Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 71: script finalization

Leiman left the cafe and returned to the hotel he rented.

It seemed that he heard a movement. Not long after Lyman entered the room, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, it was Ryan standing outside.

"Hee hee, where did you go last night? That girl?" He smiled lewdly.

"It\'s none of your business!" Lyman\'s very tough answer made Ryan further confirm his conjecture.

"Okay, when did you learn this? It never happened before." Ryan looked very curious.

As for his friend, when he was in college, he didn\'t find any girl for four years, let alone stayed home all night.

"Do you like to inquire about my privacy so much?" Lyman sat on the sofa and said playfully.

"I\'m just curious, you know? I want to know why you suddenly got enlightened and can understand what it\'s like."

"Then do you understand?"

"Understood!" Immediately after that, Ryan said: "Okay, not poor, I have almost perfected the outline of the script you mentioned, except for a few scenes depicting the war, I can\'t write it, consult my mentor, He doesn\'t have a good opinion either, so you can only figure it out yourself."

Saying that, he took out a manuscript and handed it to Lyman.

This is the script he commissioned Ryan to perfect the day before yesterday.

Lyman opened it and looked at it carefully.

To be honest, the story structure of "Fury" is fairly simple. It is still a group play. It can be roughly regarded as five main character scenes, that is, the five soldiers driving the same tank.

In May 1945, World War II was drawing to a close, just over a month before Hitler\'s suicide.

But the Allies did not know that the German army would surrender like that. In their eyes, they clamored to throw children and women into the battlefield even at the last moment. Words seem to never appear.

The Allies crossed the Rhine and began to penetrate deep into Germany.

**The German army has a strong sense of resistance, and the battle is getting crazier.

The tank unit where "Sergeant" is located has just experienced a frontal encounter. His team, the lookout, unfortunately died.

War always kills people, and everyone has made this kind of awareness.

It\'s just that when a person dies, another person is needed to take the place of duty.

The recruit "Norman" joined the battlefield in such a confused way, that is, under the order of the commander, and the five-man tank team headed by "Sergeant" drove the chariot "Fury" - the left side of the tank had "fury" printed on it. English letters, go to the front.

Their task is to risk the powerful firepower of the enemy and tear open the eastern battlefield defense line arranged by the army for the army.

The four experienced soldiers went into battle with determination to kill the enemy without hesitation, but the new recruit Norman was unable to withstand the pressure of fear and made many mistakes.

In the roar of blood and fire, Norman began to grow gradually, and the tank "Fury" also moved forward smoothly.

But the crazy ** determined to give firepower because of the defeat in the eastern battlefield.

They brought in the tank ace, the Tiger Tank.

This is the Panzer VI heavy tank developed by the German army. The long body tube is 88 mm, and the wide track shoes can support the huge body with a total weight of 57 tons. And unlike the early German tanks, which emphasized the balanced development of the three indicators of mobility, protection, and firepower, the Tiger tank was born for the sense of attack since the day it was developed.

The thickness of the armor is fully increased, the frontal vertical reaches 102 mm, and the firepower is outstanding. Although the maneuverability is not strong, the idea of ​​becoming an incomparably powerful fortress is successful.

Moreover, the Tiger type equipped with the 88mm KWK36L56 artillery, the powerful firepower range and armor penetration can completely shoot headshots at a distance of 1,000 meters. Tanks, which required the sacrifice of dozens of Allied tanks, were also synonymous with fear in the eyes of the Allies.

In the end, well, the Allies won.

This is the content of the script that has been written now. As for the battles in the middle, because Ryan has never been in contact with the relevant materials, they are all blank in the blockbuster, but it is okay, at least the writing is very good, This is what Ryan is best at.

The lines and language expressions of the characters are always expressive.

And anyway, this script is written for the actors or Europa Pictures, and the part of the battle only needs to be clicked out, and there is no need to write about how to fight. When the time comes, when shooting, I will invite relevant experts to help with the idea. .

Lyman put down the script and took a sip of water.

This is almost the final draft of the first version of the script. Compared with the original, the general framework of the story has not changed much. However, how to express the story and what rhythm to tell it will make a big change.

This is also to integrate his own shooting ideas.

Over the next few days, Lyman began to write the "Fury" sub-screen script, and occasionally found time to meet with CAA.

