Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 413: exchange of benefits

This wave of confrontation between Lehman and Andrew belongs to an exchange of interests after their respective calculations.

Lehmann doesn\'t want to make an effort to share in the advertising, and he is betting that "Prison Break" is bound to become popular, so the long-term benefits are far more worth fighting for than some short-term benefits - for example, the current film and television market in the distant homeland is not standardized.

But in the future, it will definitely be taken seriously again, and it is good to seize the opportunity.

"Prison Break" is a phenomenon-level enlightenment American drama there, but the US side does not have that kind of momentum. It can only be said that it is not bad. It will not break 7 or 8 like "Friends".

Why do you say that?

It may be that some of them were exposed to American TV dramas very early, but they have always been in a very small circle.

Until 2004 and 2005, the market for American dramas suddenly exploded in the mainland.

The madness of chasing dramas.

"Prison Break" is the best time to catch up.

Because I used to watch those American dramas through pirated discs, and when "Prison Break" was launched, it encountered a great breakthrough in torrent download technology.

Many popular American TV dramas at this time were spread on a large scale by the trend of new media such as blogs and forums.

For newcomers, the plot of "Prison Break" is cooler, more suspenseful, and easier to accept.

When the dug hole is filled, there is no suspense, which is also the biggest key to "Prison Break" being less prominent in the United States. Of course, it is not as water-filled as the original version now, and the stamina must be sufficient.

As for why it has become a phenomenon in the mainland, there are actually several reasons to sum it up.

The first one is definitely the change in network speed and quality, from squeaky kittens surfing the Internet to broadband, otherwise, there will be no breakthrough in torrent download technology, and there will be no soil cultivation;

The second is the rise of subtitle groups. It is still difficult to enjoy the viewing experience if you are exposed to American dramas and do not understand English;

Third, it is justifiable. Many student groups can learn English directly on the grounds of watching American TV dramas, and they are supported by many parents and teachers.

How did the audience at the time soar?

for example.

At that time, the forums would be down, not like the current social media because of star chasing or some very hot scandal news that caused the server to collapse, but because of the weekly update of "Prison Break", which caused everyone to have crazy discussions, making Forum server down.

Its charm is immeasurable.

Of course, no matter how high the amount of BitTorrent downloads is, Lehmann can\'t make a dime from there, but the market foundation laid in advance is undoubtedly a good move for companies in the film and television industry.

But for Andrew, he certainly doesn\'t have such a long-term vision.

If he could agree to this condition, he was completely betting on the name of Lehmann, and the market value in the future would definitely not be decadent.

At present, WB TV does not have many very competitive programs, and its market share is completely incomparable with other companies. It can be said that it has already stood on the edge of a cliff. If it retreats, the TV station will definitely not escape the fate of reorganization.

It\'s not like he wasn\'t warned like this himself.

Furthermore, many of the programs produced by the TV station are not very promising.

Not to mention that those who are not profitable or not, can\'t even walk the road, and making a little more is useless at all.

The TV station was gone, and he was fired, so why are you fighting over and over again?

In fact, if the TV station is not currently supported by the ratings of "Prison Break", and its news section still has some background, the financial statements of the last few months will definitely be ugly.

In this way, it has steadily broken through three, and there are also dramas with market potential, and advertising costs that are indirectly or directly brought about - more than 50 minutes of content with six advertisements inserted, and a total of more than 130 million US dollars.

The TV station\'s revenue is close to more than 83 million.

A lot of blood came back.

If "Prison Break" really hits the streets, maybe the TV station can\'t even afford the normal personnel and salary expenses.

At that point, he would have to follow the previous station directors and resign decisively.

Unprofitable and a huge financial burden, which group is willing to support all the time?

Neither did Warner Bros.

Not to mention that HBO, a sub-channel owned by Warner Bros., has always been profitable, firmly occupying the No. 1 position among a group of paid subscription competitors.

Isn\'t HBO unable to complement Warner\'s media sector?

This is also the reason why Warners has become more and more cold to WB TV.

Under such internal and external pressures, Andrew managed to grab a life-saving straw and spend all his energy to promote "Prison Break" produced by Lehman Company, which is almost the best choice for him at present.

However, Lyman is not so aggressive, nor does he strive for the biggest profit point of the TV series. In Andrew\'s eyes, the advertising share is a statement that he is more willing to cooperate and actively strive for cooperation.

Andrew had a willing idea for the offline share, and there was a possibility of a win-win situation.


The next day, Lehmann and his team of lawyers carefully checked the various terms of the contract.

After there is no problem, exchange contracts quickly and keep them for each other.

"It\'s a pleasure to work with."

"It\'s a pleasure to work with."

At that time, while Lehman was looking for the production team of "Prison Break" to continue shooting, Andrew was also giving a conference speech in the conference room of WB TV: "Obviously, the "Prison Break" we paid for has a certain market potential that needs to be developed. Digging, although this drama is not at the forefront in terms of the overall market this year, in terms of quality and audience reputation, it is definitely a correct introduction."

Andrew said, looking around.

In the production department of the TV station, many program directors bowed their heads.

Especially the film and television production department, it is even more shameless.

"So the next thing to do is to increase the publicity."

Andrew\'s voice changed ~www.novelhall.com~ and a smile finally appeared on his serious face: "This drama has been officially signed, and we must increase resources for promotion."

Originally it was a pilot broadcast, and the resource tilt was not too much, or it was not the kind that WB TV stations needed to do their best.

Now that I am my own person, of course I don’t need to think about my own projects.

Only the market value of the largest development "Prison Break" is the most important.

"Arrange the most channels for promotion."

Andrew resolutely said: "I will let the finance department allocate funds. I hope that the TV station can make persistent efforts to produce more and better programs in the future."


Everyone nodded in agreement.


Andrew\'s tone was rather high-spirited.

Afterwards, that night, many WB TV programs were broadcast with trailers for the new episodes of "Prison Break".

At the same time, news of "Prison Break" began to appear in various related press releases, online and offline. Print media, websites and other channels, and the joint TV station all exerted their efforts.

"Prison Break" is on fire...



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