Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 66: I am the director

Under the leadership of the man, the group entered a room.

The huge mirror, the dazzling array of bottles and jars, and other accessories that are slightly messy, all indicate that this is a public dressing room.

At this moment, the man shouted: "Carrot! Carrot!"

Immediately afterwards, a thin and tall woman walked out from a cubicle next to her and said in a hurry, "What\'s the matter?"

"Carrot, this is the guest who will be recording the show later. I\'ll leave the makeup to you." The man quickly explained, and then turned back to Lehman and his party and said, "The show will start after 40 minutes, remember to The reminder comes, get ready." After speaking, the man quickly disappeared in the corridor like a gust of wind, leaving no room for anyone to react.

The woman named "Carrot" patted a chair in front of the mirror and said directly, "Who will come first? Makeup is not troublesome, just a little effort."

Sure enough, as the woman said, makeup is not complicated.

Lehmann only felt that something was applied to his face, and it seemed that the skin was a little brighter, and then, nothing.

At this time, in the backstage of the recording program, Ryan, Thomas, and George sat one by one on the resting chairs, waiting to be dispatched.

The process of waiting is that Lyman will be the first to appear on the stage. When it comes to making a film, Ryan and Thomas will appear, and George will be the last to appear at the Sundance Film Festival.

"God, I seem to be a little nervous..." Thomas seemed to be sitting in a calm position, but his calf was shaking erratically all the time, pulling the black suit on him from time to time with his hands.

Lehman looked at him and said with a smile: "Hey, buddy, it\'s okay, relax, we\'re going to record the show, not on the battlefield, besides, I\'m the first to play, if I\'m nervous, I should be the first. come on."

He is also wearing a black suit. After all, "The Oprah Show" is not a funny and tricky type of show, so it\'s better to be serious.

Ryan, who also wore a black suit, hugged his chest, crossed his legs, sat on a chair, and said with a relaxed smile: "You coward, why are you nervous, learn from me."

Thomas rolled his eyes and decided not to pay any attention to this slut.

At the same time, at the recording site outside, Oprah Winfrey, wearing a light green sweater, was sitting on a special sofa; almost 50 audience members were also seated.

With the photographer\'s suggestion, the program started recording.

Oprah Winfrey looked in the direction of the camera and said with a smile: "This is the Oprah Talk Show, and I want to talk to you today about what a young man thinks when he achieves great success, and what does he think? How to face this incident? How much impact will it have on his future life? How can young people succeed?"

After she finished talking about today\'s theme, she waved her hand: "Let\'s see the guest we invited today, Lyman Rust!"

There was a round of applause immediately at the scene, which fully demonstrated the hospitality of the old-fashioned show.

At the gate on the left side of the studio, Laiman, who was informed, took a calm step and began to prepare to enter the arena.

At the same time, on the big screen behind the "Oprah Talk Show" logo, some videos were played, including pictures of a street in Cannes, France, and the scene of the Sundance Film Festival. The narration followed. Ringing: "A young French director who is only 27 years old and whose second feature film has exceeded 100 million..."

Oprah Winfrey stood up, lightly held Lyman\'s outstretched right hand, and said with a smile, "Welcome."

"It\'s my honor." After speaking, Lyman walked to a sofa next to him and sat down.

Then Oprah Winfrey raised her hand and motioned for the audience to be quiet.

"Then let\'s say hello to everyone first."

"Hello everyone, my name is Lyman Rust, I\'m a director."

Oprah Winfrey said: "Don\'t look at how simple he introduced, but we all know that you just made a movie with a box office of over 100 million with 6 million euros, and the box office is still going on until now. increase, so in that case, tell us, who are you?"

This is a rather "Oprah"-style question, and it is also a challenge. Obviously, Lehman\'s self-introduction just now did not make Oprah Winfrey plan to let it go. For a talk show, there is no such thing as Interestingness or topicality would be a huge failure.

"A director who hopes that more audiences can take this opportunity to walk into the cinema to watch his work?" Lehmann said in a rhetorical tone, but immediately refuted himself, "No no no, this introduction seems to make me very interested. Utilitarian. So what about a filmmaker who wants to make good work?"

