Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 74: self needs

On the street near the Europa Films building, Johnson-Blanton hid under the shade of a tree to rest for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called Lyman.


It didn\'t take long for the prompt tone to sound, when there was a voice on the other end of the phone.

"How\'s the negotiation going?"

Lehmann, who was still in his apartment in Cannes, put down the pen to draw the film\'s sub-shots and continued, "Has Europa Pictures agreed to our terms?"

"Not yet. They seem to be quite dissatisfied with the part of bringing funds into the group. They even want to increase your director\'s salary in exchange for us giving up this part of the negotiation conditions."

"How much?"

"Five million dollars plus 5% of the box office share, and if we give up the cooperation plan with capital into the group, I am confident that this part will be better again."

"Oh, it\'s impossible. I won\'t give up on this either."

Hearing the firm answer from the other side, Johnson-Blanton stroked his forehead, his tone suddenly serious, "Then we have to do the difficult work of the interview process."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m mentally prepared for this."

"Then I can now let out the rumor that the new project is in a deadlock with Europa Pictures, and use external pressure to further force them to make concessions, okay?"

Facing the agent\'s proposal, Lehmann thought for a moment before saying, "We can release news, but our first choice is to give priority to cooperation with Europa Pictures."

"okay, I get it."

Hanging up the phone, Lyman sat quietly on the sofa in the apartment, and for a while he lost the motivation to draw the script for the movie.

When he was down, it was Europa Pictures that helped him, and he always remembered it in his heart.

However, although there is such a friendship in it, it should not affect Lehman\'s judgment too much.

Europa Pictures can be placed at the highest level of priority cooperation, but it is not an absolute must.

Cooperation, cooperation, it is always necessary to satisfy both parties, just blindly let oneself back, that is what kind of cooperation.

Both of his works have brought each other a return that far exceeds the investment amount. He does not owe anything, but he only wants relatively fair cooperation conditions.

There\'s nothing wrong with that.


At the same time, in the conference room of Europa Pictures, Luc Besson was still talking about cooperation with Williams, the head of the marketing department.

He said with emotion: "I also came this way back then. As a human being, I always think in front of huge interests. He wants more ideas. In fact, I can understand it very well. Who wants to see the creation of The value is less than a few tenths of the income that can be obtained in your own hands.”

The boss\'s words can be regarded as setting the tone of the topic.

Williams said along the way: "But he wants too much, one-fifth of the revenue share, it\'s really..." He thought for a while before he said, "It\'s a bit too taken for granted. "

"Could it be that the channels, publicity, distribution and media public relations we use to promote the film do not require energy and cost? We have managed to have the situation we are today, and the manpower, material resources, time and capital expenses during this period have been spent. , isn’t it a reflection of a resource or value?”

"I don\'t think he can be on an equal footing with us just because he can direct a work."

Hearing the ubiquitous resentment in the old man\'s words, Luc Besson laughed happily, "Negotiating, there is no such condition as one bite, maybe people don\'t want so much."

"I don\'t think he thinks that way. As soon as he opens his mouth, he will be divided into one-fifth of the ratio. It\'s really majestic."

"Okay, let\'s keep in touch, they want to bring funds into the group, basically they have to run away, let\'s make corresponding psychological preparations, as long as it does not exceed 8 million US dollars, it can still be negotiated, this is ours Bottom line."

Williams said helplessly: "Okay, I know, I will try my best to fight for it."

Two days later, Johnson-Brandon once again heard the results of the second round of negotiations with Europa Pictures. Although they still failed to reach a conclusion, the tone of voice has been slightly loosened.

And the news that the negotiations were deadlocked at the beginning gradually spread to the ears of several other film companies.

First-tier companies such as Paramount and Warner Bros., as well as second-tier film companies such as Artisan and Miramax, have come to consider their willingness to cooperate, which has increased the burden of Europa Pictures’ negotiations.

As Johnson-Blanton expected, with Lehman\'s past achievements, there is absolutely no shortage of collaborators.

After another negotiation, the situation is even more favorable for Lehmann. Europa Films agreed to the conditions of joining the group with capital. The issue that is still deadlocked is undoubtedly the share of capital and the amount of income.

