Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 456: need

Another day later, Firefly Pictures and Cage\'s agent, the senior partner of CAA who did not know which faction, interviewed for the conditional contract.

Cage has had good luck lately. The several films he has acted in have all sold well at the box office, and even his friendship cameo works have achieved good results.

According to the market prospect, the income of the quotation can exceed 20 million US dollars.

Lehmann didn\'t want to cheat him either. Although the basic salary can\'t be given so much, the 10% North American box office share and 5% of the North American offline revenue in the contract are enough to make up for the difference in salary.

In other words, let\'s bet on the box office of the movie together.

When the movie is a big hit, Cage can get more money, and vice versa, it will decrease.

In theory, this type of collaboration is also the most common way of sharing risk in Hollywood.

Speaking of the end, Cage\'s performance regulations are set as a basic salary of 10 million US dollars, which is paid in three installments, and the movie release can participate in the profit division of North America.

Then everyone gathered again to celebrate the achievement of the cooperation.

Nicolas Cage was very happy, and inevitably he drank a little more.

Lehmann helped to take him home again.

This guy still lives in Beverly Hills. Back then, he sold two properties to Lehman and Wen Ziren, and he still has two left to live in.

Moreover, there is no one in his family, and after leaving with his ex-wife, only a housekeeper takes care of the house.

Seeing that Cage couldn\'t walk steadily on the road he was drunk, he quickly helped him in.

December 26.

"Ride to New York" was officially released in North America.

Perhaps because there are too many new titles in the Christmas schedule and the competition is too fierce, "New York Trip" did not break through 400 million as expected, but was stuck at around 360 million.

As soon as Warner saw that it could not sell, he gave up after a few days.

After all, the movie has already gained a lot, and it is not a big deal to not win the honor of the annual box office champion in North America.

And the end of the year is approaching, and the "Million Dollar Baby", which is the most famous work in the Olympic Games, also needs to start its own awards season operation tour.

One of the prerequisites for running for the Oscars is that only works that have been screened in North American theaters in the previous year can participate in the competition.

Time is running out for Million Dollar Baby.

Anyway, every December is when a large number of literary and artistic works appear on the market, and this year is no exception.

For example, "Looking for Neverland" starring Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet; "The Aviator", starring Leonardo, the little prince, again; "Hotel Rwanda" starring Don Cheadle; Jack - The biopic "Soul Singer: Ray" starring Fox...

Since Lehmann conceived the idea of ​​a new work, his spirit has been in a state of excitement, and he appears to be very motivated.

Every night I don\'t want to sleep until the early morning, and the creation of the script is very fast.

Sometimes when Ryan is busy, seeing him like this, he will make fun of him for not being so interested in the TV series "The Walking Dead", but he is still a nominal producer.

However, Lehman also has his own reasons, "I am in control of the project, and I don\'t need me to shoot and produce."

"Then you say, I\'m also a producer, why do I need to go to the crew to help share the preparations? If only I can control it for a while."

"Those who are able work harder, you should work harder." Lehmann comforted.

"Forget it, it\'s good for you to be busy with your own projects. But what did Warners say? How does "Million Dollar Baby" work?"

When Lehmann heard this, he wondered: "How else can it work? Public relations, spending money, and buying off judges. Which film crew doesn\'t do this."

"It\'s not this, I want to ask about pushing it into theaters."

"It\'s also simple. You can\'t make a big announcement. Just pick a few theaters with better addresses, control the number of screens, and build up the reputation of the movie. Then, when various votes are drawn in February next year, you can concentrate resources on public relations."

Ryan has little experience in this area, and quickly asked: "I understand that a small number of theaters have accumulated word-of-mouth, lest there be too many audiences and film critics\' perception of the film will decline, but if it is not publicized, will it affect the theater\'s attendance? rate, the box office results are too ugly?"

Lehmann laughed: "Do you think those jury members are affected by the box office? They see works, not popularity."

If this is the case, then the Oscars don\'t need the presence of judges, and it\'s not enough to directly award the awards to the best-known works.

"Then what\'s the point of this selection?" Ryan said, shaking his head and frowning: "I was thinking, the benefits of this award are not very big. Why do so many people have to compete?"

"Come on. After an Oscar selection, how many people will the public relations expenses support? After winning the award, how many people in the industry will benefit? Also, don\'t you need direct monetary rewards sometimes? For reputation, no matter how many people get money Can\'t you come? You are not an actor or director, so how can you know their thoughts. This Oscar has nothing to do with you. "

Ryan was speechless.

The next day passed quickly in the hasty preliminary preparations.

On the 28th, Lehman dressed up, had breakfast, and drove to the Warner Bros.

At this time, it was the morning rush hour. There were too many vehicles on the road, and several trunk lines were blocked there.

Ryman and his valet Benjamin Joseph started and stopped, and it took a lot of time to arrive before nine o\'clock.

Regarding how to publicize Oscar, in addition to being a member of the Jewish community, Harvey Weinstein is a master here, and the big six are not bad either.

Anyway, they push a few movies into the competition every year.

In the reception room, several executives from the distribution department had arrived, and Barry Mayer also took time to participate in the discussion.

After Lehman came in, he greeted everyone first.

It took a little effort to get into business.

In addition to better public relations to attract votes, everyone is also discussing what the main competition awards are.

Sometimes it is also good to focus on the best adapted screenplay, male and female supporting roles and other awards that are slightly behind.

However, due to the victory of the Cannes Film Festival, the group is still very confident in the quality of "Million Dollar Baby".

"Compete for best picture, best director."

"The best male protagonist can also make an effort. Mr. Eastwood has a good impression in front of those contemporary judges."

"If you want me to say, it\'s still best to publicize the best film and win the most valuable award. The publicity work will be very convenient and the income will be maximized."

"No, get more nominations first, and then focus on public relations for all the awards that can be involved..."


"What do you mean? Lyman." Barry Mayer asked.

"Several people have good ideas, but the more awards they receive, the more proof the film is. Actors should also listen to their own opinions."

Well, the latter sentence is what Lehman really wanted to express.

He doesn\'t really need Oscar to be gilded now, but for several actors, except for Eastwood who has already won the two best actors, Morgan Freeman and Hilary Swank are in demand.



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