Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 423: Christmas Stuff (2)

A few days later, on November 23, in the evening.

The Christmas season is in the middle and late stages, and the box office battle is still one-sided.

It is in such a circumstance that the premiere of Zha\'s debut film "Ride to New York" was held at the Chandler Theater.

It\'s not too high-profile, and high-profile is useless. Now that all the news pages have been warmed up for so long, those who should know the news also know about it.

Only with achievements, quality and word of mouth, we can **** the audience and fans of the Christmas stall.

Having said that, Warner\'s face cannot but be given, and there are still not many media friends who come to the scene.

After all, it is a new film invested by Firefly Pictures, and the distributor is Warner Bros. Although the director is a newcomer, he is still quite well-known in the MV and advertising circles. Everyone also wants to know if it has the strength to PK "National Treasure".

Zach Snyder, James Wan, Eva, Jake Gyllenhaal, Dwayne Johnson, and several Warner distribution executives all attended the premiere and sat in a row after the red carpet and interviews.

The premiere? Let’s watch it first.

Zha Dao took the microphone and looked around at the fans below, feeling a little emotional.

I was addicted to the feeling of being watched for a few seconds, but I came back to my senses. First of all, I would like to express my thanks to the media reporters, star actors and crew who came to join us today.

"This film was ready to start in June. After more than 5 months of hard work, hundreds of people worked together to complete the production of "Tour to New York". Today is the result of witnessing all this."

Zha Dao looks very emotional, because it is really not easy. Bearing the pressure of hundreds of millions of productions, it is definitely not so easy for a director like him who has just stepped into the film circle.

Or, he has been holding back for more than half a year.

"Here, I would like to thank Director Ryman for his strong support and unparalleled trust, as well as James Wing, Eva, Jack, the entire filming team... for their cooperation."

After finishing speaking, Lehman, as the investor and the film\'s producer, also went up to say a few words, one is to express his expectations for the movie\'s box office, and the other is to praise Zha\'s efforts in the production of the film.

For three years, the people and things he has come into contact with have made it very easy for him to deal with similar situations.

Even if some reporters and media keenly found some confidence in the new film\'s performance in Lehman\'s words, they expressed curiosity about it and asked a question.

"Mr. Ryman, as a zombie apocalypse horror movie, "Row to New York" has a similar box office record as "Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse" starring Milla Jovovich, with more than $51.2 million in the United States and worldwide 78.14 million US dollars, compared to the cost of expenditure, just from the box office level, it is still a loss, why do you have the confidence to invest more than 100 million US dollars to shoot such subjects."

It seems that the reporter has done his homework. The visitor is not good.

Lehman chuckled, "Then why is the "Resident Evil" series a failed work, and they are still willing to continue investing in filming? I think, no one is a fool, and I also heard that Constantine Pictures has a lot to do with the third film. The script is already in preparation."

A rhetorical question, the reporter who asked the question earlier has been silent.

"Resident Evil" was a box office loss, and it lost a lot.

Comparing the shooting cost of more than 45 million US dollars, even if the announcement is not counted, the world has only accumulated more than 78 million, and at least lost nearly 35 million.

But people have different ways of making money.

Why don\'t you talk about the sponsorship fees of game developers and the explosion of the movie\'s offline market?

Just by being in the top 20 of the annual list on the DVD rental list, the profits from this can make up for the difference in the box office.

Not to mention that the audience base of the movie market for this genre has been increasing, and the potential for growth is huge.

The growth rate of the same series is increasing by a huge amount.

As a result, the third film was profitable at the box office, and the fourth film made a net profit of more than 100 million. The sequel has a very long lifespan.

I caught a theme and smashed wool, and I have smashed seven books. At least the value of the entire series is definitely more than 2 billion.

What is a gold mine, this is a gold mine.

"I\'m still very confident about this type of subject matter."

Just after Lehman finished speaking, another reporter asked, "What are your expectations for the box office?"

"Of course I hope the more the better, but this also depends on whether the audience supports the film."

"can you give me more detail?"

"Then 300 million, it has to be equal to the investment cost."

Lehman thought for a while, looked at the reporter who asked the question calmly, and confidently expressed his psychological expectations.

"300 million in the world?"

"No, 300 million in North America." Lyman frowned, feeling that the reporter had no understanding.

But from the reporter\'s point of view, Lehmann is so conceited - too much self-confidence is conceit.

Some media people can\'t wait to go back to catch up with the draft, and want to slap Lehmann in the face.

"A zombie thriller movie has never won 300 million yuan, and there is none in the world. What\'s the point of "New York Row"?"

"Movies, compared to the past, are not all about whether fans accept it? A work of good quality will naturally be accepted."

The premise is that it is announced properly. Lehman silently added in his heart.


Bella recently visited several major theaters in Los Angeles because of the film review column.

Repeatedly watching movies, but also writing about the experience of watching movies, and substituting work into life, is tiring.

But you can\'t help but do it, right?

But for today\'s premiere, she still holds a lot of interest.

Lyman\'s new film.

The name is worth a look.

Bella adjusted her sitting position and took out small notes at any time to record...

Not far from her~www.novelhall.com~Paul Anderson also sat comfortably in his seat.

He is the director of "Resident Evil 1", and also the screenwriter and producer of the series.

After the first film failed at the box office, he hired other directors to direct the second film.

Unthinkable, the box office is still on the street. Although the overall income of the movie is still profitable, who doesn\'t want to make more?

The script of the third part is still being conceived, but Paul Anderson, who has been frustrated continuously, lacks self-confidence. He doubts whether the "Resident Evil" series can only make money at the box office, otherwise the profit will be too small and unstable.

In case the rush is too strong, I don\'t know if there will be investors who will continue to support it.

When he learned that a masterpiece with a similar theme was released, and that Lehmann was a golden sign in the market, Paul Anderson came to see "New York Trip" with a certain mindset.

Of course, if you fail, you can learn lessons to prevent you from falling into the pit.

I don\'t know why, seeing that Lehman is very confident that the domestic box office can exceed 300 million, he is very willing to support it.

The larger the market for zombie themes, the more favorable it is for the "Resident Evil" series.

Anyway, zombies are indeed a bit of a niche in the film industry.



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