Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 530: market

In the North American film market around mid-March, there is still no shortage of works released.

Among them, there are the action movie "Fantastic Daddy" released by Disney, the horror movie "Midnight 2" from DreamWorks, and the Colombian love movie "Black and White Matching Boys and Girls".

Of course, the theaters are showing far more than these three films, but among them, only the market box office of these three films can pose a threat to "Daydreamer".

It\'s not that Blue Butterfly Pictures is arrogant, but that its competitors really have nothing to beat, so even if they do, they are embarrassed to do it.

You see, the top box office hit the day before yesterday was "Fantastic Daddy", starring Vin Diesel, which has been screened for 9 days. Such a big bald man with a big bald head didn\'t go to fight and kill, and turned into a housewife who takes care of the family. The plot is still very funny, and the director is Adam Shackman, who is very good at comedy genre. , Under the joint efforts, the first week accumulated 30.2 million US dollars and won the championship.

However, its good days seem to be over...

On March 21, the second day after the release of "Daydreamer", the average attendance rate was as high as 80%, and even some theaters in prosperous areas were full, requiring queues.

These theater chains are all talented people, so naturally it is impossible not to make money without making money, which directly increases the intensity of resource tilting.

In caa\'s office, Jim Carrey flipped through more than a dozen newspapers with relatively large circulation. What surprised him was that, except for one or two of these newspapers, they all gave positive praise.

If it hadn\'t been known that Stanton and others had counted the media reports, Jim Carrey would have suspected that they would never have bought those newspapers with bad reviews.

After all, being criticized all the time, no matter whether the box office is good or not, there are people who say weird things, which makes Jim Carrey somewhat unaccustomed to this kind of situation...

After a while, the office door was pushed open, and an assistant rushed in, "Good news, everyone. Mr. Jim-Carrey, Mr. Stanton, yesterday\'s movie box office has all been counted."

"Really, bring it here." Stanton felt that the assistant was in a good mood, and it should be a beautiful statistic. He also felt some joy in his heart, so he stood up and took the box office report.

With the crowd surrounded, Jim Carrey only felt relieved in an instant.

"Are you sure it\'s correct?" someone asked.

"Yes, I\'ve been right several times." The assistant nodded seriously.

"That\'s good."

For a while, the group felt that the burden was much lighter, and they could even imagine how much bonus they could get.

I saw that the name of "Daydreamer" was so high on the clear-form report, and the data was so wonderful.

On the first day, it made $24.75 million, the daily box office champion, accounting for 27% of the box office share of North American theaters.

Yes, a movie has more than one-fifth of the market, which means potential.

If the box office hadn\'t been cut in half, the weekly box office champion of the week would have been almost locked in. This was Jim Carrey\'s simplest idea.

Then I started to calculate in my heart, in addition to the basic salary, according to the actor contract signed with Firefly Pictures, I also enjoy 3% of the North American box office share, 24.75 million on the first day, I can get 730,000 US dollars, and the accumulation is a lot. if…

Maybe he can earn more than 17 million yuan this time, which is already very satisfying to Jim Carrey.

You must know that although he has entered the actor club of 20 million US dollars, it has been difficult for Jim Carrey to obtain relatively high benefits under the poor market for so many years. If he can earn more than 17 million, he will also gain a good reputation. That\'s 10,000 willing.

He is not short of money, but he does not want to lose his position in the circle.

Seeing Jim Carrey raising his eyebrows and smiling, Stanton was obviously immersed in joy and excitement, but he still quickly suggested: "From now on, you need to do a lot of publicizing your personal image and restore the past decline. This is a good opportunity. , just use it to increase the chips.”

On the other side of Blue Butterfly Pictures, Liam and other employees in charge of film distribution are also enjoying the joy of victory after getting the film\'s box office data.

You must know that "Daydreamer" not only won the daily box office championship without any suspense, but more importantly, several competitors were greatly affected.

For example, the box office overlord the day before yesterday, "The Brave Daddy", made a direct daily income of 8 million to 9 million US dollars, and directly dropped to 6.52 million US dollars, a drop of more than 30%, even the former first place, not to mention the others. , are squeezed miserably.

After all, there are only so many market audiences in the schedule, and "Daydreamer" is on the top, so naturally some people want to spit out the market in this area.

In the top five list, "Boys and Girls Black and White Matching" 5.24 million, "Midnight Bell" remake of the US version of the sequel 4.76 million, MGM\'s "The Underworld 2" 4.28 million, the four add up to win For a "Daydream", it can be said that they have absolutely no strength to fight with it, which means that if the audience\'s reputation for watching movies does not collapse, the market performance will be very stable.

Furthermore, if you compare the number of screens shown in several films, the gap is even greater.

In the five films, except for "The Brave Daddy", which has more than 1,800 screens, the rest are not much more than "Daydream", but they are almost all maintained at around 1,000, except for "The Underworld 2" which may The box office fell short, shrinking to more than 870.

But this is the case. The box office of "Daydreamer" is several times that of the following single movie. In fact, the single venue has earned more than 23,000 US dollars. How can this not make people happy and feel stable. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And getting such a result at the beginning is still in a period that is not very popular, and the pressure is not so great. It is estimated that breaking 100 million in North America is not a problem. Then, what about the world?

You know, Lehmann was afraid that the film would be "unacceptable" when the film was shot a few years in advance, and he deliberately adopted a very cautious distribution model. The number of opening pictures was not expanded at all, leaving room for leeway, just in case the market performance was not good at that time. , which can reduce the investment in publicity and distribution in time and reduce risks.

But if this box-office momentum continues, is there no pressure to make money back?

You must know that the original version did not have the blessing of a streaming movie star like Jim Carrey, and it got more than 180 million.

Perhaps now, this film with an investment of no more than 55 million US dollars is expected to exceed 200 million.

At least, this movie chose a fairly good schedule, which obviously suppressed the limelight of several other works, and took a large part of the market share.

And when Lehmann learned all this, although he was happy, he was also worried about the script and story of the new film.

CG special effects, it is not enough to use visual technology too little, otherwise it will not actually play a role in promoting the digital field.

What should I choose to shoot? Can\'t be too advanced, can\'t use too little technology, conditions are limited...



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