Just when Johnson-Blanton was secretly trying to get his hands on the next negotiation, release a little amount of funds and successfully negotiate the terms of this cooperation, CAA headquarters called...

Things go back to a day ago, just as many film companies are optimistic about the prospects of Lehman\'s new projects, CAA naturally cannot ignore this aspect.

And after the latest news from the front agent Johnson Brandon, they also know far more inside information than others.

In the CAA headquarters in Century City, Los Angeles, the atmosphere in the conference room is still quiet.

Brian Lauder is asking his assistants to distribute documents to a number of senior agents, including Kevin Howian. This is the relevant information carefully compiled by their research department.

After all, the achievements of "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" are still vivid in our minds, and no one can remain unmoved, even if Johnson-Blanton has already said that the negotiations with Europa Pictures are on the right track. Can\'t stop everyone from having a different idea.

The material was quickly posted, full of detailed insights into Lehmann\'s career as a director, a comparison between the market returns and investment amounts generated by the works he directed, and some insider accounts of new projects.

"Let\'s take a look." Brian Lauder said slowly: "Our people are already helping Lyman negotiate with Europa Films. Although the final result has not been obtained yet, I think it is not a matter of cooperation between the two sides. would be too far."

"I\'ll add," Kevin Howian also said, "It is said that Paramount Pictures also has a lot of ideas for new projects. Think about it, can we take this opportunity to step in."

"Isn\'t it that their negotiation went well? Can we have a chance?" A CAA executive asked suspiciously.

"In this world, as long as there are enough interests, can you still find the opportunity to intervene? The key question now is, what price can we pay to get the qualification to enter the game." Another high-level retorted.

"That\'s right, but what can we give? Or what are we willing to give?" The words of the person who asked the question earlier caused the conference room to fall into silence again.

Yes, everyone else has to meet the conditions. How can they enter the game? They can\'t provide better salary to Lehmann. In this regard, they may not be as bold as Europa Pictures.

The intricate internal power and shares of CAA are far from comparable to Europa Pictures, which means that a major decision has to be made. It also involves the issue of capital investment, which is even more difficult to achieve.

Although the people on the board of directors are not involved in the day-to-day management of the company\'s affairs, they are unexpectedly concerned about finances.

Only allowed in, not allowed out, maybe that\'s what it meant.


Everyone was thinking about how to enter the game, Kevin Howian said, "Everyone, I heard a situation, Paramount Pictures wants to directly discuss the issue of the release of this new work, and wants to try to get the release of the film. Copyright, no matter how bad it is, we have to fight for channel rights in North America, which may be an opportunity for us.”

"How?" someone asked.

"Joining Paramount Pictures to negotiate with Europa Pictures~www.novelhall.com~ to gain entry."

"But Paramount doesn\'t seem to have any use for us, can this work?" Someone else expressed doubts.

"Don\'t they have a project that they want us to facilitate? Promise them, and in the joint action, only ask for short-term revenue in the box office, and do not participate in the peripheral revenue of offline and film copyright operations. I think, in this way, they are very Probably will."

"Is it worth it?"

After all, you have to pay so much and only strive for a short-term gain.

"As long as this movie can be as good as his previous works, it\'s worth it. What\'s more, Lehman\'s agent contract is signed by our company, which is also a disguised investment." Kevin -Howian continued: "Moreover, in my opinion, the project that Paramount Pictures wants to operate, although the market prospect is generally good, it is not without merit. Provide a little convenience and strive for this opportunity to enter the game. In my opinion, it’s still worth it.”

"What do you think?" Brian Lauder said. This is the statement of everyone who is going to be present.

"I agree."

"I agree."


"I think there is a problem."

A series of attitudes have already expressed their own meaning.

Brian Lauder made a summary, "10 votes to two votes, Kevin\'s proposal passed, now, immediately contact Paramount Pictures, release our intentions, and strive to work together to submit a request to Europa Pictures."

"If you have nothing to do, let\'s call it quits." After Brian Lauder finished speaking, he stood up first and left the conference room.

The fight for action has begun...