Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 396: TV Market (3)


At night, it started to rain heavily outside.

The wind was blowing, and the big house looked extraordinarily empty.

Lyman was sitting on a chair in the study, writing hard.

For this new drama, he is still responsible for finalizing the outline and characters first, and then handing it over to Jonathan and other people in the screenwriting department to fill in the details and enrich the plot.

Speaking of "Prison Break", he also watched it in his previous life.

I watched it for the purpose of absorbing the strengths of foreign film and television dramas.

In other words, he was new to the society, and he was more attractive when he was new to this subject, and the domestic TV series still stayed at the annual "Han Zhu Ge Ge".

Now let\'s talk about the plot.

In fact, it is not complicated, there is only one main line, just like the title of the play - "Prison Break".

So much so that after a group of criminals made concerted efforts to escape from life, the story became clichéd. Obviously, the lead screenwriter never thought of filming so many seasons.

Lehmann never thought of doing this.

This kind of unfinished ending is quite normal for American dramas, because at the beginning, everyone didn\'t think about where they would be able to shoot. crash.

And what he means is that it is directly set to only have three seasons. 12 episodes in a season.

Set a good scope and have a beginning and an end.

In this way, it is easier to grasp the direction of the story.

For example, one and a half seasons tell the story of the prison, and one and a half seasons tell the story after escaping, and it has to be set that most of the fugitives are captured, except for the protagonist group, who used some clever tricks to take root in Mexico and were not arrested... ...

Lehman is the one who hopes that this drama can be included in the boutique, laying the best foundation for his TV drama department first, and erecting the sign.

This is a very symbolic attempt.

After completing the outline and entrusting the remaining tasks to Jonathan\'s screenwriting department, the preparatory work began.

Ryman also held a small meeting for this purpose.

In fact, it is allocating tasks.

A TV drama group formed by the production department of Firefly Pictures.

Executive Producer: Lyman.

Director: Top, Wen Ziren, and even Ray Warner. American dramas are rarely completed by one director, and most of them shoot a few episodes by one person, and the upper and lower styles can be consistent with the script style. That means, shoot according to the script, don\'t mess around.

General photography: Thomas.

Screenplay Writer: Jonathan Nolan.

Lehman whispered softly and commanded: "Let me talk about our work. The script is still being written. This is the matter of the screenwriting department, and then I will go to find suitable actors and determine the schedule. As for Thomas, go to Kanjing, find a suitable prison location, look for the abandoned building that was once used as a prison, and after finding it, start to decorate it.

Roughly the upper limit of spending is about 10 million.

Then there is the interior scene of the studio, or it is still leased to Warner\'s studio to shoot, remember to communicate.

Adding up the scattered shooting expenses, the budget is around 20 million. "

The meeting was not long, it just established a general direction.

After the meeting was over, they quickly took action.

For the production department, except for "Batman", several projects this year still need to be filmed by manpower. Most of the rest have been completed, and the company has sufficient filming manpower.

Without much delay, the design and manufacture of props and costumes began.

Then, the news spread in the circle.

Immediately, comrade Kevin Howian from CAA couldn\'t wait to arrive.

He came with a mission.

I want to provide packaging services for actors for TV dramas.

A brokerage company, with so many resources, of course they don\'t want to let go of every opportunity to realize it.

Actors are popular, and they earn a lot.

According to the agreed terms, most of the dragon roles are almost all covered by CAA.

The warden, police officer, prisoner, etc. who don\'t have many roles, Ryman doesn\'t care who chooses.

As long as it fits.

He has cooperated with CAA for so many years. In this regard, everyone cooperates very well.

As for the protagonists and supporting cast, you can\'t just choose them casually.

Aside from asking CAA to provide a cast list, Lyman didn\'t get too comfortable.

William Morris, ...

Almost all the brokerage companies in Hollywood that can speak, Lehman asked them to select a list of actors.

Are you picking an actor? Lehmann has seen the original version once, and he is very confident.



The assistant walked into Charles\' office with a cup of coffee. Said: "The movement over there is not small."

"It\'s okay, TV dramas are not something you can play casually." Charles is very confident and reluctant to let go of power. He has to personally take care of many things in the TV department.

At this moment, he said: "A few days ago, I talked to people from FX (the TV station under 20th Century Fox), and the new project has already been announced, called "People to Middle Age". It is a sitcom, looking for a new project. I wrote several episodes of "Friends" and invited Andy Comey to play. I listened to those people\'s ideas and thought it was very likely to succeed, so everyone was ready."

"Friends" premiered on NBC in September 1994 and ended in May of this year.

In the past ten years, ten seasons have been ranked in the top ten of the year, and its status is quite high, and it has also driven the popularity of global sitcoms.

"How could WB TV support him?"

Charles was a little disdainful, "What\'s the use of support, there is no comparison at all. Besides, the ratings of ~www.novelhall.com~ depend on the content of the show. FX is the best among them."

The platform itself is also the reason for Charles\' confidence.

Although he felt that Lehman must be prepared, he was always on guard against what he was trying to do.

But he didn\'t expect to start from the TV production he is most familiar with.

For this aspect, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Charles glanced at the news of the new drama released by the WB TV station in the new newspapers and magazines, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

He attaches great importance to the discourse power of his own Lismanwish Films. If "Man to Middle Age" can overwhelm Roushzi\'s "Prison Break" in terms of ratings, it will undoubtedly hit Lehman\'s morale heavily.

It also made that person dare not be so unscrupulous, disturbing the turmoil in the company.

Nowadays, internal disputes are becoming more and more obvious.

Even the TV department that brought him was a little unsure.

The two mountains of Lionsgate and Firefly Pictures are pressing down, but it is easy for people to make a choice.

At that time, if he really becomes a bare commander, he will undoubtedly get out of the way like Hunter.

It took him so many years to build the hard work, but also to let the company steadily establish a foothold in the film and television industry, not to let others steal the fruits of victory.

No matter what, he won\'t just grab it.

Wait and see, Lyman.


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