Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 489: lose money

If Hollywood, where the movie market is prosperous, is a five-star hotel, then the French movie market, whose market value is less than one-tenth of other people’s, is probably the kind of dormitory Chase.

In terms of the annual box office gross value alone, France is really looking up to Hollywood. As for the promotion of offline copyright and the supporting film industry, such as studios and movie theaters, it is even more shabby to the point of contempt by Hollywood.

Let’s just put it this way, Hollywood can provide the number of screens to undertake three major first-tier productions at the same time, and it can also ensure that low-budget films will not be squeezed out of the way, but in France, two first-tier productions competing at the same time will inevitably lose both.

It doesn’t matter if the cinema chain is not comparable, nor is the offline peripheral market. You must know that the total output value of Hollywood’s offline market has exceeded one trillion, and the entire French film industry can’t compare.

This is also the reason why international capital is going to Hollywood.

Because it\'s too lucrative.

Of course, the premise is that you can earn it.

Right now, after EMI received the news, Denis Bernard immediately reported to the chairman.

Their chairman started out in communication technology. At the age of fifty-six or seven, he looks very healthy.

In a bright and spacious office, EMI\'s chairman, Pierre DuPont, was listening to Denis Bodney\'s report.

Two elderly men in formal suits were also listening in.

EMI has three major shareholders, and there are only two remaining.

"...They are here to discuss cooperation, so there shouldn\'t be any fakes?"

"Why?" someone next to him asked.

"In the past year, Firefly Pictures has made at least 400 million US dollars in profit, which is more than our EMI. Is there any benefit in lying to us that they want to talk about cooperation? You can\'t come back all the way to tell a lie."

"Hahaha, that\'s what I said. Firefly Pictures is still developing fast..."

Unexpectedly, Denis was quite a humorous person, and the two shareholders present laughed after his remarks.

However, Pierre DuPont didn\'t know that Firefly Pictures was extremely short of money, so he wondered: "They have the means to make money, why are they still looking for us?"

When it comes to investing in such things, especially Hollywood projects, 90% of the laymen will participate, and there will be no pants left.

Even the 10% of the experts will be educated very badly.

Don\'t ask, asking is the history of bitterness, blood and tears.

Because EMI was tricked by MGM back then, 30 million was thrown into it, and the movie made a big profit at the box office. After the settlement was settled, they lost 5 million.

The reason is that the publicity expenditure is too much.

As for how many?

Is it not easy to do accounts?

The investment banks on Wall Street don’t even understand.

After all, they have their own resources for propaganda and distribution, and you can\'t prove the price even with your left hand over your right.

These days, to be able to lose money on the basis of one\'s ability is Hollywood\'s worst.

In the film industry, there are too many uncertainties about the profitability of a project. Take EMI as an example. If you have a top film project at home, you will definitely develop it yourself. Why should you invite outsiders? Unless it is an exchange of interests.

A businessman, chasing profit.

Especially not an international courtesan...

Denis explained with a smile: "I went to someone to investigate, and Firefly Pictures has insufficient liquidity, and we can package several projects for investment. Even if they want to cheat, there are still ways to deal with it."

Pierre listened carefully, but still felt unreliable.

If you don\'t have money, you can get a loan from the bank.

With such good assets as Firefly Pictures, 100 banks are willing to borrow money... However, how could they know that Lehmann still counts the international distribution channels that need to be established in the future, and establishes a good relationship with these international distributors first.

As for whether the project is not a project, it doesn\'t seem to matter if you listen to it. The big deal is that you don\'t agree to it without a guarantee...

"Then, take someone to talk to them."

The negotiating team brought by Lehmann settled down at the Moria Hotel not far from Europa Films.

Naturally, the investment reception also agreed with the people in the hotel and asked them to help organize it.

As for Luc Besson, seeing this situation, he also understood Lehmann\'s careful thinking.

There are more film companies he wants to participate in...

On the second day, the investment meeting began.

Lehman also rarely took out the specific quarterly financial report of Firefly Pictures, detailing the various film projects produced and the benefits, and then distributed it to every company representative present at the conference.

There are a lot of rich bosses in France, but they are not fools. If you want people to believe in Firefly Pictures and pull funds, you must show hard power.

As for hard power, nothing is easier to impress investors than direct project profit figures.

Anyway, these people can also have a certain understanding of Firefly Pictures through their own channels, it is better to be honest.

After all, Lehmann didn\'t even think about cheating during his trip, and the projects he provided could also make money...

After gaining trust, in the hotel\'s banquet hall, Lehmann was talking with representatives of several major French film companies.

First of all, of course, the reason why Lehman came here and why he wanted to pull investment.

And the reason is also worth researching, that is, there is a small problem in the capital chain of Firefly Pictures, and it is necessary to introduce external funds to develop some projects...

"How much investment do you need?" Denis asked.

"This..." Lehmann said in a difficult manner: "In order to ensure the operation of the company, we plan to raise 200 million US dollars. Well, the speed of raising is even faster."

In order to acquire absolute controlling rights, at least 200 million capital reserves are required to acquire the digital field. This was calculated early in the morning.

Lehman shook his head and continued: "I still have some things to do on my side, and I won\'t be here for long, so I need to confirm this matter as soon as possible, what do you guys mean?"

Denis frowned slightly.

Is such a big thing still in such a hurry?

Wouldn\'t it really be a pit.

Luc Besson smiled and said, "I don\'t know, how is the profit distribution of investment calculated?"

"Rest assured, we will guarantee the rights and interests of the investment share."

Seriously, if it wasn\'t for his identity, and he was closer, more influential and more famous, Lehmann would have been able to get in touch with Constantine Pictures.

Compared with French filmmakers, Germany is obviously more enterprising and adventurous, and more rich and powerful.

Why do you say that?

Because of the remuneration of action stars in the 1990s, actors such as Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Bruce Willis, etc. were all fired up by German capital. At that time, in order to break into Hollywood, they made big investments in development, big stars, The film works of the big directors have lost money and shouted, and they just let all the practitioners in Hollywood know their courage.

"By the way, this is the project plan we brought out to cooperate, you can take a look."



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