Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 384: Night

The market appeal of actors determines the concentration of resources in the circle.

The fact that Jim Carrey won the leading role in Lehman\'s new play has made many actors in the circle envious.

Everyone knows that Lehmann\'s plays are very flattering, and it\'s not that the actors have euphemistically expressed their willingness to cooperate.

However, people are always perfunctory.

When the news came out, the media didn\'t react much, after all, there was no publicity. Many film and television companies speculate in their hearts that the type of new drama may be a comedy.

Jim Carrey, don\'t do comedy or anything. This is the view of many people. At the beginning, he insisted on chasing the Oscar and plunged into the literary and art circle. It was also the reason why no strong production company invited him to cooperate.

They are the most important group of people to estimate the market outlook.

Besides, is the director Lehmann?

This guy likes to try new things.

Even some people always think that he is out of his mind and doing thankless things. For example, after filming "Three Silly", he won the Oscar for best foreign language statuette, and then went to film the World War II movie "Fury".

Finally, "Bad Guy" has become normal, and the box office continues to sell well. If you don\'t grasp the existing success in this area, you will abandon the accumulated market reputation and go to make love movies.

I have never seen a director so special.

If they are asked to choose, they must follow the successful genre films, dig deeper, and type the director\'s business card. For example, when it comes to gangster films, Martin Scorsese will come to mind; , the most artistic director, only thinks of Woody Allen.

But thinking about the consistent style of this product, well, it is estimated that people will keep trying new types if they haven\'t settled down.

Well, he thought so too.

A movie, full of variables, how good it is, and more challenging.


Lyman is good at driving stories with characters, a fact that has been emphasized more than once.

This is also the reason why the actors in the circle think his plays are very flattering.

Most of the perspectives are aimed at the characters, can you not let the audience pay more attention?

And after entering the "Daydreamer" crew, Jim Carrey also really felt Lyman\'s ability as a director to control the crew and do it with ease.

Everyone was shooting everywhere in France, and when they went to Iceland, they were shooting everywhere, and they were all real shots. There were very few scenes completed in the studio, so that the shooting team of so many people would not cause any confusion and contradictions. This is something that ordinary directors cannot do.

Then, this guy also likes to call on Thomas, Ryan and other core members of the crew from time to time, including the actors who have a role in the next day, a group of people discuss the next shooting together, let everyone have an idea first, so that the shooting will be more smooth.

Few directors are willing to do that these days.

In order to ensure majesty, or they don\'t like to tell dramas, some people usually do not communicate with actors equally on how to shoot, and listen to other people\'s opinions. He is different. He even thinks that if the idea is good, he will specially reorganize the scenes for the actors, adding and changing some of the actors\' own ideas.

In Jim Carrey\'s view, Lyman has a very strong creative **.

This kind of creative desire, he often sees in the independent literary and art circle.

On the contrary, the more rigorous a commercial film is, the more its personal thoughts are wiped out.

Everyone is filming step by step and showing it step by step.

Noisy and noisy, and then being suppressed by the management, is a common thing he sees.

Therefore, being respected for opinions is also the reason why he admires Lehmann very much.

So successful, yet so enterprising.

This reminded Jim Carrey that when he just made a big splash in Hollywood with "The Detective Plane", he was very proud of everyone\'s praise, countless invitations for cooperation, and compliments from the wine party and the people around him.

In those days, he was also the most defiant, playing big names, deliberately being late for filming, in short, very inflated.

Later, he was able to calm down, and it was only after he became more and more successful that he slowly figured it out.

But after chatting with Thomas and Ryan, I learned that Lehman\'s favorite thing about making movies is to draw a frame, and everyone fills it in together, but he doesn\'t like to be arbitrary. This is his style of doing things. He doesn\'t care about others, and he doesn\'t care too much about others.

Or, he could create Firefly Pictures just to make himself better at making movies.

The most important thing is that Lehmann has been so successful and won the annual box office championship in France, and he can still maintain this relatively harmonious atmosphere of the crew. It\'s not easy.


When the west wind comes, fleeting years secretly change.

The shooting time always flies so fast, as if in a trance, July has passed.

This month\'s Hollywood movies once again brought a lot of cheery box office results to the broader film industry.

In this month alone, the cumulative monthly box office of Hollywood movies reached 960 million, an increase of 11% compared to July last year, and there were also two films with a box office of over 100 million in that month.

Of course, there\'s no Hellboy in it.

Although the film has not been fully drawn yet, and it is lingering on hundreds of theaters, the total domestic production of the film has exceeded 50 million in January, which is barely able to recover the cost of expenditure.

However, relying on the overseas operation of Europa Pictures and the offline channels and peripheral development of the copyright itself, there is definitely no problem in terms of profitability.

It is estimated to earn more than 20 million, which is the limit of the film. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Therefore, in addition to "Spider-Man 2", there are other films that exceed 100 million locally.

In mid-July, when "Catwoman" fell into a huge decline, 20th Century Fox suddenly launched the modern sci-fi film "Enemies Robot", also known as "I, Robot", which hit the market.

Originally, the July schedule is not so lively, and depending on the market capacity, if the three first-tier commercial masterpieces are released one after another, it can only be damaged. Unable to tap the maximum market potential.

But who made "Catwoman" not hold the market?

More than 20 Fox companies are also very good. Seizing the opportunity, the announcement and distribution have only been done for a few days. Let’s first push the film into the theater and occupy the market share.

Does this make "Catwoman" even more embarrassing.

As soon as "I, Robot" was released, most of the theaters of "Catwoman" were cut in half. It was already miserable. Without the support of the cinema, it would be even worse.

Originally, I could make millions of dollars a day, but when I came across "I, Robot", I couldn\'t even get this amount of box office money.

Alas, Warner is heartbroken, but Fox is very happy to laugh.

"I, Robot", which was scheduled in advance, because there is no one on the market that can play, "Spider-Man 2" has passed its strong period again. This film directly swept 70% of the market share, and then this film broke billion...