Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 432: "New York Row" (3)

"Last night, the doomsday disaster blockbuster \'Tour to New York\', produced by Firefly Films and released by Warner Bros., officially held its premiere at the Chandler Theater in Los Angeles. Big names gathered, the audience responded enthusiastically, and the atmosphere was hot."

"Produced by Lyman, directed by Zach Snyder, and joined by actors such as Christian Bale, Eva Green, Dwayne Johnson and other actors, the doomsday blockbuster finally met the audience and fans after much anticipation. The film mainly tells the story of a single father, Jack On a train bound for New York with our daughter Angie, the zombie virus began to rage and spread, and the passengers in the carriage rescued themselves."

"According to several major chain theater chains, "New York City" received a total of 5.23 million US dollars in the early screening of the midnight show yesterday, setting a zero-point box office record in 2004."

"From the third-party data and statistics business, we can know that "New York Tour" was screened at midnight, and the attendance rate was above 76%, and the favorable rate was also maintained at about 80%."


Media people are always the most olfactory group of people.

When "New York Row" received a midnight box office of $5.23 million, although it was still a little short of the midnight box office records set by "Spider-Man 2", "The Lord of the Rings 2, 3" and other masterpieces, this year, if nothing else happened If so, the record for the annual midnight show has been locked.

With such a stable reputation and high box office results, the market value has become a high probability event.

So no matter whether it is to **** the heat or grab traffic, and whether you have participated in the premiere or received a red envelope, anyway, the next morning these magazines and newspapers began to blow it up. Go, there is nowhere to write.

As for several films released in the same period, Paramount\'s "The Unfortunate Adventures of Raymond Snitch", Columbia\'s "Escape from Christmas", Universal\'s "Advantage Cooperation", New Line Pictures\' "After Sunset", including "National Treasure" has been released for more than two weeks. After this battle, it is difficult for these films to pose a great threat to "New York Trip".

"National Treasure" is very good, but it has passed its most market value. After so many days of release, it has scored more than 200 million North American box office, and its momentum has been exhausted.

Popcorn movies have always been like this, the momentum rises quickly and falls quickly.

If the two movies face off against each other in an upright manner, Lehmann is quite confident that he will overtake National Treasure, but the two tigers fight, and casualties are inevitable.

Don\'t look at the North American film market, which is already well-established and has a large number of screens. As usual, everyone will show together in groups. In fact, it\'s not as good as it is now.

Therefore, this time was also specially arranged by Warner, not only to avoid the edge of "National Treasure", but also not to be unable to eat a bite of meat.

The theater chain is very familiar with the thinking of Warner Films. On the day of the release, considering the good performance of the midnight show, adding 220 theaters will make up 3,240 theaters, and the proportion of films will be about 50%.

The poor "National Treasure" ranked second, accounting for 27% of the film...

As for other large and small works on the market, they can only share the remaining 20% ​​of the layout.

From this point of view, it is obvious that the theater chain has great expectations for "New York Trip".

Of course, the theater chain is optimistic, but it can\'t prove too much. In fact, the number of times the theaters and distribution companies are wrong is too much. The amount of filming is given at a discount. If the audience doesn\'t like it, it should be fluttered.

This thing has countless precedents in film history, and every year there is a time to see it wrong.

But obviously, the quality of "New York Row" is there, and the word of mouth cannot be bad at all.

Anyway, IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, as soon as the movie was released, the ratings went up instantly, the former was as high as 8.9 points, and the latter was 87% fresh. Although, it is a bit inflated, and the audience base is not large enough and not stable enough.

But the evaluation is there, and it is impossible to be so low.

This itself is a masterpiece movie that has verified the market prospects. It has also been re-arranged by Lehman, and the two generals Zha Dao and Wen Ziren have been hired to shoot. The main line in it is very clear, and some unnecessary preaching has been filtered out. It seems more refined, success is not accidental, failure is accidental.

The layout of "New York Row" is there. Compared with the small layout of ordinary zombie movies, the government, people\'s hearts, family affection and other elements are mixed together. Even "Zombie Shaun" and "Resident Evil 1 and 2" are not so good. Movies with a lot of storytelling can be a small success, and it doesn\'t make sense, and a better quality movie will be so bad.

What\'s more, the large-scale investment in the film, the special effects and pictures alone can give the audience a good visual viewing experience.

All of this shows that this movie is done with care and the quality is guaranteed.

However, Lehmann was still not carried away by the midnight results and took it lightly.

Does the enthusiastic attitude of movie fans also need correct publicity and guidance?

After all, you haven\'t even heard of movies, so why are you interested in movies?

Therefore, after the release, publicity is still essential.

The promotion on the Internet has made the news of the release fly all over the sky, and the relevant heat of forums and Yahoo is also brought by people.

In the offline area, poster posting and hard advertising also did not fall. Almost all traditional publicity channels have been laid in place.

Director Zha is also not allowed to be free. He leads the creative team everywhere, talk shows, radio interviews, and road shows, all of which are busy.

The enthusiasm of passers-by for watching the movie also continued to rise.

Passing by the movie theater, you can often see the scene of queuing up to buy tickets for "Tour to New York"~www.novelhall.com~ A good reputation and appropriate guidance have made the film fully occupy the North American Christmas market on the first day of its release.

"National Treasure", which can earn 3.17 million US dollars in a single day output, was ruthlessly swept into the ranks of the weak.

Other movies are even worse, and the box office is not as high as the old movies.

Originally, the number of films is not dominant, the market foundation is not good, and it is not a competitor at all.

There is a saying that whether the movie is good or not depends on the background of the peers.

Competitors in the same period are not very strong, "New York" is really cool.

Now most of the audience\'s attention is attracted to "New York Row", and the topic of discussion is naturally focused on "New York Row".

Humans are social animals, which means that when people around you are discussing a movie, they will unconsciously join in.

If you don\'t have the desire to watch movies, you will also have the desire to watch movies.

Around the early hours of the evening, Lehmann followed Blue Butterfly Pictures to conduct a survey of the marketing department. He was tired and tired.

However, basically, the theater attendance rate of each screening has remained good, which is considered a relatively intimate market reaction.

Just after one o\'clock, the call came...



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