Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 388: intervention

The importance of distribution channels to the film and television production industry is self-evident.

It is said that it is always possible to share a third or even half of the income of a movie with a relatively low investment and relatively little risk, which makes everyone jealous.

Inside the office.

Lyman was still thinking, smoking a cigarette in silence.

Johnson talked in detail about the second way of establishing the way.

Relying on several companies with channels to build along their path is far better than starting from scratch.

Just like Lismanwish Films, it took more than four years to understand the nationwide theater resources and offline market from scratch. If it was them, it would definitely not take so long.

After listening for a while, Lehman suddenly said, "If we win the management and re-enter the market, can we get another shareholder out of the game?"

"It\'s a bit difficult." Johnson was stunned for a moment.

Lehman added: "It seems that some reinforcements are needed."

Johnson thought about it for a while, and saw that Lehman still wanted to buy Lismanwish Films, so he didn\'t say anything.

He thinks that only half of the shares are better than the current situation.

Otherwise, if you really want to build it yourself, it will definitely cost less, but the time cost is too high, and it requires a lot of energy.

Leiman was still thinking about it, and he had some plans in his heart, but he didn\'t want to tell anyone right now. He stood up and tidied up his clothes, and then put out the cigarette butt, and said, "Let\'s go, have dinner."

Hearing the word "eat", Johnson also nodded and followed Lyman out.


At night, return to the mansion in Beverly Hills.

Lehmann sat quietly on the sofa alone.

Eva received an endorsement and went to France to participate in the brand\'s promotional activities.

As for him, since he came here, things have been happening in a continuous manner. He didn\'t expect to stop him for a little while, but after careful calculation, it would be in such a situation.

He has been fascinated by channels for a long time.

Today, there are only twenty or thirty film companies on the market that can distribute across the United States, and most of them are those that do not have enough film sources and go to the offline market.

After all, if you can\'t release a few movies throughout the year, the channel will be of great use.

Perhaps, we can start from this.

Lismanwish Films doesn\'t make much money in the channel.

After a long night of sleepless nights, the next day was greeted with hard work.

In just one week, Thomas went from being excited and excited to tired and complaining.

Anyone who has watched the material dozens or hundreds of times will do this.

It\'s not enough to just look at it, but I also think about how to cut it.

Repeat this, and the re-cut is completed.

A total of more than 800 minutes of material, after cutting, there are still more than 120 minutes left.

Next, while inserting a suitable soundtrack, continue to cut.

I cut out some redundant shots to make the film more rhythmic.

In addition, during this week, Johnson also exerted a certain influence on Lismanwish Films under the deliberate campaign of Lyman.

In such a film company, the shareholders themselves want to sell their shares, which is the source of easy internal chaos.

Needless to say, the management is all thinking about the impact of this incident.

Will the new shareholders dictate their jobs, and will there be changes in their positions?

It\'s all hard to tell.

And Johnson, too, is very slick.

While negotiating with people about the transfer of shares, he led the headhunting company to directly contact the management to test their ideas.

Or lure, or coerce, or appease.

In short, it is to give them a thorough understanding first, and explain their own intentions.

He also tried every means to grab the regional heads of the entire distribution channel.

After a while, the rumors that Firefly Pictures will acquire shares are getting more and more popular - this is of course Johnson\'s order according to Lehman.

During the negotiations, Lehman gave Johnson a certain amount of autonomy and also gave him a lot of money to lobby the management.

In the end, after some tug-of-war, the transfer of 40% of the shares was calculated at a valuation of 600 million by Lismanwish Films, and it would take 240 million to win.

This amount of money is very large, and they do not accept illiquid funds to pay off, nor do they accept periodic payments.

Otherwise, the other shareholder can eat it, not because he doesn\'t have so much cash in his hand, but he can\'t wait so long to buy a plastic mold factory.

Regarding this acquisition, Joseph, the head of the administration department, came to persuade him several times, saying that the company\'s development was a little urgent, and he was afraid that the foundation would be unstable.

Lyman smiled comfortingly, listening to what he said, but doing what he did.

In the end, even my friend Ryan came over to discuss: "Is there any problem with spending money like this?"

Lehman looked at Ryan and didn\'t answer. Instead, he asked, "Ryan, if the money runs out and you need a loan from the bank, would you agree?"

Ryan said indignantly: "What do you say, I must have always supported you."

Lyman smiled, patted Ryan on the shoulder, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It\'s not like asking for guilt.

"Don\'t worry, I know what to do."

Ryan still can\'t understand Lehman\'s thoughts. If he can\'t build a channel as soon as possible, no matter how the Firefly Films develops, they will always be stuck by others.

Furthermore, in terms of film production, it has an upper limit, and I have never heard of any film company that can gain more market share without any distribution channels~www.novelhall.com~.

In this way, build earlier, build later, and always have your own channels.

After finally waiting for an opportunity to intervene, do you just watch it slip away?

He was reluctant to start from scratch in his heart. It would only be the lowest choice. Unless he could not acquire a suitable distribution company, he would not take the last step and spend a lot of time and energy on training people who can adapt to the market.

And, he wanted more than that.

Let Johnson take the equity for sale first, and have the right to speak. Maybe Lismanwish Films will become the situation he wants.

Soon, Lehman\'s actions had some effect.

Although many people are interested in this equity transaction, but for the sake of funds, it is because of Johnson\'s earlier contact and tentative intentions. If there is no accident, the final transaction should be included in Lehman\'s pocket.

The management did not defect immediately, but they also released goodwill.

It is unrealistic to expect a group of adults to be moved by language under the premise of unclear circumstances, but Lehman wants very low-in conflicts, they can maintain a little neutrality and do not favor either side.

The TV drama business and distribution business, where the company\'s focus is placed, is also part of Lehman\'s calculations.

And the other shareholder is the home of the TV drama industry. I believe that the management of the distribution department will make a suitable choice.

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