talk to them and ask how to release it."

"Have you given priority to cooperating with Lionsgate in the future?"

Lehman nodded, "Although Lionsgate has a relatively shallow foundation and is inevitably insufficient in channel resources, for us, it is the one that can offer the most conditions~www.novelhall.com~ The others are not so easy to talk about. Of course, Some projects that are more worthy of promoting the copyright market are still linked to Fox or Warner. In short, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

Hearing this, Joseph also understood that doing so would provide a little extra protection for the company\'s film source cooperation.

On the other side, the Lionsgate executives were equally excited.

Although cooperating with Firefly, the distribution commission obtained is lower than the average level in the industry, but other people\'s films sell well.

Just after "Twilight", there is another "I Am Hero" that is not inferior or even more prominent, which is extremely helpful to Lionsgate\'s overseas business.

Not to mention, the audience of "Twilight" is too single, and "I Am a Hero" is obviously much more reasonable. The age distribution ranges from 16-year-old teenagers to 40-year-old middle-aged people. The main audience is about 23 to 27 years old. The largest number of viewers.

Afterwards, Lehman had a phone call with Jon, naturally asking about the film\'s overseas release, and after getting a positive answer, he hung up with satisfaction.

Next, the focus is still on the preparations for "The Incredible Hulk"...