Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 69: looks like a party

In Los Angeles in May, the climate has begun to heat up.

An extended Lincoln commercial vehicle was driving on the road, and soon it stopped in the parking lot next to a hotel.

"Hey, it\'s finally here." Ryan adjusted his tie and opened the rear door.

Lyman, Thomas, and George got out of the car one after another, and the next thing was to attend the celebration reception of Paramount Pictures.

Even though the lights were already on, and the night was shrouded, it was already after seven o\'clock in the evening.

But the interior of the hotel is still resplendent.

Now is the beginning of the night life.

After showing the invitation, the group walked to the main hall of the reception under the guidance of the waiter.

As soon as he entered the door, someone greeted him.

"Hi, everyone..."

A middle-aged man who was in his thirties, greeted them affectionately by shaking hands.

For this person, Lehman still has a little impression, he is an assistant to Tony Slok, the director of the distribution department of Paramount Pictures.

After a few words of courtesy, the other party led the way forward, leading Lehman and his party to the second floor. It seemed that he was clearly waiting for them there.

"Mr. Lyman-Last..."

"Mr. George..."


Along the way, some and others are greeting their group, but in Lehman\'s view, except for a few familiar faces, most of them seem to be employees of related departments of Paramount Pictures. I know why they are so kind.

However, Ryman also knew how to be polite. Although he thought so, he still smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations, Director Lehman..." When he arrived at the reception circle on the second floor, it seemed that the people there were more noble.

In addition to Tony Srock, Lyman is a bit familiar, and there are a lot of guys who seem to be very good here.

After all, things cluster together, and people are divided into groups.

To be able to stand with a real-power executive of a top distribution company, with a smile on his face, his status will definitely not be too bad.

As soon as they met, Tony Srock took the lead to greet him with incomparable enthusiasm. Lyman shook his extended hand and said politely, "Thank you, just call me Lyman."

Although he understands that the other party has such a good attitude and shows kindness, it is entirely because "Three Silly Bollywood" has brought good value to Paramount Pictures, but Lehman still maintains a very polite manner, "Thank you very much. Paramount Pictures\' support for me."

"Come on, let\'s have a drink first, in order to honor what I said to you that day." Tony Srock took two glasses of champagne from the waiter next to him and handed one of them to Lehmann.

"Bang!" With the crisp clinking of glasses, the two of them did their best.

Then, under the introduction of Tony Srock, Lehman shook hands with several other executives present at Paramount.

These people all treated each other with smiles, and of course, Lehmann did the same.

Wave after wave of entertainment, waiters in black clothes kept moving through the crowd, constantly delivering champagne to the guests in need, and waiting for the people from Paramount Pictures to be completely dealt with. , Lehman also quickly found an opportunity to slip away.

He walked to the outside balcony of the reception hall, took advantage of this place to avoid, and took a breath.

This is actually to win over a relationship, a very formal reception.

Ryman knew that perhaps his successive successes caused Paramount Pictures to have a little thought.

And the frequent and very simple conversations just now can also prove this-Paramount Pictures wants Lyman to join their camp.

No one will let go of a very valuable director, and in Hollywood, it is even more common.

It\'s a pity that Lehmann has no intention in this regard.

He admitted that the strength of Paramount Pictures was stronger than that of Europa Pictures, and because of this, if he took over Paramount\'s olive branch and joined it, it would not necessarily be better than Europa Pictures.

Strength and channels are strong and strong, but the level of attention may not necessarily match.

In this way, Europa Pictures has a little benefit.

That is, they will pay more attention to Lehman\'s directing ability than Paramount Pictures, and even pay more for Lehman\'s directing conditions.

Of course, this may also be his blind thinking. Europa Pictures has no plans at all. After all, all this is the result of Lehman\'s conjecture based on his own cognition.

Then why don\'t you try it? If Europa Pictures doesn\'t pay attention to him and doesn\'t want to give a little more to come out, it\'s not too late for him to change jobs.

To be honest, Lehmann is quite willing to cooperate with Europa Films. After all, the great French director Luc Besson, perhaps based on a director\'s own cognition, is willing to give the creator a lot of freedom on the set.

For example, George was originally a supervisor sent here, but he was very talkative, and he has always been very helpful to Lehman.

