Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 483:

Lehman\'s trip to the Golden Globe is much more symbolic than practical.

Although Hollywood has always paid little attention to the awards awarded by the Golden Globes, the attention to winning the awards is not low.

The promotion of the film is also good.

After all, today\'s regional awards, only in the United States, except for the independent production of the Sundance Film Festival, that is, the Golden Globes and Oscars, have huge traffic bonuses.

The audience of the entire live broadcast is also the most suitable audience base.

After the Golden Ball, the screenings of "Million Dollar Baby" in more than a dozen theaters were sold out again, which also made Lehmann feel that the Golden Ball was not useless.

Hilary Swank\'s performance in the film also made the audience feel that the Golden Globe actress deserved her name.

"Hollywood Observer" commented: "Perhaps Hillary is lucky, as an actor with a limited screen image, she met Maggie, a very charming character, a consistent lady and a vase actress. Everyone should see works like the big heroines, they represent the way out for future actresses."


Just as Warner\'s PR team was desperately trying to build momentum for the next Oscars, Lyman had already taken Eva into the car back to the studio.

In the supermarket rented by the crew.

With the camera on his shoulder, Thomas zooms in step by step to create a sense of oppression.

The surrounding lights were cold white, with a tinge of yellow.

In order to ensure no distortion, the lighting team added some color ratios to make the actor\'s expression more vivid.

"Everyone is in your place."

Under the panoramic view of another camera, the evacuees in the supermarket were clearly divided into three large groups and several small groups, smoking boredly and chatting in a low voice.

As soon as the camera turned, Nicolas Cage frowned, looked at the supermarket situation for a while, and his face was full of confusion.

He lowered his head, his eyes became more firm...

"We should find a way to find a way back, they\'ve gone crazy."

David didn\'t care whether the people around him agreed with his decision. He slightly bowed his waist and pursed the corners of his mouth, exuding a strong sense of exhaustion and boredom.

Trapped in this large space, I don\'t know the information outside, I don\'t know if there will be rescue, I can\'t make calls, everyone is growing negative emotions.

As long as there is an opportunity, this fire will burn violently.

David only hopes that his son will be safe and sound before the flames rise...

Lehmann carefully watched the camera performance on the monitor, which was almost exclusively for the protagonist of Cage.

I just feel that Cage\'s emotional outreach is quite in place.

If the audience cannot be made to feel that he has no choice, the subsequent plot development will be quite abrupt.

And as time went on, when the protagonist group went to the back door to secretly conspire and finished, David\'s role also came to an end.

"cut, very good." Lyman appreciated.

But the filming was important, so Cage just nodded slightly and hurried to do her makeup again.

Lyman also stopped wasting time and quickly directed the crew to prepare for the next scene.

In the next filming, the state of several leading actors remained good, with few mistakes, which saved a lot of time.

At 5 o\'clock in the afternoon, the crew stopped working again.

Eva took off her makeup, put on her own clothes, and walked quickly to Lyman who was discussing matters with producer Blake...

"For tomorrow\'s scene, we need to prepare more than a dozen group performances. We need to find more professionals, and the scene will be closer. Anyway, we are almost finished, and our budget is still sufficient, so we can shoot the group scene generously..." Talking about the plan, Yu Guang caught sight of Eva walking towards him, nodded slightly to the girl, and explained it to Blake in a few words.

Blake also took the initiative to retreat with a wink, leaving space for the two of them.

"Is there a problem?"

"A new French restaurant has opened near here. Let\'s try it together."

Lehmann paused while arranging the table, "How far?"

"Drive, about forty minutes. That place was told to me by Cage."

"Can you not go? I want to sort out the shots tonight."

"No, take a break from time to time and relax. It\'s easy to be in a bad mood if you are always working."



The next day, Lehman still came to the crew early. After a night\'s rest, his expression improved a lot, and there was a faint hint of a spring breeze on his face.

Most of the crew saw the scene yesterday when Lehmann drove Eva away with Eva. To be more precise, they went out to eat and didn\'t come back to the hotel in the town for the night.

So these people have smiles and unspeakable guesses in their eyes.

"Thomas, is Eva here?" Lyman grabbed Thomas, who was debugging the camera.

Thomas raised his head and pointed at the crew trailer, with an ambiguous smile on his face: "She came a little earlier than you, so there\'s no need to hide it. Can you tell me what you did last night?"

Lyman patted Thomas on the shoulder hard, and said nothing, turned and walked towards the trailer.

Behind him, the crew, who were pretending to be busy, all looked towards Lehmann\'s back.

"Hey, did you see that Eva\'s walking posture was a little abnormal this morning?" The crew member whispered to his companions with gossip.

"Have you seen it too?" The companion smiled crampedly.

"Our director is too hungry, and we have to film, so we can\'t bear it."

"Can you endure that little thing between men and women? Eat the marrow and know the taste. Speaking of which, when I was young, wouldn\'t it be..."

The two secretly teased about the bad things between the director and the actress.

In the high-intensity filming, a little fun is worth saying~www.novelhall.com~ Amidst the whispers, Lehmann walked into the trailer.

Eva is sitting in front of the makeup mirror, letting the makeup artist apply her foundation.

Well, in order to cover up a few strawberry prints on the neck. Because it is too conspicuous, properly wear the lens.

Alas, it sounds like Lehman is also the one who took the blame.

Eva clearly wanted it, so how could he be so hungry?

However, in this respect, the woman must be at a disadvantage. After all, when it comes to fighting, isn\'t the initiative different? Didn\'t even deal with it.

Strangely, the hotel bed was too soft, the night was too charming, I couldn\'t help it, the atmosphere was too good...

Well, if you have to find excuses, you can still find a few.

The makeup artist was a white woman in her thirties. Seeing the director came in, she waved her hand and glanced at Eva secretly before she turned around and walked out of the trailer.

Those eyes made Eva\'s body tense subconsciously.

Oops, it really makes people blush. She came over in the morning and felt a little embarrassed. She didn\'t expect that embarrassment was still to come.

For example, how do you shoot today\'s scene, and there are rival scenes with several leading actors.

Besides, make-up can hide marks, but... well, it\'s still embarrassing. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn\'t tease it. If something happened...


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