Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 52: Dialogue

The Sundance Film Festival has always been regarded as a holy place for film lovers to communicate. The audiences who appear here can also be said to be the purest "movie fans" - film fans, and the film creators who appear here are also They all know what they will face, and they open up their hearts to communicate with the audience face-to-face.

In short, at Sundance, no audience will be polite.

Like is like, hate is hate.

That kind of movie that leaves the table halfway through the screening is considered good-natured, and some audience members even stand up and scold the director, not to mention the kind of film that just leaves after the screening, perfunctory and doesn’t even bother to express their disgust The audience, this category is the majority.

Many movies are difficult to get the audience\'s applause at Sundance - if they can win the audience\'s applause, it means that the movie is really loved by these "fans". Then they have never been stingy in expressing their support for excellent works.

"Three Silly Bollywood" is such an excellent movie. After Lehman and others stood still, they received a three-minute round of applause.

The mighty and vigorous momentum rushed towards them, almost making each of them\'s inner satisfaction reach the peak, and the applause slowly stopped.

The staff in the exhibition hall had been waiting by the side since the movie was shown, and only then did they seize the gap, trotted up, and handed over two microphones to Lehman and others.

Next is the most sought-after part of the Sundance Film Festival for film lovers - a direct dialogue with the film production team, face-to-face questions, exchanges, and communication.

Of course, those movies that are not loved by the audience do not have this link. The evaluation standard is based on the audience retention rate, which is generally more than half.

Lehman looked around and found that everything at the Sundance Film Festival seemed to be self-sufficient. He remembered that when he visited the opening ceremony in Venice, the film screening was over, but there was a live host to control the whole atmosphere. , here, it seems that there is no need for the film creation team to go into battle.

Another microphone was handed to George by Ryan. Seeing that Lehman had never seen such a battle, George was still hesitating about how to start, so he immediately picked up the microphone and said with a smile: "Thank you for your support to us. , I believe that judging from everyone\'s actions just now, this exchange meeting will have a very good start. Moreover, I also think that the film directed by our director is very good, and no one should criticize us in the future. I\'m a little worried."

George\'s ridiculing jokes made the scene burst into laughter, and some of the audience began to whistle, and the whole atmosphere suddenly became more lively.

"Then next is the question and answer session. I hope you don\'t put pressure on it, I think..." Before George could finish his words, he raised his arms in a rush, like a whole lush Forest.

"Everyone, be merciful." After George finished his last sentence, he put down the microphone in his hand and said softly to Lyman, "It\'s your turn to answer the questions raised by the audience."

Lyman pursed his lips and looked around.

In the laughter and laughter that George adjusted the atmosphere of the scene just now, most of the audience raised their hands, and even in the crowd, he saw the beautiful girl who applauded and supported at the beginning also raised her hands, waiting to ask questions.

This made Lehmann a little stunned, but in the end, he turned his eyes around her and gave the first opportunity to ask a question to a middle-aged man sitting at the front of the audience.

"Director, everyone, good evening." The middle-aged man took the microphone from the staff on the side, and said excitedly: "First of all, I must say, thank the creators for bringing us a very Wonderful work, believe me, after watching the movie, my emotions have not been completely calmed down until now." The man\'s voice caused a lot of echoes on the scene, and everyone stirred up their palms, expressing their approval in this way .

The man stood uneasily and fiddled with the microphone, and after the applause stopped, he continued: "I have too much confusion in my mind right now, and I have a lot of thoughts about the story of the movie, but what I want to know most is what is Raja afraid of? I wanted to ask why Raja was so desperate in the dean\'s office that he committed suicide."

Lehmann picked up the microphone and replied directly, "If you have noticed, you will find that Raja has never lived for himself."

"Many times people say that the world belongs to everyone, and that\'s true, but most people don\'t want or never think about owning the world. This is determined by people\'s vision, and the distance of vision depends to a large extent. In terms of living environment. Among the three roles, Lanche has a firm mind, likes mechanical manufacturing, and has a heart for the world. Fahan is mediocre and hard-working, but he has his own photography dream, but have you seen Laga\'s ideals or ambitions? A father who is sick in bed, a mother who complains, and a sister who cannot marry."

