Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 430: "New York Row" (1)

The sun had already set.

The law and order in Los Angeles is not good, so Bella quickly returned to the hotel after watching the movie.

At this moment, when she opened the document, she only felt that she had something to write on her mind, but she really started to write, but she didn\'t know where to start——

She frowned and wanted to think of a better place to break the question.

The change of mind of the protagonist, the shamelessness of the executive man in a suit, and even the government\'s inaction alluded to in the film... These are all points that can be written.

But the problem is that most of the characters portrayed in the film are egoists, and rarely have that kind of positive stance - Angie doesn\'t count, children\'s minds are immature.

Perhaps, to summarize it more comprehensively?

Bella thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a suitable idea.

Sitting in front of the computer, she typed on the keyboard to describe her film review of "Ride to New York".

The title is - we can be humble like dust, not twisted like maggots.


"I\'m a person who doesn\'t like watching disaster films very much, because this kind of subject matter is extremely easy to limit the creator\'s thinking, and the theme of the whole article basically cannot escape the three words \'live\'.

Either the desire to survive is greater than everything else, and the protagonists survive; or it is meaningful to set how the protagonists die.

Obviously, if disaster films want to create characters, they can only work hard in these two directions, but the point is that the same theme makes it more difficult to highlight the highlights.

Speaking of which, there are so many successful disaster films, such as "Independence Day" and "Alien" series, how many characters can be remembered?

There is not much novelty. Wei Guangzheng has too many characters, so he gets bored, and he can\'t touch it if he is far away.

But "New York Row" is different.

There are always people who think that the world is black and white, but they ignore gray.

Jing Wei is clearly not good, and the too one-sided portrayal of the characters is so thin that it is confusing.

It can be said that most of the characters in "New York Row" are often encountered in reality. Aside from the background setting, it will be a proving ground that focuses on depicting \'human nature\'.

For example, in the movie, as soon as the protagonist Jack appeared, and the zombies were still more than halfway away from them, he could very cruelly shut the strong man and his pregnant wife out of the door. People who can\'t run fast enough are self-declared death sentences.

If it wasn\'t for the strong man\'s quick hands and feet, he would definitely die at the mouth of a zombie, and being scolded as \'scum\' would definitely not be too much.

But is he really bad? Can\'t. Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, the unknown infected person will bite and rush over here. In such a critical situation, who can make the most selfless choice?

In fact, the reality is mostly like this, and often the more something is missing, the more something is advocated.

Isn\'t it because advocating to be selfless in being a human being and taking the overall situation into consideration makes it more valuable?

The fact is that the human heart is unpredictable. When faced with a choice between life and death, people will always reveal the truest choice in their hearts.

Therefore, it cannot be said that Jack\'s choice is wrong, nor that he is right.

Opening the door can indeed save the two of them faster, but the risk factor is too great. What if they are breached by zombies, what will happen to the people in the carriage, including daughter Anji?

Under the circumstances at the time, it was safer not to open the door than to open the door, it was as simple as that.

There\'s nothing wrong with self-serving, but it\'s hard for people to get used to hurting others.

For example, the transformation of the protagonist Jack is also an atonement mentality of Angie and self;

Another example is a cheerleader who would rather risk being ostracized with his loved one than go along with the waves;

Also, a strong man with a strong sense of responsibility, the life of the person he loves is more important than anything else...

These characters can make people feel good, but they are also based on protecting the people around them, they belong to self-help, and it is impossible to say where selflessness is going.

As for the villain in the movie, the executive man in a suit, he is also an egoist. Is there any difference from the above?

Everyone seeks to live, and the fault lies. He likes to let others sacrifice their lives.

And manipulating people\'s hearts with a mouth full of benevolence, righteousness and morality.

That\'s what makes him disgusting. There\'s nothing wrong with trying to survive, but it can\'t interfere with other people\'s lives!

To mobilize one group of people to force another group to die, and to kill the humanity of the survivors around them in order to survive, is the most vicious concept of the film.

At every turning point of the plot, this extremely selfish person can deliver the most precious assists.

Urge the train conductor to leave as soon as possible; provoke people to refuse to open the door; confuse the train conductor to go out to attract zombies; if he can\'t escape, he pushes the cheerleader to the zombies that are chasing him; until the end, he can kill the driver who came to save him and join forces with him. Jack died together.

Arguably, he is one of the best characters (smiles).

In addition to the characters, the zombie scenes that rush to the face and the heartbeat are equally powerful in the movie. The combination of special effects and costumes reveals a shocking visual effect. The director\'s portrayal of people\'s fragile performance in the face of disaster and panic is even more admirable.

The reality is often more cruel than imagined, and the so-called undead halo of the protagonist has never existed.

Although, I don\'t want Jack to die (laughs). "

The film review is finished.

After checking it, Bella quickly sent it to the reviewing editor.


Late at night, the Beverly Hills mansion.

Lyman leaned against the head of the bed, holding Eva, who had just finished exercising and was sweating slightly, in his arms, and unconsciously rubbed his right hand on her smooth back.

"There are still several hours before the midnight show ends and the box office at the midnight show is released. If you want to sleep first, you can find out when you wake up tomorrow." Eva suggested looking at his slightly tired face.

"I can\'t sleep, if I\'m sleepy, go to sleep first, I\'m waiting." Lyman touched her cheek~www.novelhall.com~ He is now a bird in shock, for fear that any news that is not good for "New York Trip" will appear. .

why? Really short of money.

The acquisition of Lismanwish Films has almost exhausted the working capital of Firefly Films. In order to keep Ryan\'s private property, he has to pay back more than 100 million personal loans. If "New York City" suffered severe losses and could not make any money, You have to think about who to sell the shares to hematopoietic.

Warner, Paramount, Lionsgate... These three partners who often deal with each other have all made moves to win over.

And if "Ride to New York" is powerful, Firefly Pictures and Blue Butterfly Pictures still have more than 30 million US dollars on their books to maintain stability, and they can support WB TV to share the revenue of "Prison Break"——

The TV industry is not much different from the movie industry, but there is always a need to divide profits batch by batch.

The first batch is the income of more than 20 million yuan from the purchase of broadcasting rights.

When the bulk of the advertising expenses and the offline market are not shared, it is estimated that the money will not be seen until March next year.

The company\'s daily expenses and movie announcements cannot be delayed, so it is necessary to "act on a whim". You can\'t see any problems with the company\'s capital chain. For this reason, people have to accept it.



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