Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 57: screening feedback

"Bang bang! bang bang bang..." A violent knock sounded on the door, making Ace Carman have to wake up from his sleep.

He opened his eyes blankly, and pulled up the whole quilt again, covering his head. He only hoped that this way would be able to isolate the noise from the outside, so that he could continue the dream just now.

But the knocking on the door gradually intensified, and they shouted, "Ace, Ace! Open the door!"

Ace\'s teeth tickled with hatred, he lifted the quilt with force, walked to the door angrily and opened the door of the room, "Rooney! I\'m going to beat you up!"

Rooney Allman is his roommate. The two are studying abroad and renting together.

Rooney raised his head and looked at Ace\'s unhappy face. He was not afraid at all, but jokingly said, "Trust me, you can\'t beat me, hahaha!"

Ace said angrily, "You bastard, what\'s the matter? You knocked on the door in such a hurry."

Well, he really can\'t beat him. Rooney is the main quarterback of the school football team. He is very strong.

"Let\'s go to the movies. I heard from a friend yesterday that there are movies that are very good."

"Then don\'t be in such a hurry. How long has it been now? It\'s just after 8 in the morning. After finally taking a short vacation, can\'t you let me rest for a while?"

"You think I think, that movie hasn\'t hit theaters yet. There are only a few shows a day. If you miss it, it\'s gone."

"Where are you going to watch a movie?"

"Sundance Film Festival."

Rooney\'s answer made Ace stunned for a while, but then he thought that the only thing that can show at this time is not the cinema, and only Sundance can do it.

"Come on, let\'s go to Park City!"

Rooney\'s excited voice sounded again.

"I don\'t want to go, it\'s too far."

"It\'s still far, it\'s about an hour\'s drive away. I told you to go last year, and you said the same." Rooney complained mercilessly. The place they rented is a small town under Salt Lake City, which is a neighboring city from Park City. It takes no more than an hour to drive from their place. Compared with those movie lovers who traveled to the exhibition, the advantage of the geographical location is undoubted.

But Ace never liked to go. Instead, Rooney ran every year.

Ace giggled twice, "Forget it, let\'s go with you."

It always feels a little boring to always refuse.

Rooney took out the car key from his pocket and said cheerfully, "Go, I\'ll drive."

Driving smoothly all the way, they soon came to Park City.

From the publicity office of the official exhibition hall, the two came to a screening list, and found the movie that Rooney\'s friend said.

"I found it. "Three idiots make trouble in Bollywood", there is a show at 9:30 in the morning, in the third exhibition hall of the venue."

"Then let\'s go."

Ace said, and walked to the front first.

The two followed the flow of people all the way to the third exhibition hall, but when they arrived at the scene, they were dumbfounded.

Because there are so many people!

Ace stood on tiptoe and looked at the long queue in front of him, and couldn\'t help but sighed, "Is there always so many people showing movies at film festivals? Or is this exhibition hall very popular?"

Turning around and seeing more than 20 people behind him, Ace couldn\'t help but spit out: "Sheet! We\'ve only been here for five minutes, what the **** kind of situation is this, God, this is to be arranged kill me?"

Although Rooney couldn\'t figure out the situation, he knew that the movie must be very good, otherwise there would not be so many people lining up.

Just as he was about to taunt Ace, a voice interrupted their topic.

"There have been a lot of people queuing up these two days, especially in Hall 3 of the Sundance Film Festival, but it doesn\'t matter, it\'s always our turn."

A young man standing in front of Ace suddenly turned around and said.

His indifferent mood was very attractive, and Ace gave the introduction with a smile: "Hey! Dude, I\'m Ace, this is my buddy, Rooney."

"Oh, nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Carter-Ronnie-Filmers. Just call me Carter." s."

Rooney quickly retorted: "No, the one next to me is the one next to me. If I hadn\'t called him over, he might never have seen the charm of Sundance in his life."

"Hey hey, did you say that to me? Didn\'t I come here?" Ace said depressedly.

The amusing behavior of the two made Carter burst out laughing, "I\'m sorry, I usually don\'t do this, unless I can\'t help it!"

"Don\'t pay attention to him, he always likes to make fun of others." Ace said with an innocent look on his face.

The three chatted, and the topic gradually spread towards the movie itself.