"Such a family that has not lived a warm life has allowed Laga to experience the maturity of life early. People like him should have inherited mediocrity. He lived a life similar to his father\'s, but he entered an excellent university. , saw a completely different world, which is full of outdated but infinitely desirable words such as excellence, future, ideal, and excellence. He gave birth to hope, and he wants to go out and embrace that world."

"He slowly climbed to the edge of the two worlds, and wanted to take a step forward, but the existing world was too entangled, and the next exam took a hit on his confidence, and he began to find that his ability might support He couldn\'t get the future he wanted, so he gave up his best friend for a short period of time for his studies, and became more and more devout to the gods."

"Finally, when he knew that he would achieve nothing in the end, when he knew the darkness of the world after returning home, this oppression finally made him choose to jump off the building. Raja is a poor person, he has seen the prosperity of another world. , he hated his previous life more and more, from hope to disappointment, it was the most critical factor in his suicide."

"...If you don\'t have it, how can you lose it? He can\'t let it go. I think this is the answer that this movie has already given."

Lehman\'s words made the audience ponder. They suddenly found that they still had many details that they hadn\'t noticed, such as the ideal or aspirational settings just mentioned. Among the three, only Laga has been making money to support his family. I didn\'t even think about the direction of my work after graduation, I just wanted to make a lot of money.

In other words, Raja never had a goal in life at all. He lived for others, not his own life.

"Three idiots making trouble in Bollywood" may be more charming than what they saw, the audience thought and suddenly thought.

Just after a brief silence, someone started to raise their hands one after another. The beautiful girl was standing there. This time, Lehmann didn\'t dodge, and his eyes met her directly.

Bella straightened her waist and raised her right hand high, like a straight little poplar.

Lehmann narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the girl carefully.

Her chestnut-colored short hair was neatly tied together, and on her pretty face, the pupils of her eyes released a firm and expectant look, which made people feel that even if the director didn\'t ask her questions, she Will continue to persevere, rather than give up regretfully.

This is so fun! Lyman raised his chin slightly, pointed his finger in the beautiful lady\'s direction, and agreed to her request for questions.

Then I saw the beautiful lady slowly taking the microphone handed over by the staff, and then she focused her gaze on the director, Lehmann, among the four, as if the focus was slightly shifted, which was just disrespect to people.

The two looked at each other like this, looking at each other from a distance.

After a while, it seemed that the beautiful lady had sorted out her thoughts for the question, and then she said in a deep voice, "Excuse me, is there any deeper meaning in the portrayal of the education system in the movie? The dean\'s different attitudes towards Chatto and Lancher also explain. what?"

After hearing the question, Lehmann didn\'t think much about it. The idea of ​​shooting this work was actually in his mind all the time. He picked up the microphone and explained incessantly: "I want to know this question~www.novelhall.com~ The first thing to do is to have some understanding of the current state of education in India, or a clear understanding of the social makeup of the country.”

"You must know that India pursues an elite education, and many people of lower castes are not eligible for higher education. According to their official data last year, in 2000, the illiteracy rate of women was 43%, which was higher than that of men. Twice as much, and their judgment of illiterate is to be able to write their own name, which means that the Indian students in the movie who can afford college are not low caste pariahs. And you should It is found that there is not a single female student on the entire campus of Imperial University, which is also a unique hint."

"It is also a disclosure of the above-mentioned social problems of the status quo of male superiority in India, and then there is the issue of education. India has too many populations, and its national strength is not strong. Coupled with the classification of classes, it will lead to a lot of learning pressure. Students The competition between them is ubiquitous, and most of them are determined by exams. If you can get a high score, you can graduate. If the score is not up to the standard, you will drop out of school. Moreover, the problem of the school’s annual admission target is also a big problem. There are only so many educational resources. , and can only afford a certain number of students to enroll, then what to do with the rest, it is naturally an invisible elimination."

"So in fact, in the movie, Raja\'s crazy superstition of religion is also a hint of details. He represents the status quo of the poor class in India as the most powerful support class for religion, while the middle and even wealthy people such as Farhan and Chattu are the most powerful supporters of religion. Families, it will not be like this. To tell a joke, the top class in India, in fact, will not put their children to study in the country\'s first-class industrial universities such as Imperial University, they prefer to send their children to study abroad. For example , Ivy League universities in the United States, full of students from India."