Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 549: group performance

The day after the premiere of "Mystery of the Shadow", Lyman returned to the set.

Because it was only delayed for a day, we continued the scenes that were not finished before, and the state of several actors remained fairly good.

In the next period of time, the filming work was busy again, and the screening of "Mystery of Xia Ying" also entered its second week.

The film\'s daily box office is still very stable, neither a big explosion nor a serious decline. It holds the daily box office champion tightly, followed by DreamWorks\' animated film "Madagascar". It has been shown for three weeks, but the trend is very stable. Whether it is facing the "Star Wars 3" in the middle and late stages, or the "Mystery of Xia Ying", which is only working hard, it is not false at all.

Of course, other people\'s audiences are different, and there is not much competition with live-action movies.


A nearby road.

Early in the morning, the road section of more than 500 meters was blocked to cooperate with the crew for filming.

A large amount of filming equipment was unloaded from the truck, and some residents also came over to watch, while the field staff and crew were communicating with them, hoping that they would not take pictures.

However, it is impossible not to take pictures.

Especially when the main actors appear, they can\'t stop it. Even director Lehmann can arouse people\'s curiosity.

After a while, paparazzi with cameras suddenly appeared on a large scale in the crowd near the highway. It seemed that the whereabouts of the crew had been completely leaked.

"Are the extras in place?" Next to a police car prop provided by the state government, Lehmann asked casually as he watched Thomas lead the camera crew to install cameras in the police car.

"Well, 35 people have already come over and are rehearsing the scene over there."

"Now we need to change the shooting plan. The group scenes will be moved to the afternoon, and the road and street scenes and the shots around the lakeshore will be shot first in the morning."

"Okay." Thomas responded and said again: "At the community police station, they asked to stop filming and blockade from 11:00 to 1:00 pm, because the traffic flow would be relatively large and the traffic should not be blocked."

"Fuke, don\'t do anything with the money." Lyman cursed, rubbing his brows in distress.

This is not the only road next to it, so it wouldn\'t take much effort to go around it, but after all, the crew also occupies public social resources, so there is no reason to negotiate too much with government agencies, so we can only continue to revise the shooting plan.

Fortunately, there are not many scenes left, so a delay won\'t have much impact.

Moreover, with the steady rise of the box office of "Batman: Mystery of the Shadow", in recent days, the crew has been very motivated, or a few actors are very active, wishing that the filming was completed earlier, released earlier, and then sold out earlier, Early pay rises.

No way, who made "Mystery of the Shadow" also invested by Firefly Pictures, it\'s not surprising that there is such a good example.

After all, Christian Bale, one of the leading actors, has more than doubled his salary. He has vaguely reached the threshold of a first-line male star, and has dared to open his mouth to raise the box office share and increase the basic salary.

This made Matthew McConaughey, the star of another Firefly Films project, not take the initiative?

Moreover, if the box office of "Mystery of the Shadow" is all accumulated in the next week, it has already exceeded 100 million in North America.

Over 100 million in 8 days.

Compared with "Star Wars 3" in the early part of the summer season, this kind of performance is much worse. Even five or six years later, it is not a superhero movie that can sell for more than 100 million on the first day.

But today in 2005, especially in the case of restarting after being refrigerated, the requirements cannot be too high.

You must know that the annual North American box office list such as "Mystery of the Shadow" can enter the top ten.

After all, in 2004, North America will land at 200 million, and the global achievement of at least 300 million is not too bad.

These days, less than 20 movies break through 100 million in North America every year, and "Mystery of the Shadow" has defeated 99% of its opponents, but it\'s not the top one.

Of course, it can also be said that "Star Wars 3" is too exaggerated. There are too many fans of the Star Wars series. It was only shown for more than a month. It has already broken through 500 million in the world, and it is on its way to 600 million.

After another half an hour, Lehman walked behind the director\'s monitor, looked at the screen footage of the feedback, and after confirming that the camera position and lighting were all right, he confirmed to the on-set manager: "The onlookers will not sneak into the shooting. area?"

"Don\'t worry, everyone is watching."

Lehmann has to be so cautious. If a face without a contract appears on the screen after the movie is released in the future, even if it is just a background board that has been swept by the camera, it will be very troublesome.

The American people don\'t have the excitement of showing their faces in the movies. On the contrary, they still feel that this is a kind of portrait violation, and they will win a lawsuit.

Therefore, once a passerby deliberately sneaks in and has the idea of ​​extorting a sum of money, if it is really investigated, the crew will properly take money to eliminate the disaster, and the amount will never be less than 1.8 million, which is more than a second-tier actor. Participating in the lead role is even more expensive.

If you encounter a rogue, this amount will be raised up. If you don\'t give it, the movie won\'t even be released. That\'s really a serious loss.

Therefore, American group performances are actually better. If there are more job opportunities, they will make a lot of money.

So, this is also why when American directors are shooting epic themes, when they encounter war scenes, they basically collapse.

Either by forcibly taking the money, or by hiring an additional 100 people to shoot in one team and one team at a time, and in the post-editing process, it will be an army of tens of thousands of people.

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The staff transferred a helicopter, and after getting familiar with the flight route, they sent a cameraman to indent, and the task of shooting street view footage in the morning officially began.

In the afternoon, I hurriedly filmed the scene where the government blocked the lakeshore and contained the water monster.

Lehmann couldn\'t remember how many times he had stabbed that day. Anyway, every schedule might be restarted because of someone\'s mistake.

However, due to meticulous shooting planning, all this was successfully completed.

And so on until June 29, a week later.

The crew returned to the Warners Studios in Burbank at 10 a.m.

In the last scene, while everyone in the crew was waiting quietly, I saw Lehmann nodded in satisfaction and made an OK gesture to everyone.

"I announce that "The Monster in the Lake" is finished. Tonight\'s crew party, everyone will come."

Lehmann raised the loudspeaker and said loudly.

Preparations started in mid-April, filming started in May, and filming was not completed until the end of June. This was a busy two months and finally ended.




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