Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 470: feedback

The multi-faceted development of IP is very common in Hollywood.

Like the "Star Wars" series, DC adaptations, and future Marvel Dafa, they are all examples of great success.

And "The Walking Dead" has the title of a spin-off of "Line in New York". From the very beginning of filming, it can be described as much anticipation.

On the night of the premiere day, many moviegoers stayed in front of the TV and waited early. Families who did not open premium channels even went to open and subscribe to watch the episodes.

Moreover, the results of these efforts did not disappoint people.

Perhaps it is the addition of the follow-up influence of "New York Row", or the montage flashback and interspersed shooting technique of the gyro, or the careful and coherent plot conception of the screenwriter team.

After seeing the feature film, many viewers were all attracted by the excellent quality.

Applauding and yelling.

The applause is very beautiful;

What was criticized was that the episode was too short, only 45 minutes in one episode (with the opening and ending, it was only about an hour).

After they watched it, they kept complaining, but they did not change the channel, and continued to watch HBO\'s follow-up programs on the channel.

After the first episode aired, the audience also had a heated discussion about the characters that appeared, and because of the character setting, it became more and more intense——

Yahoo Community.

As the largest and most trafficked representative of the portal website, there are still many active people at ordinary times.

However, it is generally less active at night than during the day.

But today is an exception. After nine o\'clock in the evening, Yahoo\'s traffic crowd suddenly increased sharply.

In addition to various topics, discussions and new posts, the most popular ones are TV series produced by major TV networks or movies broadcast in theaters.

Among them, the most discussed is HBO\'s new drama "The Walking Dead".

Among them, the controversy over the role is the hottest topic.

The source of the controversy is not the quality of the first episode feature film, or the shaping of the plot and worldview, but the opinions expressed between Rick and Sean chatting about "women".

Like the confrontation between expanding feminism and America\'s most common form of sexism.

Oh, the so-called racial discrimination is also mixed in, because the role of the drug dealer was specially hired by a black actor to play the role.

Of course, those who spoke subconsciously ignored the faces of several white people in the drug gang.

The debate is getting bigger and bigger, and the discussion is getting more and more heated.

Attracted numerous melon eaters to participate.

Everyone had a friendly and friendly interaction on issues such as lines and director\'s tendencies.

For a time, it was full of words starting with F, which was the most wonderful compliment in the world.

Female audiences, macho white people, black audiences and other ethnic minorities, and spectators who don\'t take it too seriously, and there are the promoters behind Warner Group in the middle. Everyone knows the name of the TV series. good.

After all, controversy is also a direct manifestation of topicality and traffic, which is easier to attract attention than gossip.

It\'s hard to say how much Warner\'s publicity resources are skewed here, but what people in the industry can know is: "The Walking Dead" is popular and successful. Firefly Pictures, the platform side, and other investors have all become the beneficiaries of the benefits. square.

In the topic, there are those who belittle Sean\'s view of women\'s thinking, and there are those who support it; there are those who say that the cast is full of whiteness, and there are those who support it...

Anyway, it\'s magical.

But the world of the Internet is a magical place without the need for real people to face-to-face. Everyone can abandon the masks that people wear hard and face their hearts.


The meeting room of the HBO office building.

The long seats are full of leaders on both sides.

Some are from TV stations, and some are executives of Warner Group. Anyway, there are many factions of Warner Group, and shareholders and management are inextricably linked.

After all, is a shopping mall also a river and lake?

Not to mention that the distribution of interests of Warner Group involves too much capital.

On January 16, around ten in the morning, the day after The Walking Dead premiered.

The current executive officer of HBO appeared in the conference room on time. He explained some things to his assistant first, and then he pulled a few executives from Warner headquarters to say hello, and only then did he beckon from the main seat to signal the start of the meeting.

"...The unified purchase department has reached a good project. The audience of "The Walking Dead" has rated it well, and the prospects are promising. The person in charge of each department will report the details."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged white man from the unified purchasing department stood up and said, "...In the broadcast agreement we reached with Firefly Pictures, we spent more than 80 million yuan on the copyright purchase, which was paid in three installments, and the first 30 million yuan has been paid to the account. The follow-up screenings have achieved excellent results, and if we ask for renewal, we will have the absolute priority to buy."

The latter one pretty much ensures that HBO\'s massive investment of resources doesn\'t end up doing someone else\'s wedding dress, unless they don\'t want to renew The Walking Dead.

And all these inputs will also become the most bargaining chips in subsequent negotiations.

Well, the excitement in other departments isn\'t so good for HBO\'s own self-made projects.

In order to expand revenue, not only the prime time period was given to The Walking Dead, but the focus of publicity resources was also entirely focused on The Walking Dead.

How much support can the rest give to self-made projects?

If the influence is insufficient, the audience will naturally be small.

Unfortunately, capital is profit-seeking.

If a cake that can be seen is not made bigger, will you consider other things?

Then came the report on the ratings and subscribers.

"In the competition at the same time last night, the "Walking Dead" project we launched successfully won the first place, and the ratings broke 6 points."

In the conference room ~www.novelhall.com~ everyone was even more happy.

Breaking 6 is not very high for HBO.

But for a TV series that has only aired one episode and the charm of the series has not yet fermented, the ratings can break through 6, which means that the future height is going up, and it is an absolute high-quality drama.

Of course, several directors of the self-made drama looked even more unnatural.

Even if it is a "family", there is an absolute competitive relationship between them.

There are only so many viewers. If your ratings are high, the ratings of others will be low.

Even if the popularity of "The Walking Dead" has continued to influence, it seems to be a rise, but does this person imagine that so many resources will be given to us, what will happen to the show?

It is the principle of human nature not to suffer from a few but to suffer from unevenness.

But for the high-level, there is nothing to worry about.

Reporting continues.

"...5.42 million new paying customers and 22.12 million old users renewing subscriptions, accounting for 92% of the original total user base."

If the previous ratings were good news, then this data is the foundation of HBO.

After all, HBO doesn’t take over the business of advertisers, and it relies entirely on the support of paying people.



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