Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 477: Hatton Town

On January 24, Lehmann took the crew to the small town of Hatton, Ohio.

This is the most important location in the movie. Basically, 80% of the scenes in the movie will be shot in the small town.

After arriving at the destination at 3 o\'clock in the afternoon, Laiman first brought the person in charge of the location team to the mayor of the town to say hello, and also set aside a part of the funds to support the maintenance and construction of the town.

In other words, the hundred thousand dollars was spent in exchange for the care during the shooting.

Otherwise, if any **** happens, it can affect the crew.

I contracted a few hotels in the small town and arranged it a little to make it a temporary residence.

Seeing that the crew was still arranging filming equipment, and the tired-looking actors brought their assistants and managers into various rooms with luggage, Lehmann clapped his hands and said:

"Everyone, settle down first, and gather on time tomorrow morning, don\'t be late."

After giving the order, Lyman asked Blake next to him, "Has the people from the digital field arrived?"

"It\'s here. The studio they built over there is surveying and mapping on the spot and collecting all kinds of data."

The "Mist" crew spent nearly 12 million US dollars for the special effects rendering. For a small workshop in the digital field, it is a big business that is hard to come across.

After all, there are a lot of special effects studios on the market, and Industrial Light & Magic has the biggest reputation.

Although I don’t know why Lehman was selected to subcontract the work, it does not affect the digital field attaching great importance to this cooperation.

At this moment, in the open space at the entrance of the town, two small container trucks parked aside. Under the command of the staff, in addition to the crew members who are still dismantling equipment, the digital field is also carrying various equipment.

Afterwards, Lehmann brought Thomas, the art team, the lighting team, and one of the producers, Blake, and other major directors of the crew to introduce them to the people in the digital field.

Even if you know each other, you can consult these people if you have any problems during the shooting process.

A few people chatted, and the digital domain technician named Scott Bryant saw that Lehman was curious about some surveying and mapping equipment, and smiled and introduced: "Director Lehman, in order to cooperate with the filming of the "Mist" crew and We have fully prepared the required lens effects to ensure that all the requirements you put forward can be met.”

As he spoke, he carefully explained the operation essentials of the equipment to several people.

In fact, it is their greatest sincerity that this time the digital field can send so many technical personnel to cooperate with them throughout the whole process.


In the temporary rental house in the town, Lehmann is instructing the staff to set up the scene. This will be the starting location of "The Mist" and the filming location of the first shot.

Nicolas Cage and his uncle\'s old partner, Al Pacino, are generally standard method acting.

This type of actor is very particular about integrating the character\'s emotions into himself and then showing it.

So if the shooting sequence is reversed, it will definitely affect Cage\'s coherence.

In order to better show the character changes of the protagonist David, Lyman decided to shoot in chronological order.

In the first scene of the original movie, David was painting in his own courtyard. This scene introduced the identity of the male protagonist through several paintings and laid the groundwork for the subsequent plot.

Lehman and Thomas discussed it, and decided to shoot from the beginning to lead out the characters.

"I went to Burbank again the day before yesterday, and Warners still has doubts about our movie being released in mid-April. If we enter the publicity stage, we only have two months to ensure that the movie will not be delayed. The filming time. Moreover, the April schedule will not be too popular, and this will not be sufficient for the film\'s screening market potential."

Lehman was writing a note on the shooting plan with the sub-shot, and after hearing Blake\'s words, he thought about it and said, "Two months is enough time. As for why I choose April, it is also because the competition is not very high. You see, summer vacation Warner Bros will release "Batman: Mystery of the Shadow", and I have "Daydreamer" in March, so I can\'t wait until the end of the summer to release "The Mist", and the production cost of "The Mist" is not much. , and do not need a very good schedule commitment.”

Blake nodded, suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile, "Are you going to attend the Golden Globe Awards in February? I heard that "Million Dollar Baby" will get a lot of nominations."

Lyman also laughed, "I know what you\'re thinking. Don\'t worry, Oscar has its arrogance and will never give me the best director, but even if the Oscar judges are reluctant, they will pinch their noses for the movie. A few nominations. After all, we even won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, and the voices are so loud that they can’t turn a blind eye.”

According to the public relations route arranged by Warner, the main energy was put on the actor award for the best male and female lead under Lyman\'s persuasion.

Because of age and qualifications, no one has won the Best Director award with one nomination, and Lehmann has no other expectations for the Oscars.

Blake tentatively said: "The filming plan of the crew is so closely arranged, do we still have time to attend the public relations dinner?"

"Don\'t worry," Lehmann packed up the folder and said, "The filming will be suspended at that time to make time for the dinner party. If you reject some kindness because of the filming, you may be hated by those old stubborn stubborn people before you know it. superior."

Thinking about Xiao Lizi\'s big talk~www.novelhall.com~ not being an Oscar judge, causing the embarrassment of running with him continuously, Lehmann didn\'t want to overturn on such a trivial matter.

A group of old men from the old days, Xiao Lizi is nothing more than the fact that "Titanic" was not nominated for the best actor and refused to attend the Oscars. Although he is a little proud, he will not be played like this.

However, if there is no Oscar, what kind of influence can this group have in Hollywood?

If they can\'t show authority, wouldn\'t everyone despise them.

Once this head is opened, it cannot be taken back.

The two of them chatted while setting up the shooting location. After having dinner nearby in the evening, Lehman went back to the hotel again and took out the script to make some minor revisions.

The plot of "The Mist" is a more typical Cthulhu system, that is, the biggest fear does not come from monsters, but from the indescribable unknown. In the process of exploring the truth, human minds gradually collapsed.

Unfortunately, the original version only showed the latter, but not the former.

It\'s no wonder that some people judged it as - third-rate special effects, second-rate actors, and first-rate script.

The protagonists are not very powerful, at least the protagonists are too flat, and there is no such shocking tension.

And the addition of Cage also requires Lyman to add more shots to his characters to achieve a similar effect.


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