Lehmann seemed to speak seriously, then paused, as if thinking about whether such a statement was appropriate, then nodded and looked at the audience, "Will this self-introduction make me appear a little more humble."

Applause. The applause at the scene was mixed with whistles. Oprah Winfrey raised the corners of her mouth and seemed satisfied with the answer.

"So, is your success story so smooth, I mean, it looks like you\'ve been successful with no surprises." She asked the question, meaning to ask Lehmann to talk about her directing career and growth history.

"Actually at the beginning, when I finished my first film, I needed to seek distribution for the film. During that time, I encountered countless obstacles, and many people were not optimistic that my film could win Market performance, in the face of successive rejections, I have been discouraged, frustrated, and even thought about giving up, just like those people said, just release the video tapes."

"Then, what made you persevere?"

"I\'m not afraid of your jokes, I didn\'t want to insist at that time, because I felt that all attempts were like a waste of time. If I sold the copyright and released the video tape, I could make a fortune, and then, after I said this When I was thinking, my friend Ryan, who was always with me and hit a wall, woke me up. He said a lot, and the meaning was about, what are you thinking about? We have worked hard for so long, how can we give up so easily , there are still many methods we haven\'t tried yet, this is not a desperate situation, we still have to choose, don\'t we?"

Lehman recalled that dull afternoon, his tone was quite natural, "Then, there was a little throbbing in my heart, really, with the idea of ​​trying one last time and making everyone give up, I promised Ryan to take it. The work goes to the Venice Film Festival.”

"At that time, we missed the registration time, and we didn\'t arrange an exhibition hall to show our films, so we followed the example of others and rented a simple projection equipment by ourselves, and set it up to show in an open space, you know? , is the kind of open-air movie, very similar to the kind of free movie viewing activities that I always liked to do in the open space of the square in the past, and then, the quality of the screening, to be honest, is not very good, and the display of movie sound effects is not good either. , there is noise, after all, the equipment is very rudimentary, and there is no way to improve the quality."

"...Even now, every time I think about it, I think it was a dream."

"Then what do you think your first success is? Is it luck?"

"No, I don\'t deny that I was lucky enough to be successful, but if we gave up at the time and continued to persevere, this so-called good fortune would not have come to us. It takes persistence, hard work, and one more thing, Actually, I don\'t think my movies are bad."

The audience laughed, and Oprah Winfrey looked at the confident Lyman in front of him and asked again: "So what do you think will happen to you in the future? Although I don\'t know much about the film industry, I have I also know that you will get a huge box office share immediately, and you will become very rich. There are many temptations in this world~www.novelhall.com~ This is especially true for the rich, you can still maintain your own Professional attitude, like you joked at the beginning, a director who makes movies with heart."

She came up with this question temporarily, and Oprah wanted to know what the young man sitting in front of her would say.

Lehman nodded and replied quite sincerely: "I always feel that film is my everything, I will continue to move forward on this road, treat it with heart and a good attitude, it is my pursuit, It\'s something I\'ve identified with all my life, and I\'m not going to give it up."

Both worlds are like this.

The audience at the scene burst into applause, like an inexplicable encouragement.

The executive director on the side began to remind Ms. Oprah Winfrey in the field that because the scheduled 15-minute interview time is almost up, it is time to move on to the next topic and invite new guests to appear.

Oprah Winfrey was inspired and started to change the subject on her own initiative. She actually wanted to continue the conversation, because she felt that there was still a lot to talk about.

But the long-established professional habit allowed her to restrain this urge.

Afterwards, Ryan, Thomas, and George entered the venue one by one. They then chatted about some interesting things that happened at the Sundance Film Festival, the content of the filming, and the critics\' opinions on "Three Silly Fools." Bollywood support...they talk a lot.

In the end, the recording was almost over.

Oprah Winfrey summed it up in a few words, then stood up again, gave the invited guests a big hug, and said, "I look forward to seeing you on my show again."

Lyman smiled at Ms. Oprah Winfrey, "I hope so too."