Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 450: cooperation reached

On December 26, Lehmann met the investors of the "Resident Evil" series in the company\'s reception room.

Among them, there is no French agent.

After all, that company is only responsible for publicity in the international market and does not account for the investment share.

Naturally, the relevant exchange of interests is unwilling.

A group of people have negotiated and discussed in private, and they have a certain charter.

To be polite, Paul Anderson directly offered their conditions as a representative.

"Mr. Lehman, we can give up 30% of the investment for the follow-up project development of "Resident Evil", but the source of the film still belongs to Constantine Pictures."


"The box office share of the film\'s revenue after its release is no less than 20%, and offline accounts can account for 15%."


"You can\'t interfere in the production of the film, but you have the right to make suggestions and part of the casting rights. We choose the people involved in the filming. If you encounter any difficulties, we will solve it together. How about it?"

A lot of conditions were listed, and Paul Anderson handed over another document, which was a formal cooperation agreement.

It can be seen that they have indeed reached an agreement, and they also want to cooperate with Firefly Pictures, otherwise, they will not squeeze out 30% of the investment share - Constantine will only have more than 30% of the share, and other investors will Let a part out together.

As for the conditions, it can be considered sincerity.

Lehman nodded slightly and took out the script for the first season of "The Walking Dead", "Everyone can take a look and give your opinion. If you are satisfied, this will be the basis for reaching a cooperation."

"This script was written by Mr. Ryman himself?" Paul picked up one of them, and saw Ryman\'s name on the line of screenwriters above, with a curious tone.

In fact, even if Lehman didn\'t come up with the script, these people still had a polite cooperative attitude.

But showing a little more sincerity can put the identities of several parties in a relatively equal position. At this time, when negotiating the distribution of interests, the opposite party can feel more at ease.

Lehman waved his hand, without putting gold on his face, "I just suggested some creative ideas. The storyline was carefully thought out by the screenwriting department. I have read it several times before you, and the script is still very well designed. market potential."

Paul glanced at the short half of the page, and said with some doubts: "This script does not seem to follow the main line of "New York Row"."

Lehman smiled and said: "If the scene is set in New York, the cost of shooting is too high, and the story arrangement will be difficult, so I just use the background of "New York Trip". Anyway, if it\'s time to promote it, I can rely on the popularity of the film. Well, it doesn\'t necessarily need to be completely close to "Row to New York" either."

Furthermore, "The Walking Dead" has a clearer concept of shaping zombies. As long as the storytelling ability is passable, the possibility of failure is still very low.

At this time, the person in charge of Constantine Pictures suddenly asked, "Does Mr. Lehman have a favorite project director?"

"Have any of you seen "Hellboy"?" Ryman asked rhetorically.

"Hellboy? That Mexican director." Another middle-aged white man from British capital seemed to have some impressions of the movie and said.

Lehman nodded: "Well, this is also our company\'s co-director. He has also directed "Blade Warrior 2" before. The style is just right for the production of similar works, and he is very good at shooting inhuman concepts. Especially the costumes Dao, the overall aesthetic concept, even I admire it."

The top is powerful because it is a serious art director, and has been honed in various production crews for more than ten years.

He has a lot of experience in grasping the Dao of Fuhua.

However, this person is just a little bit poor at telling stories, and always likes to shoot some messy content. Well, being too imaginative is not a good thing either.

A representative from a Wall Street investment bank said worriedly: "Why not find director Zach Snyder? It would be better for someone with experience to shoot."

"Zha Dao is tired from running the road show for more than half a month and needs to take a vacation. And he will also direct one or two episodes." Lehmann said affirmatively: "Furthermore, TV dramas are no different than movies, and they have greater requirements for scripts. Directing ability, as long as it follows the context of the story, it is impossible to screw it up."

"Then, if the TV series is filmed and piloted, which TV station does Mr. Lehman want to cooperate with?"

"Maybe HBO. I have a good relationship with Warner Bros."

Speaking of which, when the eighth episode of "Prison Break" was broadcast, the ratings even surpassed the third season of "The Wire" broadcast by HBO.

Paul smiled and said, "Maybe I should say in advance that I am happy to work together."

Lehmann promised them: "Don\'t worry, your investment share in The Walking Dead will also not be less than 30%. The proportion of the investment is in accordance with the industry rules, and the film and television copyright belongs to Firefly Pictures."


After the group\'s cooperation intention is roughly determined, other detailed rules and terms are easier to discuss.

Actually, there is basically no difference.

Production companies such as Constantine Pictures were reluctant to let Ryman intervene in the production of "Resident Evil", nor would they be willing to change the distribution company - Ryman proposed to let Blue Butterfly Pictures undertake part of the publicity and distribution, but was rejected.

In other words, they have unanimously recognized the distribution capabilities of Mubao Films - this company has also released the "Anaconda Disaster" series before.

As for the production and shooting of the film, they really recognized Lehmann very much.

But Lyman has promised Paul Anderson to support his say in the development of the project.

After all, Paul\'s market vision is not bad, and he also knows how to make the "Resident Evil" series of works.

In other words, the "Resident Evil" series has long been branded with a strong Paul Anderson production~www.novelhall.com~ This fellow has not only been a project director, but also participated in scriptwriting, and is also a project producer. people.

This is also what sets him apart from ordinary filmmakers. Constantine Pictures supported him in setting up the project and gave him a certain right to speak.

Well, after all the stakeholders involved, he became the negotiator.

Try to coordinate the operation of the project.

In short, Paul Anderson is not only a senior wage earner, but also wants to go for the right to sign and speak.

For Lehman, in addition to investing money, it is to support Paul Anderson in dealing with several forces.

After all, in the face of interests, brothers can have hatred.

Not to mention that this group of investors are all scheming, and they all want to take in a little more profit.

Fortunately, the big guys also know that the stall can\'t be overturned. All the fights are not too much - at least, on the bright side, they are still making money together in harmony.

After discussing the business, the cooperation agreement was also signed, and the group went to have a meal again, and communicated feelings at the dining table.

After drinking a lot of alcohol, Lyman found Paul Anderson again.



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