They seemed very interested in cooperating with him, and the tone and conditions of the conversation were much looser than on the first day.

It\'s just that it\'s still not up to the mark, and it\'s been constantly pulling and pulling.

During this period, it was not that other brokerage companies came to him.

Just as successful people never lack collaborators.

In the eyes of many brokerage companies, Lehmann still feels a little fragrant.

However, most of the people seemed hesitant about the two points that Lehman slammed to death.


Time: After dusk. EXT: The ground is muddy, suitable for troop garrisoning.

Close-up shot: "Sergeant" secretly blamed himself for the death of the lookout.

Lens change: "Machine" and "Bible" were found together.

Scene depiction: A bonfire is raised on the ground, ready to cook and trim.

Shot change: Under the leadership of Shangguan, the recruit Norman walked to the team where the "sergeant" was.


Lehmann wrote this sub-screen script very slowly, because he had to take into account his own style and the actual scene description.

If you want the movie to have that real war atmosphere, the idea of ​​each segment is equivalent to reorganizing the entire movie scene in your mind first. This is a work that takes a lot of thought and energy. However, Lehman is not in a hurry, Anyway, the project review of the movie will take some time, and the preparatory work will also take a certain amount of time, as long as it can be completed before the official start of shooting.

Just yesterday, he had already sent the relevant materials and the first version of the script to Europa Pictures\' review process.

Remarks that the production cost of at least 50 million US dollars will inevitably make Europa Pictures treat it with caution.

Even if he already has two successful film projects in the background, a correct film company must carry out a production and marketing risk assessment before setting up a new project. No one would rashly decide such a huge amount. Investment.

"Hi, Kevin Howian, okay, I\'ll come right over."

Lehmann took the call forwarded by the hotel front desk, and Kevin Howian invited him to meet again.

As early as many days ago, the two had met no less than three times, but they were still in the tug-of-war stage. The negotiation of various terms was really a struggle, and no step was allowed.

But overall, the situation is on the upside.


Back in time to yesterday, at CAA\'s headquarters, there was also a discussion about Lehmann.

In an office, Kevin Howian chats with Brian Lauder about Lyman.

"His own ability is very good, and his potential has yet to be developed, but this person\'s desire to control is too strong."

Kevin said with a bit of grumbling that these days, he has also been annoyed by Lehman\'s refraining attitude.

Brian Lauder has a big bald head, and he himself is one of the five senior executives of CAA.

"But his directing business is exactly what we need." He looked at Kevin Howian, "If there is a chance, it will still be in our hands. As far as I know, there are several other agencies these days. found him."

"That\'s what bothers me. He wants too much. If he was Steven Spielberg, I would have given him this, or even better. But he... "

The words were not finished, but both of them knew that it was because the potential value of Lehman was not so prominent, otherwise the conditions could not be discussed.

To put it bluntly, the two parties still cannot reach an agreement on the point of exchange of interests. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"He wants studio freedom, we\'ll give him that," Brian Lauder said.

"But in this way, if we can\'t get involved as an actor, signing him is of little value."

"We CAA have so many actors, he will always need them. Take your time, he will recognize our strength."

"You said it lightly, but his roots are in France, so there is no actor market there? Besides, there is a Europa Films that has worked with him for so long, and it is even more difficult to handle."

"Sign him a medium contract, and the resources we invest can be reduced accordingly. This is not a difficult choice to think about. He doesn\'t seem to care about it anyway, doesn\'t he?" Brian Lauder said lightly. laughed.

Kevin Howian thought about it for a while and thought it was fine. It would be more beneficial to draw a director talent to their camp first.

As for what happens in the future, we will talk about it later.

Figured this out, Kevin Howian is no longer struggling with the shooting on the set. As he said, Lehmann is a French director and doesn\'t seem to need CAA very much.

In the eyes of others, the industry resources they rely on to become famous have replacements, and they are more trustworthy Europa Films.

When we met again, Lyman found that Kevin Howian was much easier to talk to.

He also promised not to interfere too much with Lyman\'s rights as a director on the set.

This point is settled, and the rest is easy to handle. The main point of disagreement is the freedom of shooting.

"It\'s a pleasure to work with."

The two shook hands amicably and agreed to sign a formal brokerage contract at CAA\'s headquarters next time.