This is also a point that Lehman has considered carefully, otherwise he would not hesitate to refuse as early as when Tony Srock first attracted him.

Compared with the strength of his partners, he cares more about his right to speak about the filming.

"Congratulations, Director Ryman!"

Not long after the break, another person came over.

Lehmann pulled out a smile and said politely, "Thank you."

The person on the opposite side introduced himself, "Please allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Kevin Howian, an agent."

He said this, and took out a business card from the inner pocket of his suit and handed it to Lehmann.

Lehman took it and looked down at the business card in his hand. It was a card with a little light blue all over the body. Fingertips could touch the subtle dark lines on it. .

Lehmann raised his head and gave him a meaningful look.

Don\'t look at the simple introduction of this person, saying that he is a "broker" without any further explanatory words.

But in fact, he is one of the five senior executives of the Creative Artists Agency, an artist agency service company whose acronym is CAA. It is not only the top one in the industry, but has led Hollywood\'s economic business for more than ten years. Enduring, can be called the absolute overlord.

But why did he find himself?

"Mr. Kevin? Why?" Lyman raised his brows slightly, as if he didn\'t know the other party\'s deep meaning at all.

This question made the opposite Kevin Howian stunned for a while, and then he suddenly laughed, "I take the liberty to ask, Mr. Ryman doesn\'t have an agent yet."

Of course not anymore. CAA has long since found out. They have always attached great importance to such an emerging director.

Besides, as long as you inquire more, you won\'t be able to dig out anything.

Lehmann even communicated with Paramount Pictures by himself, so how could there be an agent.

"Yes, I don\'t." Lyman said honestly.

"Can we consider CAA then? We are very sincere." Kevin Howian laughed.

"I will think about it."

Seeing that Lehman relented, and it was really difficult to discuss in depth at this reception, Kevin Howian said goodbye with great discernment. Of course, he did not forget to discuss a time and place for an appointment with Lehman.

CAA has always been familiar with this kind of thing, which is their business.

After Kevin Howian left, Lyman\'s eyes were erratic and he was thinking about something.

At this time, another person on the field has been watching this side.

Seeing the opportunity, she immediately came over, "Hello, Director Lyman."

The sound of greeting pulled Lehman back to his mind.

He turned around and saw a beautiful girl standing in front of him.

Her familiar face, Lehmann has seen many times in "Dream of Paris".

Sure enough, she spoke again and said a very familiar name, "My name is Eva Green, it\'s an honor to meet you."

Eva Green looked at each other and felt a little uneasy in her heart. She was able to enter this reception, but she had delayed her tutor at the New York University School of Art.

She has been thinking about how to enter the entertainment industry. Although she was born in an entertainment family, she did not get any opportunities because of it.

Now she is about to graduate, but she still doesn\'t have any qualifications to show. What she gets is either a trick or a small role with no lines.

By chance, she got to know Lehmann, that he was also French~www.novelhall.com~ and he was also a director, the kind that has achieved good results.

This made her see a chance, so she came.

"Are you French?" Lehmann deliberately pretended to be surprised that he didn\'t know him.

Well, Eva Green just said hello in French.

"Yes, I was born in Paris, France, and I\'m currently studying at an art school in New York." Eva Green said happily: "I\'ve seen your film, and I like it very much."


The two chatted all over the world. Most of the time, Eva Green was in the house, talking about France and other anecdotes. Lehmann catered to and matched the topic.

He didn\'t know why the other party came to confuse him like this, but that didn\'t prevent Lyman from pretending to be from the same country as her, and being extra kind to her.

As the reception gradually came to an end, Ryan looked at Lyman who was chatting happily in the distance, and said, "Okay, let\'s go first, don\'t worry about that guy."

George nodded, dragged Thomas and walked with him.

Just now, Tie Hanhan was thinking of going over to inform Laiman that they were leaving. Isn\'t this spoiling the style?

So George decisively stopped Thomas from being stupid.

Lehmann cooperated quite well with Eva Green, and even after the hotel ended, he accompanied her to the hotel parking lot.

The girl called a taxi and said to the driver, "West Hollywood, the Fairmont community."

"Come to my house for a cup of coffee." She said so, and Lyman agreed.


Drink a jar of fragrant brew and break a vine flower.

Dance, upside down among the grapevines, addicted.

Miharu\'s color moved to her fragrant skin!