It was Carter who provoked: "This is not the first day I have come here. In fact, since yesterday, the number of viewers of this movie has been rising. I heard that even the midnight show at night was full. So today In the morning, I also hurried over to line up and wanted to see it. But, as you have seen, such a scene is enough to explain the problem. "

"Phew, indeed." Rooney affirmed.

"Is there anything special about this movie? Are there any heavyweight actors to join?" Ace asked curiously. In his impression, the popularity of the movie is inseparable from this factor.

Rooney looked at Ace in embarrassment, not knowing what to say. It was Carter who answered Xiao Bai Ace\'s doubts, "No, "Three Silly Bollywood" is not well-known from director to actor, even it is a non-English film, and Sundance never shows mainstream movies. Commercial films, this is a paradise for independent productions..."

Before Carter could finish speaking, a voice interrupted him, "Next."

It turned out that it was his turn already, and the staff at the counter began to remind him.

Carter didn\'t have time to explain, so he quickly turned around and took the first two steps.

Ace and Rooney also temporarily ended the conversation and quickly followed.

"A piece of "Three Silly Makes a Big Trouble in Bollywood"!"

"Sorry, the morning and afternoon screenings of this movie have all been sold out. Can you accept the midnight screening?" The staff said very mechanically, but still maintained a certain courtesy.

"wtf!" Ace, who was standing behind Carter, exclaimed first.

The staff explained again: "In fact, two hours ago, when it started at 8 o\'clock, a large number of people bought the morning and afternoon movie tickets first. Later, the evening one was also sold out. Now there are only tickets left for the midnight show. Otherwise, you will have to come and line up early tomorrow."

The excited and excited mood of the three people who were still immersed in the movie discussion just disappeared instantly. They never thought that the ticket sales work would be so fast.

The tickets for "Three Silly in Hollywood" are less than half an hour, and the evening show is gone, but it\'s still before 10 am, the midnight show, when will it go, and there are many more of inconvenience.

Even Carter was caught off guard. He had encountered such a long queue before, but there was hardly such a tight supply of tickets.

This is really surprising.

But the more he did, the more interested he became. "A ticket to the midnight show."

Carter took a deep breath, until he felt the texture of a movie ticket in his hands, and the unreal sense of illusion gradually subsided.

"So are the tickets for the film festival always selling so fast?" When it was Ace\'s turn, his doubtful voice sounded.

"You can say this, but you can\'t say it like this." Carter hadn\'t left yet, and replied actively: "At the film festival, there are restrictions on screening venues, and so many participating films need to be rotated, so each part is assigned and the number of screenings Not much. As a result, if the audience is particularly interested in a certain movie, this kind of problem often arises.”

Having said this, Carter paused, and waited until the two digested the information inside, and then continued: "And situations like this are actually rare, because the venue is very large, three or four games a day, accommodating a The audience of two or three thousand is not a problem, and it can generally meet the demand, but the tickets are sold out in the morning~www.novelhall.com~ is still... rare."

Carter\'s words are self-evident, the Park City audience flocked to the third exhibition hall, all for "Three Silly Bollywood". At least it can be seen from the situation at the scene that after the premiere of the film, word of mouth completely broke out, igniting the enthusiasm of today\'s Sundance Film Festival.

"Furthermore, I have read the official magazines and several mainstream media newspapers, and many film critics have praised and highly praised the film. Obviously, there are also propaganda factors involved."

"Look, it\'s here, and now the official score is 3.6, which is considered to be the best work at this year\'s Sundance Film Festival so far."

The official grading system of the Sundance Film Festival is a 4-point system. Generally, if it can reach 3 points, it can be said to have its own uniqueness, and it can also be loved by most of the judges.

Ace and Rooney looked at the official magazine published by Carter and saw the information of "Three Silly Bollywood" without spending any effort.

This is obviously the top recommendation of the field magazine. Next to the **** title, the bright red handwriting "3.6/4" easily attracts attention.

On the right is the official statement of the Sundance Film Festival, "Thanks to director Lyman Rast for bringing us a beautiful rhapsody."

"This is a very special movie. The seamless transition of the plot allows the comedy in the first half to set off the tragedy that happened at the end. The portrayal of the real scene seems to be immersive, and this sad, deplorable, ridiculous, terrible The problem of education in India has been brought to us faithfully."

"...It\'s not preaching, it\'s not just criticism, the deep meaning in it, the audience needs to understand it by themselves. This is the thinking left by director Ryman for everyone!"