Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 405: Chainsaw Two's Earnings

Chainsaw 2.

Since the release on September 7th, it will be released on October 13th.

This work, which is favored by all film investors, has not failed to live up to the market foundation that has been laid out by the previous work.

After more than a month of screening, it can be regarded as a relatively qualified answer for Lehman and Paramount Pictures.

"Chainsaw 2" spent nearly 35 million US dollars in total from the shooting to the announcement, and from the post-production to the copy transportation.

The domestic box office hit more than 73 million in one fell swoop.

Opening high and walking low, although it is not very stable, it still draws a very good-looking box office chart.

Of course, if it really counts, it\'s just barely recovering the cost.

But overseas and offline operations are pure profits.

In this era, the Hollywood market alone can support a movie, and the number of each year is not too much.

To be able to do this step is completely above the pass line.

In addition, Paramount\'s publicity resources are quite strong, and compared to a low-cost sequel production, the requirements cannot be placed too high.

There is also the reputation of the film.

This aspect involves the offline operation of the film.

Although the genre of the film is still not loved by film critics, in a certain audience, maintaining the excellence of the previous film is enough to gain their support.

Therefore, the score of "Chainsaw 2" is not bad.

On the two most representative websites on the Internet.

The IMDB score is 7.2, and the freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes is still 67%. No rot.

In any way, Paramount has released a film that is above the standard.

And with the cooperation agreement between Firefly Pictures and Paramount, it is undoubtedly time to share the cake.

At the same time, Paramount also negotiated the first round of TV rights for "Saw 2".

Signed a five-year copyright contract with ABC TV for $8 million.

All peripheral income is closely related to Lehman\'s Firefly Films.

At the box office, after deducting various taxes, Paramount first received a total of more than 34 million North American box office shares from the theater.

As we all know, this part of the money is not a profit that can be shared.

Paramount has to take its own distribution commission from it, 10% of the North American box office, which is more than 7.3 million US dollars, and then part of the publicity and marketing expenses shared by both parties. For this reason, Paramount has to split it up. More than 6 million. Then there is the loss of copying and transportation, more than 3 million.

As a result, Paramount wanted to take away more than 16 million US dollars in the entire box office revenue.

The remaining more than 18 million belong to Firefly.

But that\'s not the company\'s earnings yet.

Because the main creators of the crew also need some box office incentives.

When the contract was signed, everyone was a remuneration agreement with a similar base salary plus bonuses.

Although others are not as high as Paramount, the total of zero and zero has exceeded more than 5 million.

In the end, less than 12 million fell into the company\'s pocket.

In this way, after working so hard to make a movie, the earnings are not as much as the distribution company. Of course, this is quite normal in the industry, but in fact this part is not the final full benefit.

Because of the film and television copyright, it is their producers who take the big bucks.

In Hollywood, the enrichment of industries provides too many possibilities.

For most Hollywood movies, if they can\'t make any money from the box office, such as "Catwoman", which fails to a huge loss, there are also dolls, figures, and product licensing to bring income.

It is also an offline market such as DVD, which is a profitable way for movies to achieve high returns.

The advent of the DVD era, to some extent, saved some of the big Hollywood studios.

The most typical example is Columbia Pictures.

Relying on a "Spider-Man", from the middle of the year to the end of the year, the financial statements are not good-looking.

The same goes for Spider-Man 2, which was released this year.

After the summer season ended, I immediately started to promote offline sales.

A set of DVD, also divided into regular edition, and deluxe edition.

With a few posters and shooting footage, it can be priced at $39.

You know, the burning of a CD, because of the large number of compression costs, is less than 5 cents. One percent loss is high.

And this, let "Spider-Man 2" sell more than 5 million sets in the first week alone, with an explosive revenue of more than 120 million US dollars, and the sales of the previous work exceeded more than 10 million, and gained more than 200 million. .

This is still the sales in North America.

Think about the European countries such as Britain, Germany, and France. Almost all of them are pan-English cultural circles, and there is not much cultural exclusion.

In today\'s era, the huge offline market can still support first-line blockbusters.

This is the essence of Hollywood.

"Chainsaw 2" undoubtedly caught up with such an era.

It won\'t take too long, with the further improvement of online video technology, DVD sales will decline rapidly.

In mid-October, Paramount also officially launched the DVD of "Saw 2" into the North American market.

Taking the large offline sites such as Best as the main sales carrier, a new round of making money has been launched.

As for sales, it\'s not as good as those big box office hits.

But the sales figures for the week were equally encouraging.

More than 1.5 million sets were easily sold, and more than 21 million US dollars were harvested.

"Saw 2" is not as outrageous as "Spider-Man", and it only costs $13 for a CD with a poster.

However, this money needs to give the underwriter about 5% of the channel fee~www.novelhall.com~ and 10% of the promotion fee.

Then there is the split between Firefly Pictures and Paramount.

In this meeting, Firefly will get 70% and Paramount will get 30%.

Compared with being exploited by all parties at the box office, the benefits brought by the offline market are more friendly to producers.

This is also the reason why some production companies prefer to distribute all the box office and hold the copyright tightly.

And it\'s a long-term business.

DVD rental, selling in the market, eating meat for a few years, and drinking soup for a few years are all normal things.

What\'s more, in today\'s overseas market, the total box office of "Chainsaw 2" has reached more than 30 million.

Although various countries and regions have different share ratios due to policy and tax issues, the share that Europa Pictures can get is not the same, but in general, after deducting announcements, the share ratio can roughly account for the overseas box office. 45 percent.

This also includes a share of Firefly Pictures.

Europa Pictures is also a very good partner.

Both markets are complementary.

No. , after PricewaterhouseCoopers helped to calculate the profit sharing, Paramount Pictures paid Firefly Pictures the first sum of US$50 million in accordance with the agreement.

The rest will be delivered one after another within two months.


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