Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 468: cosplay

January 7, 2005.

Hollywood, near the Walk of Fame.

It was still nine in the morning, but there were many pedestrians on the street.

And most of them are tourists who meet stars by chance or become famous overnight by scouts, or simply come to visit.

All in all, there is a lot of traffic.

Nearby businesses are also gathered together, and there are countless big names.

In the neighborhood that is less than ten minutes\' walk away, a black business Benz parked quietly on the side of the street. In the driver\'s seat, Lehmann stared at the front left with sunglasses, a hood, and a shaggy beard. A pair of street painting artists, Nicolas Cage, who writes and draws from time to time to chat with tourists.

At this time, he was fully armed and wrapped tightly. Even an iron fan who was very familiar with his face would not be able to recognize him for a while.

He was sitting on the ponytail, not knowing what he was painting on the raised canvas.

Since Lyman talked to him according to the script role, for more than half a month, Nicolas Cage has been playing his role on the ground, which is considered to be looking for feelings.

After a while, the passerby who was chatting with Cage turned and left, and Lehman also got out of the car and walked over.

"Hey, how\'s it going? How are you adjusting?"

I saw that the canvas was a half-scenario of a street, and it still looked decent.

"I learned it specially. I won\'t be acting in the future. It\'s also a job." Cage joked.

"Haha, get in the car, let\'s go to the company to talk about shooting."

Lyman helped him pack up and stuff it into the trunk of the car.

After getting into the car, Cage took off his headgear and sunglasses, and couldn\'t wait to ask, "How was my performance just now? Do you have a similar feeling?"

Lehman praised: "I\'m definitely satisfied to experience the character and bring it into the character. It\'s good if you can find this kind of temperament."

Nicolas Cage is a typical method actor, which can also be seen from the way he enters the play.

Subsequently, the "Mist" crew also officially held the first script reading meeting.

In the conference room of Firefly Pictures, Lehmann had a few actors he had chosen to be called.

In addition to Cage, Eva, and Samuel Jackson, there are also main partners such as Toby Jones and Nathan Gamble.

Everyone also knows what this gathering means. After all, after the casting work, Lyman only asked them to read the original novel of "The Mist", but it is still unclear what the script will be adapted into, and whether the characters will be outstanding. .

Therefore, everyone is looking forward to it, even the male protagonist Cage.

After all, screenplay adaptations and original novels are still not very likely to be confused.

It was also at this moment that Lehmann distributed everyone\'s lines and scripts.

A group of people chatted with each other, met each other, and gained some understanding. Lehman also took this opportunity to cultivate the tacit understanding between the actors and the incompatibility of the aura between the actors to refine some details of the script.

Well, the latter can be roughly interpreted as a sense of c, that is, the aura of the screen is more suitable and will not make the audience feel awkward.

After all, the male and female protagonists and the main supporting role have been changed, and the image styles and performances of Cage and Thomas Jane are also different. It is impossible for Lyman to follow the image of Thomas Jane\'s painter David in memory.

The same is true for the rest of the actors, who must be brought into the roles according to their own temperament, polished and adjusted.

After reading the script, a group of main actors and actresses also tried to perform a few scenes, pondering how much they need to be careful when performing.

For example, when Cage and Eva play against each other, they have to put it away and perform, otherwise, during the performance, Eva will be completely suppressed with momentum, resulting in a great sense of separation.

Another example is when Samuel, the gold-medal supporting role, needs to play, Cage needs to let go, otherwise the protagonist\'s momentum will not be obvious, and it is not good for the supporting role to overpower the protagonist.

Many fans feel a sense of embarrassment when watching a movie and do not participate in the play. A large part of the reason is that the actors do not cooperate well with the play and cannot control this degree.

And because Cage is tall, Eva\'s character can\'t wear high heels, and she must also make a pair of secretly raised flat shoes.

After all, if there is inconsistency due to her height, it will be more difficult for Eva to show the charm of her character under the edge of Cage, and it will give the audience a passer-by\'s impression, which is inexplicably irrelevant to the plot.

This is also a problem that often occurs in movies. There are many scenes, but it doesn\'t leave any impression.

For example, so-and-so sweet, the first-line masterpiece has taken a lot of resources, but it is not outstanding.

This is definitely not something that is clear without an explanation from passers-by...

After some exchanges, Lehmann also had a general idea of ​​shooting for several actors.

Letting them go through the group scene again, Lyman interrupted their movements and waved his hand to attract everyone\'s attention before he said:

"There are still two weeks to prepare. I hope everyone will fully understand their roles. No matter how bad it is, the lines must be familiar with each other. I don\'t want the crew to delay the progress due to the actors\' problems after the film starts. I hope everyone can take it seriously. the play."

Looking around, Lyman said it very seriously.

Everyone could also feel that Lehman\'s attitude was not a joke. Although he didn\'t say what the consequences were, it was not as simple as his tone.

Treating works should not be playful.

It\'s irresponsible for oneself.

Speaking of which, several actors nodded in approval.

After all, the requirements are not too much. Since you got the role, the crew trusts you, isn\'t it the most basic to memorize the lines?

Trying to figure out a role is what actors do most often.

To eat this bowl of rice, you have to give a gesture.

When I really got to the shooting scene, I didn\'t even know what to do, and I talked about how to shape the image.

A movie is by no means just pulling a few actors and designing a story, and it can be made well.

Lehmann doesn\'t care how they will treat the play. Anyway, if they fail to meet the requirements and delay the filming, it\'s not just about getting out. All loss obligations are marked in the contract~www.novelhall.com~The third-party regulator is responsible for .

Afterwards, Lyman ordered a little more trivial matters.

Such as image design, dressing; such as temperament issues, the experience of continuing to experience life...

After the party was over, Blake was busy sponsoring the crew, while Lyman was staring at the scenes, props and other work, and all the actors were adjusting themselves.

Time passed slowly in the busyness.

On January 15th, under the premise of hbo\'s efforts to build momentum, "The Walking Dead", which has gained a lot of attention, is about to prove its worth.

The content preview of the first edition was released long ago, and the audience\'s response was very enthusiastic. Anyway, hbo\'s support for the new drama is still very strong.

Of course, no matter how much hyped up front, no matter how high the praise, it still needs actual results as support...

And what about The Walking Dead\'s official debut?
